nightn. Phrases. night of dew: dew of night,nightly tears: night's al-lowance of tears夜晚的露珠,夜晚的眼泪;流了 一夜的眼泪 △L.L.L.4.3.30 (28):“The night of dew that on mycheeks down flows;”在我面颊上整夜流过的泪珠。 night's candles: i.e. the stars 夜晚的蜡烛,星星。 △Rom.3.5.9:“Night’s candles are burnt out,”夜晚的蜡烛已经烧尽;夜晚的星光已经熄灭。 open night: night in the open,night out of doors旷野的夜晚,户外的夜晚。 △Lr.3.4.2: “The tyranny of theopen night’s too rough / For nature to endure.”荒野的夜晚这样狂暴地肆虐,血肉之躯谁也受不了。 this night: this past night,last night 昨晚. △2H.VI.1.2.22:“My troublous dream this night doth makeme sad.”我昨晚的噩梦使我悲伤。 night[nait]n.夜,夜晚 ◇ a dirty night暴风骤雨 all night long整夜all right on the night到时候准令人满意 at night夜间 by night趁黑夜 have a good night夜里睡得好 make a night of it 痛快地玩一晚上 night after night一夜又一夜 over night在夜间 the dead of night午夜 ◇night action夜间活动 night air combat夜间空战 night air defense夜间防空 night assault夜袭 night blindness夜盲 night board 飞行时刻表 night bombardment(bombing)夜间轰炸 night bombing flare夜间照明弹 night cap睡帽 night chick夜航战斗机 night clothes睡衣 night club夜总会 night college夜间学院 night colour television微光摄像彩色电视 night combat夜战 night depositing夜间存款业务 night duty allowance夜班费 night fighting夜战 night firing夜间射击,夜间飞行 night flying chart夜航图 night flying equipment夜航设备 night flying operations夜间飞行 night flying service夜间飞行勤务 night flying training夜航训练 night game夜场比赛 night hill夜间滑雪场 night interception夜间截击 night intruder夜间入侵飞机 night landing夜间登陆 night landing ground夜间着陆场 night life夜生活 night light夜间照明灯 night march夜行军 night market夜市 night mission夜间任务 night observation device夜视设备 night offensive夜间进攻 night operation夜间作战 night patrol夜间巡逻 night photography夜间摄影 night piece夜景画 night raid夜袭 night safe夜间自存保险箱,睡衣 night school夜校 night scope夜景 night shift夜班 night sky background夜空背景 night sweat 盗汗 night target 夜袭目标 night-time vision device夜视仪 night-time vision system夜视系统 night viewing夜视 night vision device夜视装置 night vision equipment夜视设备 night vision system夜视系统 one nighter在一处只演一晚 peak night高峰夜 nightingale n.夜莺 nightwalker n.夜间为非作歹者,妓女,梦游者 |