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单词 dose
dose/də ʊs, AmE doʊs/ n [-s/ ɪz/];vt [-s/ ɪz/; -d,-d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) (药的一次)用量,一剂(服)(amount of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time) [C]:have a~of medicine/cough-mixture/cod-liver oil 服一剂药/咳嗽药水/鱼肝油;The bottle contains six~s. 这瓶子容量为六剂。give/administer the correct~给予准确的剂量;in small~s 小剂量地;

(2) (放射能的一次)接受量(amount of radiation received at a single time)[C]:a lethal~of radiation 辐射致死量;receive a heavy~of radiation 受到超量辐射感染;

(3) 一次经历(尤指令人不快的遭遇)(amount of sth esp unpleasant that has to be taken or borne) [C]:have/suffer from a nasty~of flu 得了/正患一次很难受的感冒;a~of hard work 一份苦差事;a~of boring conversation/bad weather 一次烦人的谈话/坏天气;have a full~of sb's temper 忍受某人大发脾气;can only stand sb in small~s 只能稍微容忍一下某人;Failing the exam was a hard~to swallow. 考试不及格是一付难咽的苦药。What he needs is a good~of laughter. 他需要的是开怀大笑。

(4) 性病(case of gonorrhea or syphilis) [C](sl):catch/give sb a~(自己)染上/使(某人)传上性病;

vt 给……一剂(药)(give a dose of medicine to)[T+n T+n+prep(with)]:~oneself(sb) with medicine/cough-mixture 喝(让某人喝)药/咳嗽药水;heavily~d with pain-killing drugs 给开了大量止痛药;

→′dosage n 一服(剂)药的量





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