释义 |
nothingn. 1. not anything没有什么。 nothing but: know nothing but,know only how只知道… △Oth.3.3.299:“I nothing but to please his fan-tasy.”我只知道顺着他的怪念头。 2. nothingness不存在的东西。 make nothing: annihilate 消灭。 △H.VIII.3.2.207(206): “So looks the chafed lion / Upon the daringhuntsman that has galled him;/ Then makes himnothing.”一头发怒的狮子就是这样望着伤害它的那个大胆的猎人;然后就把他消灭。 3. nothingness,thing of no importance不存在的东西,无价值的事物。 △As.1.1.17(16): “Besides this nothingthat he so plentifully gives me,the something that na-ture gave me his countenance seems to take fromme.”他除了给我大量的乌有之外,还要剥夺去大自然所赋予我的一点点天分。 △Mid.5.1.16: “and gives to aerynothing / A local habitation and a name.”给虚无缥缈的东西以住址和姓名。 4. no value. no account无价值,不关重要。 △Ham.4.232 (30): “Of nothing,”i.e. This king is a thing of noaccount. 一无所有的东西。 make nothing of: show no respect for,treat withoutrespect对…表示不敬,不尊敬地对待。 △Lr.3.1.8:“Which the impetuous blasts with eyeless rage / Catchin their fury,and make nothing of,”那猛烈的狂风就在盲目的愤怒之中将它们一把揪住,吹得七零八落,毫不尊重。 5.empty utterance,nonsense空话,胡扯。 △Rom.1.4.96 (95): “Peace,peace,Mercutio,peace! / Thoutalk'st of nothing.” 别说了,别说了,墨故求,别说了! 你是在胡说。 △Mer.1.1.114: “Gratiano speaks an infinitedeal of nothing.”葛莱西安诺说了一大堆废话。 △Ham.4.5. 7: “Her speech is nothing,” 她的话是没有意义的。 △Lr.1.4.142(128): “This is nothing,Fool.”这是胡说,傻子。 6. no way没有哪一方面。 △Lr.5.3.95 (94): “thou artin nothing less / Than I have here proclaimed thee.”你的为人和我在这里所宣布的你的罪状丝毫不差。 7. i.e. female sexual organ空无一物,(暗指)女性器官。 △2H.IV.2.4.197(184): “Come we to full pointshere? and are etceteras nothings?”我们到这里就打住,再没有什么如此这般了吗?
nothingpron. 1. none没有人。 △Mac.4.3.166: “where nothing,But who knows nothing,is once seen to smile;” i.e. init none but him who knows nothing is once seen tosmile,在那里只有一无所知的人才能露出一丝笑容。 2. nor... anything也不…任何事情。 △2H.VI.2.4.48:“But be thou mild,and blush not at my shame. / Norstir at nothing till the axe of death / Hang over thee,as sure it shortly will.”但是你要心平气和,对我的羞辱也不要脸红,发生了任何事也都不要激动,直到那斩人斧落到你头上的时候,因为它肯定很快就要落到你头上了。
nothingad. not at all,in no way,by no means毫不,决不,一点也不,丝毫也不。 △Rom.1.1.118(112):“Who,nothing hurt withal,hissed him in scorn.”空气一点也没有受伤,只是咝咝咝地对他讪笑。 △Rom.4.1.3:“And I amnothing slow to slack his haste.”他这样性急,我也丝毫不想把时间延迟下去。 △Ham.1.2.41:“We doubt it noth-ing.”i.e. I have no doubt at all about it. 我对此毫不怀疑。 △Ham.3.2.178 (166): “Discomfort you,mylord,it nothing must.”但是,夫君,你大可不必为此发愁。 △Ham.4.5.93:“Will nothing stick our person to ar-raign”。自会毫不犹豫地归咎到我身上。 △Mac.1.3.96:“Nothing afeard of what thyself didst make,/ Strangeimages of death.”对于你自己制造的种种死亡惨象,毫不害怕。 △Mac.3.6.26:“and is received / Of the most pious Edward with such grace / That the malevolence offortune nothing / Takes from his high respect.”受到了虔诚的爱德华的优渥接待,命运的恶毒丝毫也不能减少他所应得的高度尊敬。 △Mac.5.4.2:“We doubt it nothimg.”我们毫不怀疑。 △1H.IV.3.1.130 (129):“I had rather hear a brazen canstick turned,/ Or a dry wheel grate onthe axle-tree,/ And that would set my teeth nothingon edge,/ Nothing so much as mincing poetry.”我宁愿听一支铜蜡扦在车床上镟,或者听一只干燥的轮子在车轴上嘎吱嘎吱磨动,因为这些声音也不像拿腔作调的诗歌使我的牙齿发痒。 △1H.IV.5.1.37: “When yet you were in place andin account / Nothing so strong and fortunate as I.”当时你的地位和身价还一点也不如我那样强大而幸运。 nothing[ˈnʌθiŋ]n.没有东西adv.毫不 ◇ all to nothing百分之百 be nothing to...对…来说不足轻重 for nothing负责 have nothing to do with sb. (sth.)自己与某人无关 nothing less than全部 Nothing to be got without pains. 不劳无获。nothing to starboard (right)不得向右偏航 nothing to the left (port)不得向左偏航 Nothing venture and nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。There is nothing for it.别无他法 ‖ nothing of the kind毫不相似的事物 nothing one屡见不鲜 nothingness n. 不存在的状态 |