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单词 early
early/′ɜ:li, AmE ′ɜ:r-/ adj & adv [-yier/-yiest

adj(1) 早的, 初始(期)的(near the beginning of a period of time a course of action a series of events etc):~morning清晨;the~part of the century本世纪的初叶; an~hour of the day 凌晨; a man in his~twenties 一个20岁出头的男人; the~stages of an animal's growth 动物生长的初期; an~riser 早起的人; the~works of Beethoven 贝多芬的早期作品; 〖反〗 late;

(2) 比平常或指定时间早的(happening sooner than usual or expected):an~arrival/death/maturity of the mind 提前到达/夭折/思维早熟;~closing/warning 提前关门/事先警告; We grow~rice. 我们种早稻。It's too~to go yet. 现在去太早。The young man was~for the interview. 那个年轻人提早赶来参加面试。The bus was half an hour~. 汽车早到了半个小时。He was one of the~arrivals. 他是来得最早的人之一。Thebird catches the worm. (prov) 捷足者先登。〖同〗beforehand;〖反〗late;

(3) 早先的,古时的(belonging to a period far back in time):the~musical instrument/architecture 早期的乐器/建筑; The archaeologists uncovered an~Egyptian city. 考古学家挖掘出一座古代埃及城市。E~man learned to use boats thousands of years ago. 早期的人类在数千年前就学会了使用船只。〖同〗 ancient, primitive; 〖反〗 modern;

(4)及早的, 早日的(in the near future)[作attrib] [无comp]: We hope for an~production of the play/reply to our letter/settlement of the problem. 我们希望这个话剧早日上演/我们的信件早日得到答复/这个问题早些解决。

adv (1)早,初,开始,在初期 (near the beginning of a period of time course of action or series of events): go to bed/get up/leave~早睡/早起/早走; My father is up~. 我的父亲起得很早。The campers set out~in the morning. 露营者一大早就出发了。~in one's life 在某人一生的初期;~in the year/this century 年初/本世纪初叶;~in the development of cars 在汽车发展的初期 〖反〗late;

(2) 比通常或指定时间早地 (sooner than usual or expected): He came half an hour~for fear of being late for the appointment. 由于担心约会迟到, 他提前半个小时就到了。〖同〗beforehand;〖反〗later;

(3) 早先,古时,很久之前 (far back in time; long ago): Man learned the usefulness of tools/learned to use tools~. 人类在很久以前就懂得了工具的重要性/学会了使用工具。This small island was inhabited as~as a thousand years ago. 这个小岛早在1000年以前就有人居住了。〖同〗 previously;

(4) 尽早(so as to allow enough time):Please give your reply~. 请尽早答复。

at your earliest convenience 请尽早(fml):Please reply at your~est convenience. 请尽早答复。

an early bird 早起(到)者:People with a large family to support are usually~birds. 需要供养一大家子人的人通常都起得很早。The~birds got the best seats for the match. 早到的人占据了赛场最好的座位。

(it is) early days (yet) 为时过早 (infml, 尤 BrE):It's~days yet to make up my mind. 现在要我下决心还为时过早。

early on 在早期:He became famous~on in his career. 他在事业的初期便已经非常著名了。

→′earliness n 早(期)





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