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单词 phrasal get IV
phrasal verb get
get out of 逃避;摆脱(责任或义务)
get over 越过;恢复;解决;克服;控制
get through 度过(时间);干完,完成,看完,吃完;(用电话)接通,联系上;正式通过(考试、议案等)
get together 召集;聚集;收集;商谈,取得一致意见
get up 站起;起来;起床;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织


get out of
If you’re clear about where you want to go, the rest of the world will either help you get there or get out of the way.如果您清楚自己想要去哪里,世界上的其他人要么会帮助您到达目的地,要么会让开道路。Approaching the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window.走近车辆,他们看到一名妇女正试图从破碎的车窗中逃生。Tim, you want to get out of this ticket, don’t you?蒂姆,你想摆脱这张罚单,是吗?To get out of the difficult situation, host families are now making efforts to improve the quality of service.为了摆脱困境,寄宿家庭正在努力提高服务质量。Get out of the water if you feel tired or cold.如果您感到疲倦或寒冷,请离开水。They believe that science will get out of control in the end.他们相信科学最终会失去控制。After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing.出狱后,他去了纽约继续写作。We chatted on the way into the city, and when I got out of the car, the husband gave me his business card.我们在进城的路上聊天,当我下车时,丈夫给了我他的名片。You have a job, earned your degree, and you got out of bed today.你有工作,拿到了学位,今天还下了床。Dave got out of bed quietly and dressed quickly.戴夫安静地下了床,迅速穿好衣服。
get over
I've learned to get over bad life's experiences and learned how to move on because of her.因为她,我学会了克服糟糕的生活经历,学会了如何继续前进。Thanks to the computer, my father has finally got over his phone allergy(过敏反应).多亏了电脑,我父亲终于克服了他的电话过敏症(过敏反应)。
get through
She found writing helped her get through the rough days.她发现写作能帮助她度过艰难的日子。But I need exercise to get through each day.但我需要锻炼来度过每一天。I called Hannah may times yesterday evening, but I couldn’t get through.昨天晚上我给Hannah打了很多次电话,但都没有打通。I felt mildly victorious that I got through the rest of class without crying.我没有哭就上完了剩下的课,这让我感到轻微的胜利。A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers.微笑可以帮助我们渡过难关,在陌生的世界里找到朋友。As Windsor Castle is a working royal palace, visitors and their belongings should get through airport-style security checks.由于温莎城堡是一座皇家宫殿,游客及其随身物品必须通过机场式安检。I admitted that I had never read Anna Karenina and tried but failed to get through Gone with the Wind several times.我承认我从未读过《安娜-卡列尼娜》,也曾多次尝试读《飘》,但都以失败告终。
get together
Year after year, young people from all around the world get together at one of our sixteen conservation camp.年复一年,来自世界各地的年轻人相聚在我们的16个保护营地之一。The best housewarming parties encourage old friends to get together.最好的乔迁派对鼓励老朋友聚在一起。
get up
She had to get up at six in the morning.她早上六点就得起床。Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up.请记住,午睡的最佳时间是起床后八小时左右。By the time the group got up to leave, it was pouring outside.当大家起身离开时,外面已是大雨倾盆。The audience is often left confused about whether the meeting is over and when they can get up and leave.听众往往搞不清楚会议是否已经结束,以及何时可以起身离开。While most people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work.当大多数人都在热车的时候,我的丈夫特雷弗却不得不早早起床,骑着自行车到离家4公里远的地方去上班。




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