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patiencen. 1. endurance忍耐。 poor patience: silent endurance无言的忍耐。 △Oth.13.214: “But he bears both the sentence and the sorrow / That,to pay grief,must of poor patienceborrow.”i.e. But the poor condemned man must bothpay the penalty and suffer the sorrow. relying on hisown small stock of silent endurance. 但是只能用无言的忍耐来抵消悲痛的人却要忍受判决和忧愁的双重负担。 2. indulgence. forbearance宽容,容忍。 △Mer.2.6.21:“Sweet friends,your patience for my long abode:” 好朋友们,请你们宽容我耽误了这么久。 △Ado.5.1.102:“wake your patience.”恳求你们的宽容。 △Ado.5.1284(271):“I know not how to pray your patience,”我不知道如何请你原谅。 3. calmness in suffering. long-suffering 坚忍,委屈。 △Mid. 3.1.200(191): “I know your patience well. ”我很知道你有一肚子委屈。 4. self-control自制。 △Lr.4.3.18(16): “patience andsorrow strove / Who should express her goodliest.”i.e. Who would give her the most beautiful expres-sion. 节制和悲痛互相竟争着谁能把她表现得最优美。 △1H.IV.1.3.199: “Imagination of some greatexploit / Drives him beyond the bounds of patience.”想像中的伟大事业使他完全失去了抑制能力。 take patience: control yourself克制自己。 △Lr.2. 4140(138):“I pray you,sir,take patience.”大人,我请你要克制一些。 5. calmness. composure镇静,沉着。 △Mac.4.2.2:“You must have patience,madam.”你一定要镇静。 6. leave. permission. allowance 许可,允许,准许。 △Ham.3.2.113 (107):“they stay upon your pa-tience. ”他们正等候殿下的吩咐。 7. indulgence,leave,permission宽容,许可,准许。 △As.5.4.187(180):“Sir,by your patience.”i.e. excuse mea moment,please. (A request to the Duke that themusic should be stopped.) 先生,请准我说句话。(按:杰奎斯请求公爵将音乐暂停。) △Tw.2.1.3: “By your pa-tience. no.” 不,请原谅。 △1H.VI.2.3.78: “But onlywith your patience,that we may / Taste of your wineand see what cates you have.”只求你允许我们能尝一尝你家的美酒佳肴。 △R.III.4.1.15:“By your patience. / Imay not suffer you to visit them.”请原谅,我不能允许你去见他们。 by your patience: with your permission请允许,请原谅。 △H.V.3.6.31(30): “By your patience,AunchientPistol. ”请原谅,皮斯多旗官。 Patience (cap.): 1. statue of Patience cut on a tomb. 在坟墓上刻的“忍耐”雕像。 △Tw.2.4.116(114):“She sate like Patience ona monument,/ Smiling at grief.”她坐在那里,对着悲哀微笑,像是墓碑上雕刻的“忍耐”的化身。 2. name of a gentlewoman of Queen Katherine忍耐,凯萨琳王后的一位侍女之名。 △H.VIII.4.2.o.s.d.:“EnterKatherine. Dowager,sick;led between Griffith,hergentleman usher. and Patience,her woman.”寡妃凯萨琳带病上,由她的引导员葛利菲斯和她的侍女忍耐搀扶着。 patience[ˈpeiʃəns]n.耐心,忍耐(力) ◇be out of patience with对…耐不住 have no patience with不能容忍 try sb.’s patience惹某人生气 ‖ patient[ˈpeiʃənt]adj.耐心的 n.病人 ◇patient of容许 patient role病人角色 |