释义 |
overlookvt. 1. look over,view from a higher position从上面看过去,俯视。 △3H.VI.1.4.179: “Off with his head. and setit on York gates,/ So York may overlook the town ofYork.”砍掉他的头颅,把它挂在约克城门上,这样约克大人就可以俯视他的约克城。 2. inspect,examine,survey,view fully检查,审视,看清。 △ R.III.3.5.16(17):“Catesby,o’erlook the walls!”凯茨比,察看一下城墙下边! △H.V.2.4.90: “Willing youoverlook t his pedigree;”请你仔细看看这份家谱。 3. read over,peruse,read读一遍.细读,读。 △ Ham.46.13: “Horatio,when thou shalt have overlookedthis,”霍拉旭,你读过这信以后。 △Lr.5.1.50: “Why.fare thee well,I will o’erlook thy paper.”好,再会,我一定看你这封信。 △ Gent.1.2. 48(50): “I would I hado’erlooked the letter”,我很想把这封信看一看。 △Mid.2.2.121: “where I o’erlook / Love’s stories written in Love’s richest book.”在那里我才看见:爱情故事写在爱情最丰富的书卷里边。 4. tower above,overtop. look down on 高耸在…之上,高出,俯视。 △H.V. 3.5.7:“Our scions,put in wild andsavage stock,/Spirt up so suddenly into the cloudsAnd overlook their grafters?”我们的枝条,插到蛮荒野生的树干上,却迅猛生长.直上云霄.竟高耸在它们原祖的老树之上吗? 5. look on with the evil eye,bewitch,fascinate以邪恶的目光观看.使中邪魔,迷住。 △ Wiv.5.5.89(83): “Vileworm. thou wast o’erlooked even in thy birth.” 坏东西,你一生下来就被邪魔迷住了。 △ Mer.3.2.14:“Beshrewyour eyes,/They have o’erlooked me and dividedme,”你的眼睛真可恶,竟迷惑了我.把我分成了两半。 overlook[ˈəuvəˈluk]v.视察,俯瞰,宽容 |