mufflevt. 1.wrap裹。 △2H.VI.4.1.46:“The Duke of Suffolkmuffled up in rags?”萨福克公爵就裹在这么一身破烂衣裳里吗? 2. cover up,hide,conceal遮盖,隐藏,隐蔽。 △Rom.5.3.21:“Muffle me. night. a while.”黑夜,请把我遮掩一下。 3. blindfold,cover up蒙住.遮盖。 △Rom.1.1.176(171):“love. whose view is muffled still.”i.e.whosesight is always covered up. (Cupid. the ancient Ro-man god of love,is represented in art as a naked boywhose eyes are covered with a cloth.)爱神的眼睛永远是被蒙住的。 muffle[ˈmʌfl]v.裹住,压抑(声音)n.围巾,头巾,消声器 ‖ muffle coat消音涂装 muffler n. 围巾,消音器,钢琴的弱音器 muffler device消声装置,消音器 muffling of drum鼓的制音 |