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overbearvt. (pa.p. overborne) 1. overcome,conquer,suppress 克服,征服,压制。 △H.V.4.Cho. 39:“But freshly looks,and overbearsattaint”,而是看上去容光焕发,并且压制住疲劳。 2. overpower,overwhelm压倒,制服。 △Ado.2.3.167(151):“the ecstasy hath so much overborne her”,这种癫狂完全压倒了她。 △Ham.4.5.101(102):“Than youngLaertes. in a riotous head,/ O'erbears your officers.”年轻的莱阿替斯带 一群乱民,压倒了你的警卫队。 △Mac.4.363:“and my desire / All continent impediments wouldo'erbear / That did oppose my will.”我的欲望能压倒一切反对我的意志的限制性的障碍。 △1H.VI.3.1.53:“Ay,seethe Bishop be not overborne.”对了,别让主教下不来台。 3. control. overrule. dominate 控制,统治,支配。 △ 1H.VI.5.1.59: “That neither in birth,or forauthority. The Bishop will be overborne by thee.”无论在出身方面,还是在权力方面,主教都不受你的支配了。 △3H.VI.3.2.165: “Then since this earth affords nojoy to me / But to command,to check,to o'erbearsuch / As are of better person than myself.”既然这个世界不给我提供任何快乐,只能命令、训斥、支配那些比我长得漂亮的人… △Mid.4.1.185(179): “Egeus,I will overbearyour will;”伊吉斯,我要叫你屈从我的意志了。 4. overflow泛滥。 △Mid.2.1.91:“Hath every peltingriver made so proud / That they have overborne theircontinents.”每条小河都涨得满满的,向两岸泛滥。 overbear[ˌəuvəˈbɛə]v.压服,压抑 ‖ overbearing霸道 |