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outfacevt. 1. brave,defy勇敢面对,蔑视。 △Lr.2.3.11: “Andwith presented nakedness outface / The winds andpersecutions of the sky.”以袒露的裸体来抵挡风雨和露天的一切折磨。 2. put out of countenance. put to shame使丢脸,羞辱。 △L.L.L.5.2.623:“But you have outfaced themall. ”i.e.But you have put all the faces out of counte-nance (through mockery). 但是你们(用嘲笑)把那些面子全都吓跑了。 △Com.5.1.245:“with no face … outfacingme”.自己没有脸,叫我也丢脸。 △Ham.5.1.299 (277):“Dost thou come here to whine. / To outface me withleaping in her grave?”你到这里来哭哭啼啼,跳进她的坟里,是为了羞辱我吗? △Mer.4.2.17:“But we'll outfacethem,and outswear them too.”我们要羞辱他们,还要把咒赌得比他们更凶。 3. stare down,frighten with looks,brow-beat盯住,以神情把…吓住,威逼。 △2H.VI.4.10.48(45):“Oppose thy steadfast-gazing eyes to mine. / See if thou canstoutface me with thy looks.”尽管用你那直瞪瞪的双眼对着我.看你能不能以你的神情把我吓住。 Phrases: outface(one) from: force ... away from,deprive... of迫使…离开,剥夺…的。 △1H.IV.2.4.286(255):“Then did we two set on you four. and with a word,outfaced you from your prize,and have it,yea. andcan show it you here in the house.”那时我们两个人就向你们四个人进攻,简单说(又译:只用吆喝一声),吓得你们丢下了赃物。我们就把它拿到手里,而且,现在就在这屋子里,可以让你看看。 outface it: face it out,brave it out.brazen things out坚持到底,硬干下去,厚着脸皮混过去。 △As.1.3.124(121):“As many other mannish cowards have / That do out-face it with their semblances.”i.e. brazen things outby means of their outward appearance. 就像那些冒充好汉的懦夫,靠着外表的样子混过去。 |