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单词 outside


n. outward appearance 外貌。
△Lr.5.3.144(143):“But since thy outside looks so fair and war-like,”不过你的外貌既然如此英俊威武。
△H.V.5.2.242(226):“therefore was I created with a stubborn out-side,with an aspect of iron,that when I come to wooladies. I fright them.”所以我才生就了一副粗野的外表,一副铁石般的面貌,因此我向小姐们求爱的时候.就把她们吓坏了。


◇at the outside充其量
‖ outside audit外界审计
coloured lamp外涂彩色灯泡
outsider evaluation外部评
outside activity公务以外的活动
outside agency局外人员
outside back loop后外刃
outside ball本垒偏外球
outside bracket外起括弧形
outside broadcast实况广播,实况转播
outside broadcast apparatus实况广(转)播设备
outside broadcast producer实况转播人员
outside broadcast van实况转播车
outside broker场外经纪人
outside buoy外侧标
outside capital外部资金(本)outside center第二中锋
outside change three外起变刃
outside class课外
outside collar外卡箍
outside corner ball外角球
outside counter外起外勾形
outside cross seat外侧坐
outside crotch-hold外抱腿
outside crotch-hold and near wrist-lock握腕抱腿转动
outside dealer场外交易人,场外证券商
outside dealing场外交易
outside density外在密度
outside diameter外径
outside drawing外形图
outside edge外刃
outside employment外间受雇
outside figure外刃图形
outside financing外部融资
outside fi x外定位
outside forward loop前外刃结环形
outside fund外部资金
outside grip自外握
outside guarding外侧防守
outside half外侧前卫
outside hand外舷手,靠中线一侧的手
outside heel船身外倾
outside in外内挥棒,由外侧向内侧挥杆,从外向里
outside influence外界影响
outside-in plane外转内的摆动平面
outside interest业余爱好
outside landing场外着陆
outside lane外道,外圈
outside left左边锋,左翼
outside left forward左边锋
outside loan信托信贷
outside market场外交易所,场外市场
outside measurement外形尺寸
outside of law超出法律范围的
outside of the foot脚外侧
outside parry外侧格挡
outside pitch偏外的坏球,本垒外角
outside players边锋
outside position近战外侧位
outside post外中锋
outside price场外价格
outside report系统外报表
outside right右边锋
outside rocker外起内钩形
outside route迂回道路
outside screen外侧掩护
outside share非上市股票
outside shareholder外部股东
outside shooter外围射手
outside shooting外围投篮
outside side line双打边线
outside venture营业外经营
outside view外观图
outside work外间工作
outsider n. 场外交易者
outsider n. 局外人
outsider theatre受排斥人的戏剧
outside right forward右边锋





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