n. omission of attention,disregard不顾.轻视。
△As.5.4.188 (181):“The Duke hath put on a reli-gious life,/ And thrown into neglect the pompouscourt?”公爵已经去潜心修道.不把浮华的宫廷放在眼里。
△Lr.1.1.257 (254):“their cold’st neglect”.人家冷酷的蔑视。
1. leave unnoticed,ignore,set at naught. slight 对…忽视,不理,轻视,疏忽。
△1H.VI.5.4.157: “If once it beneglected,ten to one / We shall not find like opportu-nity.”如果对这件事轻轻放过,我们十之八九再也找不到类似的机会了。
△Mid.2.1. 206:“Neglect me,lose me;”不理我,丢开我。
2. treat without regard,not to treat with due honour怠慢,不尊重。
△H.VIII.3.2.420 (419):“GoodCromwell. / Neglect him not;”好克仑威尔,不要怠慢了他。
3. put aside,forego,go without把…放在一边,放弃,不要。
△1H.IV.1.1.101:“And for this cause a while wemust neglect / Our holy purpose to Jerusalem.”为了这件事情,我们只好把远征耶路撒冷的神圣计划暂时搁置下来。
△H.V.4.1.256 (236): “What infinite heart’s easeMust kings neglect.that private men enjoy!”普通老百姓所享受的那些无数称心乐事,国王统统都得放弃!
4. cause neglect of,cause something to be neglected 引起对…的疏忽。
△R.III.3.4.23: “I have been long asleeper: but I trust / My absence doth neglect no greatdesign,”我睡得时间太久了:不过我相信我的缺席还不致耽误什么方针大计。
v. 忽视,疏忽
◇neglect one’s meals and sleep废寝忘食
neglect one’s duty失职
‖ neglect of duty失职
neglected children被忽略的儿童
neglectee n. 被忽视者
neglectful adj.忽略的
negligence[ˈneglidӠəns]n. 疏忽,过失
negligence clause免责条款
negligence of duty疏忽职守
negligent bankruptcy过失破产
negligent driving不小心驾驶
negligent misrepresentation疏忽的失实陈述
negligent misstatement过失性错误陈述