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oncen. one time一次,一回。 △3H.VI.4.1.49:“Ay,what of that? It was my will and grant,/And for thisonce my will shall stand for law.”嗯,那又怎么啦? 这本来就是我的旨意,我许可的,这一次我的旨意就代表法律。 at once: ❶ at the same time,together 同时,一起。 △3H.VI.3.3.221: “Let me give humble thanks forall at once.” 让我代表大家一起向你表示谦卑的感谢。 △3H.VI.4.8.31:“And all at once,once more a hap-py farewell.”大家一起,再次珍重告别。 ❷all together,u-nited全在一起,联合在一起。 △1H.IV.1.3.297(296):“Where you and Douglas and our powers at once,”i.e. all our armies together.你和道格拉斯,还有我们联合在一起的所有军队。 ❸once and for all,without more ado一次了结,不再啰唆。 △2H.VI.3.1.66: “My lords,atonce:”i.e.answering all of you. 诸位大人,一句话说完。 △ R.III.1.2.152(151):“I would they were (i.e. basi-lisks).that I might die at once;”我也愿它们是怪蛇,这样我就可以一了百了地死掉。
oncead. 1.ever. at any time曾经,在任何时候。 △Ham.1.5.121:“How say you then,would heart of man once thinkit?”那么,你们猜怎么样,哪个人心里曾经想到过? △Mac.5.5 15:“ Cannot once start me.” 再也不能使我吃惊。 △ 1H.VI.3.1.107: “Can you,my Lord of Winches-ter.behold / My sighs and tears,and will not once re-lent?”温彻斯特大人,难道你能看到我叹息流泪,还不肯退让一步吗? △3H.VI.4.4.30:“For trust not him that hathonce broken faith,”因为不可信任那种曾经背叛誓言的人。 2. only 只要,一旦。 △Rom.1.3.61: “An (= If) Imight live to see thee married once,/ I have mywish. ”只要我能活到看着你结婚,我就心满意足了。 3. one day,some time有一天,某个时候。 △2H.IV.5.3.61(60):“I hope to see London once ere I die.”我真希望在死以前有个时候见一见伦敦。 4. some time or other in the future (以后)某个时候。 △Wiv.3.4.103 (99): “and I pray thee,onceto-night / Give my sweet Nan this ring.”我请你今晚找个时候把这只戒指送给我亲爱的安。 5. at once立刻。 △H.V.4.7.172(163): “But I wouldfain see it once,and please God of his grace that Imight see. ”但是我很想立刻见到他,如果上帝开恩让我能看见他的话。 6.once for all 一次了结地,断然。 △Oth.3.3.179:“No!to be once in doubt / Is once to be resolved.”不,我一旦怀疑,就要彻底弄清楚。 7. in short,in a word总之,简言之。 △H.VIII.1.2.82:“sick interpreters (once weak ones)”,妒忌的批评者(总之都是些智能低劣的人)。 Phrases: once this: in short. once for all简言之.总之。 △Com.3.1.89: “Once this: your long experience of herwisdom,/ Her sober virtue,years,and modesty,/Plead on her part some cause to you unknown.” 总之,你长久以来对她的智慧的了解,她的贤德.她的年龄和淑静,都可以为她辩护,其中有些情况你还未必知道。 ’tis once: the simple fact. once for all 干脆说,总之。 △ Ado.1.1.328(318): “’tis once.thou lovest.”一句话,你恋爱了。 once[wʌns]adv.一度,一次 ◇at once立刻 once an actor终生是名演员(演出)once and again偶尔 once and for all最后一次 once in a while偶尔 once upon a time从前 ‖ once around the track绕跑道一圈 once back内勾形舞步 |