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单词 pass


1.passage 通行,通过。
△Ham.2.2.77: “quiet pass”,peaceful passage. 平安借道(通过)。
2. voyage 航程。
△H.V.2.Ch.36.:“There is the play-house now,there must you sit,/ And thence toFrance shall we convey you safe,/ And bring youback. charming the Narrow Seas / To give you gentlepass;”(Chorus says playfully that though the audi-ence are to be taken to France,they shall have asmooth voyage across the English Channel.)现在戏园子也搬到那里(骚桑普顿),你们是在那里坐着,我们就要把你们从那里平安地送到法兰西,然后再把你们接回来,我们念咒作法,使得(英吉利)海峡风平浪静,让你们往返无恙。
3. thrust or lunge in fencing (比剑中的)刺,戳,猛冲。
△Wiv.2.1.232(225):“your passes,stoccadoes,and Iknow not what.”刺呀,戳呀,还有别的什么花样。
△Ham.4.7.138: “a pass of practice”,暗算的一戳。
△Ham.5.2.61:“Between the pass and fell incensed points / Ofmighty opposites.”在两个强敌刀来剑往、残酷厮杀之中。
△Oth. 5. 1. 23 s.d.:“Makes a pass at Cassio.”向凯西奥刺去。
4. sally,encounter,a round (of fencing) 出击,冲突,(击剑的)一个回合。
△ Tw.3.4. 305 (274): “I had a passwith him,rapier,scabbard,and all;”我跟他连剑带鞘较量过一回。
△ Ham.5.2. 172(165): “in a dozen passesbetween yourself and him,”在你和他交手的十二个回合之中。
5. state of affairs 情况,事情。
△Shr.5.2.125 (124):“be brought to such a silly pass,”碰上了这样的傻事。
6. state of embarrassment or difficulty,predicament窘境,困境。
△Lr.3.4.62(63):“What,has his daugh-ters brought him to this pass?”怎么,他的女儿们把他弄到这步田地吗?
at that pass: in that predicament在这样的困境之中。
△Com.3.1.17: “and being at that pass./ Youwould keep from my heels,and beware of an ass.”我处在这种境地,你最好躲开我的蹄子,当心驴性发作。


1. go over. go across走过,横过。
△3H.VI.4.7.5:“Well have we passed and now repassed the seas,And brought desired help from Burgundy. ”我们顺利地渡海过去,又顺利地渡海回来,从勃艮第带来所希望的援兵。
2. surpass,exceed. excel超越,超出,超过。
△Shr.1.1.129(126): “though it pass your patience and mine toendure her loud alarums,”虽然你我都忍受不了她的高声咆哮。
△Rom.1.1.242(236):“passed that passing fair”,胜过那位绝色美人。
△Ham.1.2.85: “But I have thatwithin which passes show,”但是我内心里有非外表所能表现的东西;我的心事是超越表现的。
△R.III.1.3.285(284):“for curses never pass / The lips of those that breathethem in the air. ”i. e. Curses return upon the heads ofthose that curse; they have no effect on others. 因为诅咒一出诅咒者之口,就一点效力也没有。
3. pass over,ignore忽略,不顾。
△Oth.2.3.246(244):“Yet surely Cassio. I believe,received / From himthat fled some strange indignity / Which patiencecould not pass.”我相信凯西奥一定是受到逃跑的那个人什么不寻常的侮辱,因而才无法忍受。
4. pass in review,go through回顾,仔细检查。
△Mac.31.79(78): “This I made good to you / In our last con-ference,passed in probation with you. ”这一点,在上次谈话中我已经说明,并且向你们仔细证实过了。
5. suffer,make to be acknowledged. admit. appiove容许,使被承认,承认,批准。
pass them (cracked crowns) current: make them theregular currency,cause them to circulate,use themfreely使(破损的钱币)成为正规货币,使它们流通,自由使用它们。
△1H.IV.2.3.98(93): “We must have bloody no-ses and cracked crowns,/ And pass them currenttoo.”i.e.make our enemies also have bloody noses and cracked heads.我们不仅自己鼻子要流血、脑袋要打破,还要对于别人也照此办理。
6. receive the approval of. receive the sanction of得到…的认可,得到…的批准。
△H.VIII.1.2.70:“and that notpassed me but / By learned approbation of the judges而且要不是先经过诸位博学的法官们认可,我也不敢批准。
7. utter. pronounce 说出,宣布。
△L.L.L.1.1.19:“Your oaths are passed.” 你们的誓言已经宣布过了
△H.V.5.2.81: “we will suddenly / Pass our acceptand peremptory answer.”我们会很快提出我们接受的意见和明确的答复。
8. perform,enact进行,实行。
△Wiv.2.3. 26: “to seethee pass thy puncto,”看你进行点击。
9. perform,represent表演,表现。
△L.L.L.5.1.138(127):“this swain,because of his great limb or joint,shall pass Pompey the Great;”这个乡下人大胳膊大腿的,可以扮演庞培大将。
△Wiv.1.1.171(166): “Be avised,sir,and pass good humours.”小心些,先生,大家客客气气。10. transact办理。
△Shr.4.4. 57:“We'll pass the business privately and well.”我们悄悄地把事情办妥。
11. indulge in沉溺于,肆意。
pass some humours and careers: indulge in fits of ca-price and temper由着性子任意发脾气。
△H.V.2.1.133(126):“he passes some humours and careers. ”他也有使性子、任意发脾气的时候。
~ vi.
1. pass on通过。
△H.V.3.6.172(160):“If we maypass,(i.e. without fighting),we will; if we behindered. / We shall your tawny ground with your redblood / Discolour.”如果我们能够顺利通过,我们就要通过:如果我们受到阻碍,我们就只好用你们鲜红的血染遍你们褐色的土地。
2. go away,move away走开,离开。
△1H.VI.5.3.73:“What ransom must I pay before I pass?”我要付出多少赎金才能走开?
△H.VIII.1.4.32: “The penance lies onyou. if these fair ladies / Pass away frowning.”如果这些美丽的贵妇人皱着眉头离开,你们可要受罚的。
3. go,walk along,proceed走,向前走,前行。
△Rom.2.3.63:“I'll tell thee as we pass,”我将一面走一面告诉你。4. proceed进行。
△H.VIII.2.1.10: “But pray,howpassed it?”i.e. how did the trial proceed?但是请问,审判是怎样进行的?
5. be extraordinary,go beyond all bounds,exceedwhat is usual 离奇,越出常轨,离谱。
△Wiv.4.2.131(122):“Why,this passes,Master Ford.”唉,福德先生,这太过分了。
6. happen,take place 发生。
△Tw.5.1.158(154):“what thou dost know / Hath newly passed betweenthis youth and me.”你所知道的关于这位少年和我之间最近发生的事。
△3H.VI.3.3.226: “Thou seest what's pas-sed,go fear thy king withal.”这里发生的事你都看见了,回去就拿这个来吓一吓你那位国王吧。
7. be acceptable. be accepted可接受,被接受。
△H.VIII.Pro.11:“The play may pass.”这出戏还算过得去。
8. get sanction,be approved,be allowed得到批准,得到通过,得到允许。
△H.VIII.5.3.59(5.2.94): “if yourwill pass. / I shall both find your lordship judge andjuror. / You are so merciful. ”如果你的愿望得到批准,我就只有眼看着大人你既做审判官又做陪审官了,因为你是这样仁慈的人.
9. stand. pass muster站得住,及格。
△Wiv.1.3.54(51):“Will that humour pass?”这句俏皮话还算不错吧?
10. carry messages传信。
△Lr.4.2.18: “This trustyservant / Shall pass between us.”这个可靠的仆人可以在我们之间传送消息。
11. defy description. surpass expression难以形容,无法表达。
△Wiv.1.1.311(296):“but... the women have socried and shrieked at it. that it passed.”但是女人们看见它就大喊尖叫,吓得无法形容。
12. impose施加。
△Tw.5.1.379(367):“If that the in-juries be justly weighed / That have on both sides pas-sed.”假如把双方所受到的损害公正地衡量起来。
13. care介意。
△2H.VI.4.2.140(128): “As for thesesilken-coated slaves,I pass not;”对于这些穿绸缎衣服的奴才们,我毫不介意。
14. pass away,die 去世,死。
△Lr.4.6.48(47): “Thusmight he pass indeed; yet he revives.”也许他真的这样死了;可是他又苏醒了。
△2H.VI.3.3.25: “Disturb himnot,let him pass peaceably.”别打扰他,让他安安静静地死吧。
15. thrust刺,戳。
△Ham.5.2.312(298): “I pray youpass with your best violence;”我请你使出全副狠劲来劈刺吧。
let pass: overlook,ignore 放过,不顾。
△3H. VI.3.3.188: “Did I let pass th’ (= the) abuse done to myniece?”他对我侄女的玷污,我可以不顾吗?
pass one’s word: pledge one’s word 发誓,保证。
△Tw.1.5.84(79): “Sir Toby will be sworn that I am nofox,but he will not pass his word for two pence that you are no fool.”托比爵士可以发誓说我不是狐狸,却不愿赌两便士来证明你不是傻子。
pass over: spend,live through 消磨,度过。
△3H.VI.2.5.38: “So minutes,hours,days,months,and years,Passed over to the end they (i.e. end for which they)were created,/ Would bring white hairs unto a quietgrave.”这样,一分钟又一分钟,一小时又一小时,一天又一天,一月又一月,一年又一年,过渡到了它们注定的尽头,然后把白发老人送入安静的坟墓。
pass upon: ❶pass judgement upon,pass judgementagainst 对…作出宣判,对…作出判决。
△Lr.3.7.24:“Though well we may not pass upon his life / Withoutthe form of justice,”i.e. Though we cannot pass thedeath sentence on him without the procedure of law.虽然我们不经法律程序不能判他死刑。
❷ (fencing expres-sion) thrust at; use sharp words with (in word-fenc-ing).make fun of,make a fool of. (剑术用语)冲刺;(在舌战中)讥刺,嘲弄,愚弄。
△Tw.3.1.49(42): “Nay,anthou pass upon me,I’ll no more with thee.”哼,你要是挖苦我,我可要不理你了。
❸ impose upon. make a fool of欺骗,愚弄。
△Tw.5.1.364(352): “This practice hathmost shrewdly passed upon thee;”这场诡计非常厉害地愚弄了你。


◇ pass a sentence on判刑
pass away消失
pass in the air传空中球
pass into space传球到空挡
pass judgement on褒贬
pass off消逝
pass on传递(球),转送,传达
pass out晕倒,未能得到观众的掌声
pass over忽视
pass the baton传棒
pass the block避开拦网
pass the eye over浏览,过目
pass through通过,穿越
pass upon发表意见
‖ pass a dividend决定不发放股利
pass a forged check转让伪造支票
pass along the ground地面传球
pass an amount to the credit将款项记入贷方账户
pass an entrance examination考取
pass an entry记账
pass an examination通过考试
pass and follow传球跟进
pass and go drill一传即游练习
pass back回传,向后传
pass bad cheques使用假支票
pass behind line线后短传
pass behind the body背后传球
pass behind the opponent后抱腰
pass book银行存折
pass book balance存款余额
pass book loan以存折作抵押的贷款
pass book register存折登记簿
pass book saving deposits存折储蓄存款
pass certificate及格证书
pass check门票
pass course普通科目
pass degree普通学位
pass door从后台通往观众厅的特别铁门
pass entry入账
pass-fail course考察课程
pass-fail option选修课
pass feint假传球
pass forward向前传,直传
pass in review分列式
pass judgement判决
pass law通行法
pass machine只向前传球的队员
pass mark及格分数
pass muster及格,符合要求
pass-no credit course无学分课程
pass-no credit option选修课
pass offside传球越位
pass on the ground传地滚球
pass one another超越
pass rate及格比率
pass receive接传球
pass receiver接传球者
pass sheet银行存折
pass shot超身球
pass student(成绩)普通学生
pass the block避开拦网
pass the probationary period to become a permanent employee with fixed salary grade转正定级
pass through a few lean years过紧日子
pass to the credit of account记入贷方账户
pass under pressure紧逼下传球
pass with the inside of the foot脚弓传球
pass with the outside of the foot外脚背传球
pass with the toe-end脚尖传球
pass without examination免验放行
pass work传球技术
passed ball接手漏接
passed dividend逾期未公布的股息
passed pawn通路兵
past[pɑ:st]adj. 过去的 n. 过去
past consideration过去的对价
past due过期
past-due account过期账款
past-due bill逾期未兑票据
past due notes过期票据
past dynasties历代
Past experience,if not forgotten,is a guide for the future.前事不忘,后事之师
past performance chart内情通报
◇in passing顺便
with each passing day (year)日益,持续不断地
passing off假冒他人产品
passing of orders传达命令
passing angle传球角度
passing attack传球进攻
passing center line过中线
passing chord经过和弦
passing distance超车距离
passing game传球进攻,传球练习
passing in pairs双人传球
passing lane传球路线
passing note经过音
passing of legs摆越
passing of the baton传棒
passing on the run行进间传球
passing pattern传球路线
passing plane传球高度
passing shot超身球
passing target传球目标
passing the centre line过中线
passing through the hoop从圈中通过
passing tone过渡音,经过音
passing zone接力区
passable adj.过得去的
passer n.传球队员
passer-by n.过路人
past-due adj.过期的
passman n.普通及格学生





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