paten. head (used in contempt or in ridicule) 脑袋,脑瓜。 △Ham.2.2. 607(572): “Who calls me villain, breaks my pate across,”谁骂我小人,打破我的脑壳。 △Ham.5.1.84 (78):“This might be the pate of apolitician,”这也许是一位政客的脑瓜。 △Oth.2.1.125:“my invention /Comes from my pate,” imag-ination comes from my head. 我的灵感来自我的头脑。 pate on thee: your head 你的脑袋。 △ 1H.IV.2.1.32(28): “An ’twere not as good deed as drink to breakthe pate on thee,I am a very villain.”打破你的脑袋要不是一件跟喝酒同样的好事,我就算是坏蛋。 pate[peit](法语) n.颜料色彩,制作陶器的材料 ‖ pate de verre玻璃料 pate dure瓷器 pate sur pate泥浆堆花浮雕 pate tendre制作陶器所用的软制黏土