释义 |
mustern. 1. levy of troops,enrolment of soldiers,assembling offorces征召部队,征募兵员,集合队伍。 △ 2H.IV. Ind.12:“fearful musters”,i.e. panicky mustering of troops.惊慌失措地召集军队。 △H.V. 2.4.18: “But that de-fences,musters,preparations,/ Should be main-tained,assembled and collected,”但防御工事必须保持不变,兵员必须征募,军备物资必须聚集。 △ Lr.4.2.15:“Back,Edmund,to my brother,/ Hasten his mustersand conduct his powers.”爱德蒙,回到我妹夫那里,催他调集军队,由你去率领。 2. troops under arms武装着的部队。 △2H.IV.1.3.10:“Our present musters grow upon the file / To five andtwenty thousand men of choice,”根据名册,我们现在征召起来的队伍已经达到二万五千名精兵。 3.❶ review of troops under arms检阅武装部队。 ❷levy of troops征召部队。 take a muster:❶review troops检阅部队。 ❷call troopstogether召集部队。 △1H.IV.4.1.133: “Come,let ustake a muster speedily.”来,让我们赶快检阅部队。(又译:来.让我们赶快把部队召集起来。) 4. whole population全体人口。 △H.V.3.6.141 (130):“for the effusion of our blood,the muster of his king-dom too faint a number;”若要赔偿我们所流出的鲜血,他那王国里的全体人口都算在一起也嫌数目太小了。
mustervi.assemble (as troops) (像军队一样)集合。 △H. VIII. 5.4.34 (5.3.33):“Is this Moorfields tomuster in?”i.e. to gather in for training.难道这是民团集合的摩尔菲兹练兵场? muster me: report for duty (me: ethical dative.) 报到。 △2H.IV.4.3. 119 (109):“and then the vital com-moners and inland petty spirits muster me all to theircaptain,the heart,”于是无论身处首都附近的平民和住在内地的小百姓(均指身体内的种种生命力)全都到他们的队长心脏那里集合报到。 muster[ˈmʌstə]v.集合 ◇ muster in征召…入伍 muster out使退伍 muster up集合 ‖ muster master检阅官 muster roll官兵花名册 mustering-out pay退伍金,转业费 |