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opposedp. a. 1. opposite对面的。 △2H.IV.3.1.111(109):“Geldingthe opposed continent as much / As on the other sideit takes from you.”它在对岸割去的土地,也跟在另一边它从你那里夺去的一样多。 △2H.IV. 4. 4. 66: “fronting periland opposed decay!”迎面而来的危险和面临的毁灭。 2. in opposition. hostile. in antagonism对立的,敌意的,敌对的。 △Lr.3.7.48(47): “I have a letter guessinglyset down,/ Which came from one that's of a neutral heart. / And not from one opposed ”我有一封凭推测写下的信,是 一个中立的人寄来的,并不是从敌方来的。 3. conflicting相冲突的。 △Rom.2.3.27:“Two suchopposed kings encamp them still(= always) / In manas well as herbs,”人与药草一样,其中都存在着两个敌对的君王。 Phrases: opposed against: exposed to向着…暴露。 △Lr.4.7.31(30): “Was this a face / To be opposed against thewarring winds?”这样一张脸怎能迎对着激战的狂风? opposed eyes: enemy eyes,the eyes of hostile forcesflaring at one another,enemies face to face敌对的眼睛,敌对两军互相怒视的眼睛,面对面的敌对双方。 △1H.IV.11.9:“Those opposed eyes.”互相敌对的眼睛。 opposed numbers: the numbers of the enemy敌方的人数。 △H.V.4.1.310(290):“Take from them now /The sense of reckoning. if the opposed numbers /Pluck their hearts from them.”如果敌方的人数能吓得他们心惊胆战,现在就解除他们计算的能力吧。 stand opposed: stand in opposition to you与你对抗 △1H.IV.5.1.67:“Whereby we stand opposed bysuch means . As you yourself have forged againstyourself”,i.e.by which (army) we now stand in opposition to you,by reason of such grounds as youyourself have made against yourself. 我们靠这支军队与你对抗,这种对你不利的结果,起因都是你自己所造成的。 the opposed: the opponent对手,敌手。 △Ham.1.3. 67:“Bear't that th’opposed may beware of thee.”就设法做到让对手下次碰上你要当心。 |