n. reward奖赏。
△3H.VI.4.7.87: “Come on.brave soldiers: doubt not of the day. / And. that once gotten.doubt not of large pay.”(large pay:great re-ward.) 出发,勇敢的兵士们:我们一定胜利,一旦胜利,一定大大奖赏你们。
1. repay,pay back. give in requital报偿,偿还,回报。
△Mac.4.1.131:“That this great king may kindlysay / Our duties did his welcome pay.”让这位伟大的国王高兴,我们尽力报答了他的欢迎。
△Tw.3.4.308(276):“and on the answer,he pays you as surely as your feethit the ground they step on.”至于他还击时回敬起来,那就像你走路时脚踏在地上一样万无一失。
△2H.IV.Epi.11(10):“I meant indeed to pay you with this,”我本来的确想用这出戏来补偿诸位。
△H.V.3.2.129(116): “and I'll pay't as valorously as I may,that sall I suerly (= surely)do.”我要勇敢作战、报答国家,我一定要这样做。
△H.VIII.32.182(181):“the honour of it(i.e. the honour of be-ing loyal to one's sovereign) Does pay the act of it(i.e.the act of being loyal).” (Proverb:“Honour is the reward of virtue.”)为人臣者的忠诚定会得到荣誉的报偿。
2. pay... out. punish向…报复,惩罚。
△H.V.4.1.212(197): “You pay him then!”i.e.Well. you pay himout then,if he breaks his word! (Sarcastically) 那么,你去找他算账好了!
3. settle accounts with.finish off,i.e. kill跟…算账.干掉,(即)杀掉。
△1H.IV.2.4.216(192): “Two I am sureI have paid,two rogues in buckram suits.”我确信有两个人已经被我干掉了,两个身穿粗麻布衣裳的家伙。
△1H.IV.5.3.47(46):“I have paid Percy,”我已经把波西干掉了。
△ 1H.IV.5.4.113: “’Sblood,'twas time to counterfeit,or that hot termagant Scot had paid me scot andlot too.”他妈的,刚才幸亏我装死,要不然那个性子急躁强暴的苏格兰人早就把我彻底勾销了。
pay home: ❶ completely discharge the debt to,fullyrepay完全还清欠…的债,全部偿还。
❷deal effectivelywith,give... a home thrust有效地对付,给…以致命的一击。
△1H.IV.1.3.289(288): “Till he hath found atime to pay us home.”直到他找着一个时机把他欠我们的债完全还清(双关:把我们彻底解决)。
~ vi. settle a debt算账。
△1H.IV.5.4.42: “It is thePrince of Wales that threatens thee,/ Who neverpromiseth but he means to pay.”现在威胁你的是威尔士亲王,他答应的事向来是说到做到,从不欠账的。
◇be in the pay of由…雇佣的
hell to pay痛责,严厉惩罚
in the pay of被…雇佣
pay as you go账单到期即付,量入为出
pay attention to讲究,讲求
pay back偿还,报答,报复
pay close attention to抓紧
pay down用现金支付
pay for偿还,赔偿,付款
pay for one’s footing缴纳入会费
pay for sb.and expect to be repaired later垫付
pay in缴款
pay into(把钱)存入(银行),捐款
pay in advance预支
pay into account转账支付
pay into an account记账
pay no attention to漠视
pay no heed to置若罔闻
pay obeisance to向…致军礼
pay off a mortgage坠毁,坠落
pay off清偿
pay one’s check付账
pay one’s debt还债,还账
pay one’s respects to致哀
pay out支出,偿还,支付
pay sb. back for sth.报答某人
pay the piper承担费用
pay through the nose被勒索
pay up全部付清
‖ ability to pay支付能力
pay a bill付账
pay a call on partly paid shares交纳未缴足股数
pay a check (cheque)付薪金用的支票
pay a condolence call吊丧
pay a deposit交定金
pay adjustment薪酬调整
pay a formal visit拜见
pay after tax扣除税后支付
pay a New Year call拜年
pay an interest at regular intervals按期付息
pay an official call拜会
pay an official visit官方访问
pay a premium for付佣金
pay a return visit回访
pay a sum of money付款
pay As You Earn所得税预扣
pay as you earn所得税预扣法
pay as you go grow approach按增长支付成本
pay a tax纳税
pay at desk付现
pay attention专心
pay attention to civilization讲文明
pay attention to ethical as well as material progress物质文明建设和精神文明建设一起抓
pay attention to tangible results讲究实效
pay a visit拜访
pay a visit to走访
pay a visit to one’s parents or relatives省亲
pay back in kind以货代款
pay back installment分期付款
pay back method偿还期法
pay back period还本期
pay back reciprocal method偿还期倒数法
pay back transaction付还交易
pay band薪酬级别
pay bill工资单pay by cash兑现,付现款
pay by installments分期付款
pay by means of a bill用期票偿还
pay by the month按月交款
pay by the piece按件付款
pay by transfer电汇付款
pay card工资卡
pay cash on demand要求偿还现金
pay cash on the line付现
pay cash付现金
pay check付工资的支票
pay clerk出纳员
pay close attention to cultural and ethical progress高度重视精神文明建设
pay comparison survey薪酬比较调查
pay conversion薪金换算
pay cut工资削减pay day付款日,发工资日,结算日
pay determination薪酬厘订
pay dividends付股息
pay duty纳税
pay earnest money付定金,付保证金
pay envelop工资袋
pay expenses缴费
pay fees缴费
pay followers工资水平居后者
pay for holidays休假工资
pay for illness leave病假工资
pay for part-time teaching兼课钟点费
pay for the job按工论酬
pay freeze工资冻结pay grade工资等级
pay heavy price付高价
pay improvement package改善薪酬方案
pay in cash现金支付
pay income tax缴纳所得税
pay income tax on a consolidated basis汇总缴纳所得税
pay increase加薪
pay index薪金指数
pay individual income tax缴纳个人所得税
pay in full一次付清
pay in installments分期付款
pay in kind非现金支付
pay in lieu of leave薪金代替假期
pay in money以现金支付
pay-in slip存款单
pay later延期付款
pay leaders工资水平领先者
pay level薪酬水平,工资水平
Pay Level Survey Advisory Committee薪酬水平调查咨询委员会
pay list工资单
payload capability有效载荷能力
payload capsule有效载荷舱
payload mass有效负载质量
payload sensor有效载荷传感器
payload weight有效载荷重量
Paymaster General主计大臣
pay method支薪方法
pay money down付现款
pay net cash全付现金
pay news有偿新闻
pay off a debt清偿债款
pay off a score付账,还债
pay off bonds还清债券
pay off debts清偿债务
pay-off control支出控制payoff diagram收益图
pay off in game-sinning runs在决胜得分中起作用
pay off method for capital investment资本投资回收法
pay off one’s creditor偿清债务
pay off period投资回收期
payoff pitch二击三球后的投球
pay off the principal and interest本息均付清
payoff window领奖处
payoffs compared with the costs减去成本后的盈利
pay on account付作定金pay on application申请付款
pay on demand见票即付
pay one’s dues还账
pay order支款凭证
pay out放松绳子
pay out a rope放绳
payout bank付款银行
pay out period投资回收期,资金偿还期间
Payout-Protection Rule “保护偿付”规则
payout ratio股利支付率,派息率
payout time资金偿还时间
pay over the counter直接交易
pay package综合工资
pay packet工资袋
pay parity薪酬对等
pay phone投币式公用电话
pay pocket工资袋
pay point支薪点
pay policy薪金政策
pay progression薪酬递增
pay property tax缴纳财产税
pay range工资幅度
pay reading room收费阅览室
pay ready money以现金支付
pay reciprocal method偿还期倒数法
pay relativity薪酬对比关系
pay religious homage to朝拜
Pay Research Advisory Committee薪酬研究咨询委员会
pay retroactively补发
pay review mechanism薪酬调整机制
pay roll工资清单
payroll audit工资审计
payroll bank account工资银行账户
payroll clearing account工资结算
payroll clerk薪资结算员
payroll cost薪酬开支
payroll cost of increment应付增薪额
payroll credit工资转账,代发工资
payroll fund工资基金
Payroll Input Form薪酬数据表格
payroll scale工资比例
payroll system薪俸记录系统
payroll tax就业税,雇员税,薪资税
pay scale薪级,工资标准
pay scale for ranks with staff holding personal salaries个人支取薪金的职级及薪金表
pay sheet工资单
pay slip支付传票
pay statement工资单
pay station公共电话亭
pay station board公用电话台
pay student自费生
pay tax缴税,纳税
pay tax according to regulation照章纳税
pay tax in kind用实物纳税
pay tax on the total amount of income按收入金额纳税
pay taxes as required照章纳税
pay television收费电视
pay the amount due付到期额
pay the amount in full全部付清
pay the difference付差额金
pay the interest accrued支付应计币利息
pay the penalty缴纳罚金
pay the reckoning付账
pay to the bearer付给持票人
pay-to-the-driver bus无人售票车
pay trend薪酬趋势
Pay Trend Indicator薪酬趋势指标
pay trend survey薪酬 趋 势 调 查
Pay Trend Survey Committee薪酬趋势调查委员会
pay tribute进贡
pay TV付费电视
pay up付清
pay up a debt还债
pay up a share缴付股金
pay up shares in full全部缴清认购股款
paid cash book现金支出账
paid check付讫支票
paid debt已还清的债务paid dividend已付股息
paid in advance预付
paid-in capital实收资本,实缴股本
paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock由优先股转成的实收资本
paid-in capital from retirement of stock收回股票所得资本
paid-in capital from treasury of stock出售国债所得资本
paid-in stock已收股本
paid-in surplus缴入盈余
paid leave有薪假期
paid maternity leave有薪分娩假
paid off付清,付讫
paid out支出,开销
paid outside work有薪外间工作
paid stamp“付讫”戳记
paid-up capital实缴股本,缴入股本,实收资本
paid-up check已付支票
paid-up gratuity缴足的抚恤金
paid-up loan还清的贷款
paid-up share 已缴股份
paid-up stock已缴款股票,已缴款股份paid use of state-owned resources国有资源有偿使用
paid vacation带薪休假
paid vacation leave有薪例假
paid without protest无异议支付
pay warrant支付命令
paying ability支付能力
paying according to work按劳计酬
paying agent付款代理人
paying an indemnity赔款
paying bank付款银行
paying capacity支付能力
paying certificate付款凭单
paying reparations赔款
paying teller付款员
payable adj. 应付的,支付给…的
payable account应付账目,应付账款payable agent付款代理人
payable as per endorsement应按背书付款
payable at expiration如期偿还
payable in installments分期付款
payable news有偿新闻
payable on demand随要随付
payable royalty有偿转让
payable to bearer凭票取款
payable with exchange外汇支付
payables register应付款项登记簿
other payables其他应付款
payback period of investment投资回收期
pay by credit card刷卡
payee[peiˈi:]n. 收款人,领款人
payee clauses收款人条款
payee of bill汇票收款人
payee of money order汇款的收款人
payee’s account收款人账户
payer bank付款银行
payer for honor代兑退款的付款人
payer in warrant保证付款人
paying adj.支付的,有利的n.付,支付
payload n. 有效载荷,战斗部,弹头
paymaster n. 发薪人员,工薪出纳员
payment[ˈpeimənt]n. 支付,付款,报酬,偿还
balance of payments disequilibrium国际收支失衡
balance of payments statement国际收支表
balance of payments国际收支
payment abroad境外付款
payment after delivery货到付款
payment against arrival of documents单到付款
payment against documents through collection凭单托收付款
payment against presentation of shipping documents凭运单付款
payment against documents credit凭单据付款信用证
payment agreement支付协定,支付协议
payment at sight见票即付,即期付款
payment authorization付款授权
payment balance支付差额
payment bond履约保证
payment by a letter of credit凭信用证付款
payment by bill凭汇票付款
payment by draft凭汇票付款
payment by installments分期偿还,延期付款
payment by letter of credit凭信用证付款
payment by mistake of fact误付
payment by post邮寄付款
payment by remittance汇拨支付
payment by tale按金属货币单位支付合同款项
payment by transfer拨付
payment by the transfer of accounts转账支付
payment capacity支付能力
payment commission付款手续费
payment countermanded止付
payment credit付款信用证
payment criteria发放款项准则
payment deficit收支逆差
payment disequilibrium国际收支不平衡
payment document支付凭证
payment draft credit凭信用证收据付款
payment equilibrium国际收支平衡
payment estimate支出概算
payment for collection托收方式结算
payment for goods货款payment for honor supra protest第三者承付被拒票据
payment for honor代兑退票
payment for services劳务酬金
payment forward付定金
payment gap收支差额
payment habits支付惯例
payment in account账面付款
payment in arrears拖欠款项
payment in commercial papers以商业票据支付
payment in dollar terms用美元支付
payment in due course按期支付
payment in kind以实物付款
payment in lieu of notice代通知金
payment in stock用股票支付
payment instrument支付凭证
payment insufficient付款不足
payment into court向法庭存交金额
payment ledger支出分类账
payment letter of credit支付信用证
payment limitation of value-added tax增值税纳税期限
payment method付款方式
payment notice缴款通知
payment notice of auditing审计缴款通知书
payment of a check支票付款
payment of a note票据清偿
payment of academic research学术研究费
payment of accounts by standing order根据客户给银行的定期通知付款payment of balance支付余额
payment of bill汇票付款
payment of costs支付费用
payment of credit偿还贷款
payment of debts偿还债务
payment of dividend股息分派
payment of duty付税
payment of exchange结汇
payment of fee费用缴纳
payment of freight运费支付
payment of goods货物支付款
payment of goods by installment货物分期付款
payment of insurance支付保险金
payment of interest付息
payment of interest and repayment of the principal还本付息
payment of overseas accounts国际记账付款
payment of premium交付保险费
payment of shares交付股金
payment on a receipt凭收据付款
payment on account分期偿还,赊账付款
payment on account of credit支付贷款
payment on banker’s credit银行信用支付方式
payment on collection basis托收支付
payment on commercial credit商业信用支付方法
payment on deferred terms延迟付款
payment on delivery交货付款
payment on invoice凭发票付款
payment on long-term debt长期债务还本付息
payment on receipt of credit凭收据付款信用证
payment on terms定期付款
payment order付款单,付款委托书
payment position收支情况
payment procedure支付方法
payment received付款收讫
payment respite延期付款
payment side付方
payment slip现金支付传票
payment surplus收支盈余
payment terms支付条款,付款条件
payment terms and insurance付款条件与保险
payment through transfer of accounts转账支付
payment under reserve保留式付款
payment valuation支付估价单
payment voucher支付凭单
payment vs payment (PvP)汇款同步交收,实时汇款同时交收
payment with order预付货款
type of payment付款方式
under payment of a tax obligation税款交付不足
under payment of tax税款交付不足
payments balance国际收支差额
payments position国际收支状况
payments reserve支付准备金
payments currency支付货币
payoff n. 工资,报酬,回报,收益
payout n. 支出
payroll n. 薪水册,工资单,工资表
payroller n.靠工资为生的人