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单词 phrasal agree
phrasal verb agree
agree about 对…取得一致意见
agree on/upon 对……达成协议;对……取得一致意见
agree to 赞同某人观点、意见等
agree with 赞同某人或某人的话;适合


agree about
It’s hard to get a dozen CEO’s to agree about anything, but most agree with the Waiter Rule.很难让十几位首席执行官就任何事情达成一致,但大多数人都同意 "服务员规则"。
agree on/upon
You can always agree upon a completion time with the supplier of the service.您可以随时与服务供应商商定完工时间。Most of the scientists agreed on several points.大多数科学家在几个问题上达成了一致。This is an issue in itself that all the members should agree on and frank discussion is required.这本身就是一个所有成员都应该达成一致的问题,需要进行坦诚的讨论。In any case, despite so much evidence to the contrary, many managers still agree to Theory X.无论如何,尽管有这么多相反的证据,许多管理者仍然同意X理论。
agree to
Zeus did not want either to disappoint Hades or to upset Demeter, so he said he would not agree to the marriage,宙斯既不想让哈迪斯失望,也不想让得墨忒耳伤心,所以他说他不同意这门婚事、Make sure each group member understands and agrees to the task given to him or her确保每个小组成员都理解并同意交给他或她的任务。
agree with
Sir, I agree with most of Raj Persaud’s opinions about the doubtful value of tipping, but with one exception.先生,我同意Raj Persaud关于小费价值可疑的大部分观点,但有一个例外。I read Alison burnham’s review of When We Were 12, and I do not agree with her.我读了艾莉森-伯翰姆(Alison burnham)对《当我们12岁》(When We Were 12)的评论,我不同意她的观点。Personally, I agree with the second view.我个人同意第二种观点。I know my teacher doesn’t like the fact that I don’t agree with his opinions. and that’s why he gave me such a poor grade in that class.我知道我的老师不喜欢我不同意他的观点。这就是为什么他在那堂课上给我打了这么差的分数。Some of them agree with present medical thinking, but others have not passed the test of time.其中一些观点符合当前的医学思想,但另一些观点则没有经过时间的考验。




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