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单词 note


1. sign. mark标志,标记。
△Ado.3.2. 54: “The grea-test note of it is his melancholy.”最大的证据就是他的忧郁。
△L.L.L.5.2.75: “Folly in fools bears not sostrong a note / As foolery in the wise,”胡涂人就是发了痴,也不像聪明人办蠢事那样痕迹昭彰。
△H.V.4.Cho. 35:“Upon his royal face there is no note / How dread anarmy hath enrounded him;”在他的脸上没有丝毫迹象表示着多么可怕的敌人正在包围着他。
2. stigma. brand烙印,印记。
△L.L.L.4.3.124 (122):“Ill,to example ill,/ Would from my forehead wipe aperjured note,”做错事,只要有了榜样,就可以从我额上抹去背誓的印记。
3. observation,knowledge 观察,了解。
△Lr.3.1.18:“upon the warrant of my note,”i.e.on the strengthof my observation; on the strength of what I know about you. 凭我对你的观察;凭我对你的了解。
4. notice,attention,heed注意,理会。
△Ado.3.3.29(28):“take no note of him,but let him go,”不必理他,让他走。
△Tw.3.2.40 (35):“my niece shall take noteof it.”我的侄女一定会注意到这件事。
△Rom.1.5.75(71): “Therefore be patient,take no note of him;”所以你要忍耐一下,不必理会他。
△Ham.3.2.89 (84):“Givehim heedful note.” 要对他好好注意。
△Lr.4.5. 29:“Therefore I do advise you take this note.” i.e.totake notice of what I say. 所以我劝你注意这一点。
△Oth.3.3.378(377):“Take note,take note,O world. / Tobe direct and honest is not safe.”注意,注意,世人啊,正直、老实可不安全。
5. notice. knowledge 注意,知道。
△Tw.4.3.29:“Whiles you are willing it shall come to note,”i.e. itshall be made known. or become publicly known. 直到你愿意宣布的时候为止。
△Mer.5.1.119: “Give order tomy servants that they take / No note at all of our be-ing absent hence.”吩咐我的仆人们,别说我们离开过家。
6. indication,intimation,reminder 指示,提示,提醒。
△Rom.1.1 241 (235): “What doth her beauty servebut (= except) as a note / Where I may read whopassed that passing fair?” i.e. What is the use of herbeauty except as a reminder where I may learn howmy lady surpassed that other exceedingly beautiful la-dy? (Her beauty will only serve to show how muchmore beautiful is my own lady.)她的美貌除了使我想起世上有一个比她更美的美人以外,还有什么作用?
△Wiv.1.1173(168): “the very note”,i.e. the exact informa-tion. (给你的)确切通知。
give note: inform,tell about it通知,告诉。
△H.VIII.1.1. 63:“O,gives us note / The force of his own meritmakes his way,”哼,他告诉我们说他是凭着自己的本领发迹出头的。
7. knowledge,intelligence,information了解,情报,报告。
△H. V. 2. 2. 6:“The King hath note of all thatthey intend,/ By in terception which they dream notof.”i. e. Through having in tercepted their letters andcommunications with each other.关于他们的一切意图,国王已经用截留信件的办法获得了情报,这是他们做梦也想不到的。
△H.VIII. 1.2.48: “Whereof my sovereign wouldhave note,”对这些.我的主君应该早就得到报告。
8. reputation. distinction名声,盛名。
△Tw.3.3.27:“of such note indeed.”还有如此的名声。
△L.L.L.3.1.26 (24): “make them men of note”,使他们成为名人
△Tw.3.4.83 (73): “some sir of note,”有名的上流人士。
9. importance,eminence重要,显赫。
△ Mac.5.7.21:“one of greatest note”,一个极重要的人物。
10. notoriety臭名。
△Mac.3.2.43: “there shall be done / A deed of dreadful note.”就要干出一件(臭名)可怕的事情。
11. remark陈述,话。
△Tw.3.4.170 (153): “A good note,”i.e. a clever remark. 很好的声明。(又译:说得好。)
12. notice,list通知,名单。
△Mac.3.2.9:“the rest /That are within the note of expectation”,i.e.Thatare included in the list of the guests expected (at sup-per). 其余的在请帖上的人们都已经在宫里了。
13. list,catalogue,memorandum清单,一览表,备忘录。
△Shr.1.2. 148 (144): “I have perused the note”,书单子我已经看过了。(按:指路森修为比恩卡所准备的应读书目。)
△H.V. 4. 8. 86 (80): “This note doth tell me of ten thousand French/ That in the field lie slain:”这个名单告诉我有一万名法国人现在陈尸战场。
14. written warrant. authorization in writing特许证.批准书。
△Mer.3.2.140: “I come by note. to give and to receive. ”我奉命来和你交相亲吻。
15. letter. billet信.短简。
△Ham.2.1.1:“Give him this money and these notes. Reynaldo.”交给他这点钱,这些信件,雷纳尔多。
16. bill. account账单,账目。
△2H.IV.5.1. 19 (18):“Here is now the smith’s note for shoeing and ploughirons.”这是铁匠钉马掌和打犁头的账单。
17. tune,melody,music,musical sound 调子,曲调,音乐,音乐声。
△As.2.5.46:“I’ll give you a verse to this note,”我要念一节按这个调子填的词。
△Com.3.2.45:“the note,”你的妙音。
△Shr.5.2.1:“At last,though long,our jarring notes agree,”经过长久的冲突,我们之间不和的调子终于一致了。
△H.V.4.Cho.11:“and fromthe tents / The armourers,accomplishing theknights,/ With busy hammers closing rivets up,Give dreadful note of preparation.”在帐篷里,盔甲匠正在完成对于骑士的装备工作,用锤子紧急敲打.把铆钉上紧,发出了一片可怕的备战的声音。
△H.VIII.4.2.77:“GoodGriffith,/ Cause the musicians play me that sadnote / I named my knell,”好葛利菲斯,叫乐队给我演奏那段哀乐,就是我指定当做我的葬钟的那支曲子。
18. melody,song曲调,歌曲。
△3H.VI. 4. 6. 14: “At last by notes of household harmony / They quite forget their loss of liberty.”最后还是在满屋子里唱出它们那亲切和谐的歌儿,它们完全忘记自己失去了自由。
△ Ado. 2. 3. 56(53):“Or if thou wilt hold longer argument. / Do it in notes.”如果你还有更多的话要说,就使用歌声来说吧。
19. musical note音符,音调。
△ Ado.2.3.58 (55):“There’s not a note of mine that’s worth the noting.”我唱的歌里没有一个音调是值得注意的。
20.❶ musical note音符,音调。
❷ billet,short informalletter短简.便笺。
△Gent.1.2.78: “Give me a note,your ladyship can set.”给我指定一个音符吧,小姐您是会制谱的。(双关:给我一张便笺吧,小姐您是会写的。)


1. take notice of,pay attention to,heed注意,留意。
△Ado.1.1.169 (162): “Benedick,didst thou notethe daughter of Signior Leonato?”班尼狄克,你注意到里奥那托先生的女儿了吗?
△Ado.1.1.171 (164): “I notedher not. but I looked on her.”我没注意,但是我看到她了。
△Ado.2.3.57(54):“Note this before my notes.” 在我唱歌之前请注意这一点。
△Mac.3.4. 56 (55):“If muchyou note him./ You shall offend him and extend hispassion.”要是你们太注意他,一定会惹他生气,延长他的发作
△H.VIII.1.2.138: “Please your Highness note / Thisdangerous conception in this poin t,”请陛下注意他在这一点上的险恶用心。
△H.VIII.2.1.46: “This is noted,/And generally,” 大家都注意到了
△H.VIII.2.4.126(129): “What need you note it?” 你何必去理它?
△H.VIII.4.2.95: “Do you note / How much herGrace is altered on the sudden?”你可注意到夫人突然起了很大变化?
2. observe,look on with attention观察,注视。
△As.3.2.269 (252):“Slink by,and note him.”我们躲在一边,看着他。
△Oth.3.3.250: “Note if your lady strain hisentertainment / With any strong or vehement impor-tunity:”注意你的夫人是否敦促要他复职.对此极力强烈请求;这里边就大有文章。
3. become aware of. perceive,see知道,发觉,看见。
△ Tw.4.3.35:“they may fairly note this act ofmine!”i.c.they may look favourably upon this act ofmine. 愿上天能对我这番行动表示赞成!
△H.V.1.1.57:“And never (i.e. there was never) noted in him anystudy,Any retirement.”从来没有看见他闭门读书。
4. attend to倾听。
△Rom. 4.5.121 (119): “Do younote me?”你听见我的话吗?
5. commit to memory,keep in remembrance把…记住.把…记在心里。
△ Oth.2.3.193 (191):“The gravity andstillness of your youth / The world hath noted,”你年纪虽轻却严肃庄重,世人皆知。
6. indicate,show指出,表明。
△Ham.1.5.178: “tonote / That you know aught of me ”显出你们知道我的什么隐情。
7. set to music为…谱曲。
△Rom. 4.5.122 (120): “Anyou re us and fa us,you note us.”如果你把我们敲击一声re,一声fa,你就是把我们谱成曲子。
8. ❶make a note of,set down 记下。
△1H.VI.2.4.100:“For your partaker Pole and you yourself,/ I’ll note you in my book of memory / To scourge you for thisapprehension ”至于你的支持者蒲尔和你自己,我要把你们都记在心上,好为了这种荒谬主张而惩罚你们。


n. 笔记,票据,纸币,注释,便条,照会,札记,音符
◇ be noted for因…而出名,…的特点是
exchange notes交换照会
note in reply答复照会
take a note of记住
‖ circular note通知照会
formal note正式照会
non-harmonic note非和弦音
note a bill票面签注
note after sight见票应付票据
note and bill discounted贴现票据及汇票
note book票据簿
note broker票据经纪人
note circulation钞票流通
note discount票据贴现
note discounted已贴现票据
note down记入账户
note for a term期票
note holder持票人
note issue纸币发行,通货发行
note issuance货币发行
note issuance and revolving underwriting facility票据的发行及循环式包销融通
note issuance facility票券发行融资note journal票据日记账,票据分录簿
note maturity notice票据到期通知书
note notice票据到期通知书
note of demand即付票据
note of dishonor拒付通知,本票
note of hand付款单,期票
note of protest抗议照会
note of register票据登记簿
note on demand见票即付的票据
note on discount贴现票据
note order payable to bearer凭票即付汇(本)票
note pad记事本
note payable应付票据
note payable account应付票据账
note payable on demand见票即付票据
note payable register应付票据登记簿
note prices规定价格
note protest登记票据拒付证书
note receivable应收票据
note receivable account应收票据账户,应收期票账
note receivable from stock-holders应收股东票据
note receivable register应收票据登记簿
note register票据登记簿
note renewal票据转期
note row音列
note shaver按超过法定利率放债的人
note substitution for currency票据用作通货
note teller银行票据员
note to order记名票据
note value音值
note verbale普通照会
notes and commentary诠注
notes in circulation货币流通量
notes issue纸币发行
notes of meeting会议摘录,会议记录,会议纪要
notes of pre-meeting预会纪要
Notes on Literature and Art 《谈艺录》 / notes on the debt债务说明
notes payable应付票据
notes receivable应收票据
notes to bearer不记名票据
notes to financial statements财务报表说明
noted public figures社会名流
noting and protest拒绝承兑或拒绝付款的证书
noting a protest公证人拒绝承兑(付款)的证书
noting for protest通知拒付
note-issuing power钞票发行权
notable adj. 值得注意的
notably adj. 尤其,值得注意地
notation n. 符号
notation for probability概率表记法
notational adj. 显著的
notational simplicity 表记法的简单性
notative adj. notative cognition记号表示的知识
notative notion记号表示的概念
noted adj.著名的
note-taking n.笔记,笔录





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