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单词 on


1. forward向前,前进,出来。
△ Wiv.2.2.178 (170):“Money is a good soldier,sir. and will on.”金钱是一个好兵.先生,他总是冲在前面。
2. i.e. go on,go forward,proceed前进。
△1H.IV. 4.1.37:“That with our small conjunction we should on,/ To see how fortune is disposed to us.”我们该带着我们小量的联军前进,看一看命运对我们的心意如何。
△1H.IV.4.3.10: “If well-respected honour bid me on,” i.e.urge me to go forward. 只要是经过深思熟虑的荣誉号召我前进。
△2H.IV.1.3.85:“Let us on!”让我们前进!
3. i.e. go on (and enter) 往前走去(并且进入)。
△Rom.1.4,2:“Or shall we on without apology?”再不然就不道歉昂然直入呢?


1.on top of在…之上。
△Ham.5.2. 408(394): “lestmore mischance / On plots and errors happen.”否则在阴谋和错误之外,还会产生更多的不幸。
2. of对于.关于…的.被(等)。
△Ado.4.1.139 (137):“And mine that I was proud on.”而且是我引以自豪的我的孩子。
△Rom.1.4.73(72): “O’er courtiers’ knees.that dream on curtsies straight:” i.e.dream of bow-ing and kneeling immediately.经过廷臣们的膝盖,他们便立刻梦到屈膝打躬。
△Ham.5.1.25(23): “Will you ha’the truth on’t?”你愿不愿知道这事的真相?
△Oth.2.1.16:“I never did like molestation view / On the en-chafed flood.”我从来没有看见过在汹涌的海上像这样惊涛骇浪的骚动。
△Mac.1.3. 84:“Or have we eaten on theinsane root/ That takes the reason prisoner?”莫非我们吃了迷魂的草根,把理智幽禁了?
△Mac.3.1.114(113):“To mend it,or be rid on it.”i.e. To make it better,or be free of it. 得点补偿.否则就了此一生;好就好,不好就了。(卞之琳译)
△1H.IV. 5.1. 69: “Cousin,I thinkthou art enamoured / On his follies.”老兄,我想你是被他那些胡闹给迷住了。
△2H.VI.4.4.3:“Think thereforeon revenge and cease to weep.”因此就想一想复仇,停止哭泣吧。
speak on: speak of说起。
△ 2H.IV. 2.2.71(65):“Bythis light,I am well spoke on(= spoken of). I canhear it with mine own ears.”天日在上,人们对我的评语倒是不错的,我自己可以亲耳听得见。
3. out of出于。
△ R.III.4.1.3: “Now,for my life,she’s wandering to the Tower,/ On pure heart’s love. to greet the tender Princes.”现在,天哪,她也要去伦敦塔,出于纯粹的真心的爱,探视两个小王子。
4. in consequence of由于…的缘故。
△Lr.2.4.34: “onwhose contents / They summoned up their meiny,”读了信的内容,他们就召集侍从。
△1H.IV. 2.4. 304(272):“Instinct is a great matter; I was now a coward on in-stinct,”本能是一件了不起的东西;我是由于本能才成为一个懦夫的。
5. because of因为。
△Lr.1.3.7.(6):“and himself upbraids us / On every trifle.”他自己为了一点小事就责骂我们。
6. from,by从…,由于…
△H.V.2.2.54:“little faults. proceeding on distemper,”由于酗酒而引起的小小过失。
7.deriving from,based on出自,基于。
△H.V.5.2.23:“My duty to you both. on equal love,/ Great Kings of France and England!”基于同等的忠诚,我向二位君主致敬,伟大的法兰西国王和英格兰国王!
8. in在…之内(等)。
△Ham.3.1.44(43):“Read on this book.”i.e.a prayer-book. 读着这本书。(按:读祈祷书,表示正在礼拜。)
△2H.VI.2.1.68(66): “Here comes the townsmen on procession / To present your Highness with the man”市民成群结队前来,把那个人给陛下送来了。
9. at以,在(等)。
△Tw.2.2.3:“on a moderate pace I have since arrived but h ither.”i.e. at a moderate walking pace,etc. 我走得不快,所以现在才走到这里
△Rom.5.3.278:“Give me the letter. I will look on it.”把那封信给我,我要看看。
10. to按照(等)。
△2H.IV.5.1.45(41):“That Visor is an arrant knave,on my knowledge.”那个维泽,据我所知,是一个十足的恶棍。
11. against反对,对。
△Lr.5.3. 101(100):“On him. on you,who not?”对他,对你,对谁不一样?
on both sides: for both of us对(我们)双方来说。
△Shr1.1. 109:“our cake's dough on both sides. ”对我们双方来说,事情还不成熟(八字儿还没有一撇)。
on foot: moving,in activity正行动,正进行。
△Wiv.4.6.22:“While other jests are something rank on foot.”当别人都正在乱开玩笑的时候。
on my life: trully,surely实在地,一定的。
△Rom.2.14: “And. on my life,hath stolen him home to bed.”我敢说,他必是偷偷回家睡觉了。
on one's blessing: on pain of losing one's blessing(倘有违反)以失去(某人的)祝福为惩罚。
△As.1.1.3:“charged my brother,on his blessing,to breed me well:”命令我的大哥要把我好生教养,否则就不能得到我父亲的祝福。
on pain of torture: on punishment of torture,i.e. failure to obey will be punished by torture在严刑惩罚的威胁之下,不听劝阻则将受到严刑拷打。
△Rom.1.1.92(86):“On pain of torture. from those bloody handsThrow your mistempered weapons to the ground,” 你们要是畏惧刑法,赶快从你们血腥的手里丢下你们的凶器。
on’s: ❶of his他的…的,他的那个(些)。
△Lr.1.4.114(102):“Why,this fellow has banished two on's daughters. and did the third a blessing against his will.”哎,这家伙已经赶走了他的两个女儿,倒不由自主地把好福气给了三女儿。
△Lr.1.5.20(19):“Thou canst tell why one's nose stands i’ the middle on 's face?”你可说得出一个人的鼻子为什么长在他的脸盘中间吗?
△Lr.3.4.116(113):“all the rest on's body cold.”他的全身其余部分却都是冰冷。
△Mac.5. 1. 68(63): “I tell you yet again, Banquo's buried; he cannot come out on's grave.”我再一次告诉你,班柯已经埋葬了;他不能从他的那个坟墓里出来了。
△H.VIII.3.2.107(106): “The master-cord on ’s heart!”他的心脏的主弦!
❷of us.
△Lr. 3. 4. 108(105):“Ha! here's three on's are sophisticated.”哈! 我们三个都是搀了假的。(卞之琳译文)
❸in his.
△Com.3.1.37:“lest he catch cold on's feet.”要不然他的脚会受凉的。on't: on it,of it关于它,对它。
△Ham.1.1.55:“Whatthink you on't?”i.e.What do you think of it?你对此怎么想的? 你以为怎么样?
△Ham.1. 2. 146: “Let me notthink on't!”让我别想这件事情了吧!
△Ham.3.1. 184(175):“What think you on't?”你以为如何?
△L.L.L.5.2.461(460):“I see the trick on't ;”我看出了其中的诡计。
△H.VIII.2.4.147(150): “or / Laid any scruple inyour way which might / Induce you to the questionon't? 或者引起你的任何怀疑,以致诱使你对此发生疑问?
on the hip: (wrestling term) in a position where onecan throw him,at one's mercy (摔跤用语)抓住臀部,处于将被摔倒的地位,受人支配。
△Oth.2.1.317(305): “I'llhave our Michael Cassio on the hip。”我便可以抓住凯西奥的把柄。
on the wing: on the flight展翅飞翔。
△Wiv.2.2.213(201): “which hath been on the wing of all occa-sions.”那是一有机会就要展翅飞翔(抓住不放)的。


◇ and so on等等
on against断断续续的
be in on参与
be in on it参与
be on同意
be on at批评
from now on从现在起
have ...on引起…兴趣
on and off断断续续
on and on不停的
on coming迎面而来
on fall攻击
on going不断发展中
on one’s deathbed临终
on one’s side侧身
‖ on 1/2 toe of both feet并腿起踵站立
on account赊账
on agreement按合约方式
on-air testing广播测试
on all fours四肢扑地
on an equal basis同等
on an even keel平衡的
on approval试销
on base跑垒员踏垒,占垒
on both legs站立向内平转360° / on calendar day basis按历日计算
on call随时候召
on call见票即付
on-call duty allowance候召津贴
on-call duty候召职务
on-call force应急待命部队
on consignment代销
on contract按合约方式
on course在航
on-court at one time同时上场
on-court warm-up场上准备活动
on credit赊欠
on deck下一个轮到,准备上场
on-deck circle击球员准备出场区
on-deck station击球准备区
on delivery货到付款
on demand点播
on duty值勤,值日
on-duty radar值班雷达
on faith单凭信仰
on floor exercise自由体操
on God’s earth普天之下
on guard基本姿势,预备姿势,准备击球姿势,警戒
on guard line开始线,实战线
on hand到场
on hands and knees跪撑防守
on invitation应邀
on job training在职训练on just grounds有理、有利、有节
on leave放假,休假,度假
on leave prior to resignation辞职前休假,退休前休假
on leave without pay停薪留职
on legs and hands蹲撑防守
on lending转货…上
on level terms不相上下
on-line charges联机费
on-line control联机控制
on-line database联机数据库
on-line equipment联机设备
on-line imput联机输入
on-line search联机检索
on-line system联机系统
on-line terminal联机终端
on loan借用,借调
on medical grounds因健康理由,因健康欠佳
on off-point salary on a personal basis支取特定个人薪点
on one’s knees跪着
on position插入位置
on probation试用
on principle根据原则…上
on purpose故意
on scene command现场指挥
on scene commander现场指挥官
on secondment借调
on secret用保密线路
on shore(海员)离船,在岸上,在陆上
on side在位
on site commander现场指挥官
on-side lane high强侧的外策应区
on-side technical field statistics现场技术统计
on site maintenance现场维护
on special特价销售
on standby待命
on station空中待命,就位,进入阵地
on station position空中待命位置,就位位置
on station time空中待命时间
on station vehicle就位训练待命车辆
on strip双方就位
on temporary transfer暂时调任
on the back仰卧的
on the balls of feet提踵
on the battlefield 临阵
on the beam航向正确
on the bicycle向后移步
on the books载入史册
on the breast俯卧
on the canvas被击倒
on the carve在变道上
On the Composition of Character 《性格组合论》 / on-the-deck attack低空空袭
on-the-deck altitude 掠地飞行高度
on-the-deck flight掠地飞行
on-the-deck penetration掠地突防
on the downbeat向下打水
on the flat没有让步条件的,没有跳栏的,没有障碍的
on the job带职
on-the-job graduate students在职研究生
on-the-job skill工作所需技能
on-the-job training (OJT)在职培训,在职训练,在职教育
on the leeward在下风方向
on the left lead左前跑步
on the move在走棋
on the nose击球准
on the perimeter外围
on the right lead右前跑步
on the road在客方赛场进行比赛
on the ropes被击倒在围绳上,即将败下阵来
on the scoop流连忘返
on the spot处于良好的竞技状态,现场
on-the-spot broadcasting现场直播
on the spot meeting现场会
on-the-spot observation现场观察
on-the-spot report 纪实,现场报告
on-the-spot teaching现场教学
on the starboard beam在右舷
on the turf以赛马为生
on the upbeat向上踢水
on the wind顶风
on the wing在飞行中
on thigh and hands单腿跪撑防守
on time按时,正点,按期
on tiptoe踮脚尖
on top在上面,跪撑摔在上面
on topic切题
on transfer调任,调职,转任,转职
on trial试任
on your marks各就位
on your starting stations各就位
On Yueyang Tower《岳阳楼记》/ on-duty n. 值班
ongoing adj. 正在进行的
on-stream[ˈɔnˈstri:m]adv. 在生产中
on-the-deck n.掠地飞行,超低空飞行,接地,着陆adv.在低空





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