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单词 do
do2/du:/ v does/dʌz/;did/dɪd/;done/dʌn/]

(1) 做,干(used to refer to actions which are unspecified or not yet known about) [T+n](尤与what, anything, nothing, something 连用):What are you~ing now/this evening? 你在干什么?/你今晚要干什么? What have you done? 你做了什么事? What shall I~? 我该怎么办? What's to be done? 怎么办? “What can I~for you?”“A cup of coffee.” “你要点什么? ”“一杯咖啡。”Can I~anything for you? 要我帮什么忙吗? What does he want to~after graduation? 他毕业后想干什么工作? What does your husband~? 你丈夫是干什么工作的? What's the parcel~ing on my desk? 这包裹怎么在我书桌上? There's nothing we can~about it. 我们对此无能为力。There is nothing to~in this place. 这地方没什么可玩的。I have nothing to~. 我无事可干。There is nothing to be done. 毫无办法。What I'm going to~is (to) teach him a lesson. 我只想教训他一顿。All he~es is (to) complain.(He~es nothing but complain.) 他只是一味地抱怨。
 (2) 做(行)事,行(举)动,表现(behave; act)[I]:D~as you are told/as I tell you/as he does. 照告诉你的/照我告诉你的/像他那样去做。D~as you wish/as you please/as you like. 悉听尊便/悉听尊便/你随便吧。When in Rome,~as the Romans~. 入乡随俗。You did well during the crisis/well in coming to see me quickly/right to refuse his offer. 紧急关头你表现不错/您真好,很快就来看我/你拒绝他的帮助是对的。〖同〗behave, act;
 (3) 从事,进行,搞(work at or carry out (an activity or a task)) [T+n]:~research/business/aerobics/one's military service/a university degree 从事研究/做生意/进行增进肺活量的锻炼/服兵役/攻读学位;~one's duty 履行职责;
 (4) 学习,研究(work at or study)[T+n]:~science/history/medicine/accountancy/law/engineering/economics/a subject (at school/university)(在学校/大学)学理科/历史/医/会计学/法律/工程/经济/一门课;Have you done any Shakespeare? 你研究过莎士比亚的什么作品吗?〖同〗study,learn;
 (5) 算出,解(solve; work out) [T+n]:learn to~sums/equations/simultaneous equations/problems in algebra 学会做算术题/解方程/解联立方程/解代数题;~one's homework/one's lessons/one's maths/one's exam/one's exercises 做家庭作业/功课/数学题/考试/练习;I can~(half of) the crossword/the puzzle. 我会做这个填字游戏/难题(的一半)。〖同〗solve;
 (6)1) 整理(put in order or arrange)[T+n](后接表示物品的名词,且其前带the或物主代词):~one's hair 梳头;~the room/the house/the garden 整理房间/房子/花园;~the roof/the flowers 修理房顶/插花;〖同〗arrange; 2) 清洗(clean) [T+n](后接表示物品的名词,且其前带the或物主代词):~one's teeth刷牙;~the dishes/the silver/the floors/the windows 洗盘子/擦银器/擦地板/擦窗户;〖同〗 clean, polish;
 (7)(根据后面名词译)(used with action nouns ending in ing to refer to a wide range of actions) [T+n](与动词的ing形式连用,其前有物主代词或the,some,no,any,much,a lot of):~one's (no/much) washing/cooking/shopping/typing/writing/thinking/talking/studying/sightseeing(没/大量)洗衣服/做饭/购物/打字/写东西/思考/谈话/学习/观光;
 (8) 生产,制(创)作(make create or compose)[T+nD+n+n D+n+prep(for)]:~a book/a report/a letter/an article/a play/a translation (for sb)(为某人)写书/写报告/写信/写文章/写剧本/翻译;~a portrait/a drawing/a painting/a sketch 画像/画图/画画/素描;~a suit 做一套衣服;~a copy of agenda/a lot of correspondence 拟一份议事日程/处理大量通信;Does this pub(café)~lunches/hot breakfasts/cooked ham? 这家小酒店(小餐馆)供应午餐/热早餐/煮火腿吗?~the food at the wedding reception 准备婚宴的食物;〖同〗make, produce;
 (9) 照料,服务(serve;attend to) [T+n,通常无pass]:He (the barber) will ~me next. 他(理发师)下一个给我理发。~one's guests well 很好地招待客人;They did me very well at that hotel (with their good food and clean rooms). 那酒店(饭菜好,房间也干净)为我提供了一流的服务。
 (10) 1) 演出(put on or perform (a playopera etc)) [T+n]:(dramatic society/school/drama group)~“Hamlet”/“Othello”/a comedy/a tragedy(剧社/学校/小剧团)演出《哈姆雷特》/《奥赛罗》/ 喜剧/悲剧;2) 扮演;模仿(play the role of or copy the manner of)[T+n]:Who is~ing Hamlet? 谁扮演哈姆雷特?~sb well 模仿某人惟妙惟肖;
 (11) 完成,结束(finish; complete)[IT+nT+-ing] [用perf pass](infml):Have you done? 你做完了吗? I've done. 我做完了。I've done talking. 我的话说完了。get a book/an article done 完成一本书/一篇文章;When you have/are done, come back. 你做完了就回来! It/That/His speech is done, thank goodness. 谢天谢地,这/那/他的讲话可完了。They are all done now. 现在都干完了。Is it done? 事完了吗?〖同〗finish,end,complete;
 (12) 1) 走过(距离)(cover (a distance)) [T+n]:We did a hundred miles in two hours/during our tour. 我们在两小时之内/旅行中走了100英里。My car~es 50 miles to the gallon. 我的车子一加仑汽油能跑50英里。〖同〗cover;2) 走完(旅程)(complete (a journey))[T+n]:He did the journey in six hours. 他六小时走完旅程。3) 以……(速度)行驶,达到……(速度)(travel at or reach(a speed))[T+n]:~200 miles a day/30 kilometres an hour 每天走200英里/每小时走30公里;She does seventy-five miles on the highway. 她在公路上行车时速为75英里。He was~ing 80 miles when they arrested him. 他们逮捕他时他正在以80英里的速度行驶。
 (13) 参观,游览(tour;visit (a place)) [T+n](infml):~Oxford/London/a country/a museum (in 5 days)(用五天)参观牛津大学城/伦敦/一个国家/一个博物馆;~Europe on five dollars a day 每天花五美元游欧洲;〖同〗visit, tour;
 (14) 度过(spend (a period of time))[T+n]:He did only a year at university. 他只上了一年大学。 He did two years (in prison) for armed robbery/burglary/assault.(infml)他因持枪抢劫/入户行窃/强奸在监狱里服刑两年。He did time on the island. 他在那岛上服刑。
 (15) (足)够(be sufficient;be enough for(a purpose)) [I T+n pass](BrE):That will/won't~. 那够了/不够。Half a dozen eggs won't~. 半打鸡蛋不够。Shall I make some more or will that~? 我要不要再做一点? 还是已经足够了? “Will £10~(you)? ” “Yes, that will~(me) nicely./How will £10~?”“10英镑够你用吗? ” “够,这就满够了。/10英镑怎么够? ”Will this piece of fish (that chicken)~two of us/all the family? 这块鱼(那只鸡)够我们俩人/全家吃吗? £10 will have to~(you)for a while.(你)得用10英镑支撑一段时间。
 (16) 行,适合,满意,可以,对(be suitable satisfactory or advisable (for a purpose)) [I I+prep(for/as),T+n]:That will/won't~. 那行/不行。(参见(15)第1例) This hotel will/Tomorrow won't~for the meeting. 这旅店适合/明天不适合开这个会。Will this tablecloth~? 这桌布合适吗? How do you think this would~? 你觉得这行吗? How would this~? 这怎么行? It isn't large enough/very good, but we'll make it~. 这不够大/不很好,但我们会将就用。We can makewithout extra money/with the old car. 不要额外的钱/用这辆旧车我们能凑合。Will it~if they let us have an answer by Friday? 他们周五前给我们一个答复可以吗? It does not/won't/wouldn't~to work too much. 工作过度是不行的。How would it~for me to write to him? 我怎么可以给他写信? It wouldn't have done to turn down his request. 拒绝他的要求本来是不合适的。The plums will/would~to make jam with. 这些李子可以做酱。The piece of material will/would~to make a dress for her. 这块料子可以给他做一件衣服。The place will (would)/won't (wouldn't)~for skiing/our little daughter/a gymnasium. 这地方适合(不适合)滑雪/我们的小女儿/用作体育馆。The scraps will(would)/won't(wouldn't)~for dogs. 这剩菜适合/不适合喂狗。This log will~fine as a table for our picnic. 这原木满可以作我们野餐的桌子。This room/hotel will~(me) nicely/quite well. 这房间/旅馆(对我)满合适。Will this racket~you? 这球拍你用行吗?
 (17) 进展(行),情况(如何)(progress; get on)[I](与how及副词连用):How is your business/your family/your wife~ing? 你的生意/家人/妻子情况如何? How did you~in your business/your examination/at school/at college/during the war? 你生意/考试/学业/学业/战争中的情况当时如何?How are you~ing? 你好吗?The patient/rose/umbrella maker is~ing(very/quite)well/nicely/poorly/badly/splendidly/as well as can be expected/better. 病人/玫瑰花/制伞人的情况(非常/相当)好/不错/不好/很糟/非常好/要多好有多好/更好。The firms/You have done(did/would~) (very/quite) well/nicely/poorly/badly. 这些商号/你的情况近来(过去/将会)(非常/相当)好/不错/不好/很糟。In the future I must~better than that. 将来我必须干得比那更好。Roses~well in a clay soil. 玫瑰花在泥土中生长得好。Both mother and baby are~ing well/nicely/fine after the birth. 产后母子都平安。He did well out of the deal/the sale of his house. 他做买卖/卖他的房子赚了钱。Well done! 干得好!〖同〗get on, fare;
 (18) 烹调(饪)(cook(sth))[T+n]:They~beef/fish very well in that restaurant. 那家饭店牛肉炖/鱼熬得很好。~casserole/salad 做罐焖菜/沙拉;How would you like your steak done? 你的牛排要炸到什么程度? Is the meat well done/done yet? 肉做得好/做好了吗? The meat/dinner/pudding/pie is(very well) done. 肉/饭/布丁/馅饼做好了(做得很好)。〖同〗cook;
 (19) 1) 欺骗(cheat (sb))[T+n,尤pass](infml):~sb over (on) the sale of sth/out of his inheritance 卖东西时欺骗某人/骗取某人的遗产;I'm afraid she's done you, my friend. You've been done! 老兄,她恐怕是把你骗了,你上当啦! You were done! 你受骗了! That butcher/shopkeeper did me — the meat was underweight. 那肉铺老板/店主骗了我——那肉不够分量。I realized/had the uneasy feeling that I was being done. 我意识到/不安地感到我正在受骗。〖同〗cheat;2) 抢劫,偷窃(rob or steal (sth)) [T+n](sl):The gang did a warehouse/supermarket/home/car. 那伙人抢(偷)了一个仓库/一家超市/一户人家/一辆车。〖同〗rob, burgle, steal;
 (20) 伤害,打(hurt or hit (sb)) [T+n](sl)(尤BrE):If you don't stop talking/say that again, I'll~you! 你再不闭嘴/再那么说我就揍你!〖同〗hurt, hit;
 (21) 逮捕,宣判有罪(arrest or convict sb (for a crime))[T+n T+n+prep(for)]:get done for speeding 因超速行车被拘捕;
 (22) 发生(happen;take place) [I]:What's~ing at the office/in town this week? 办公室/城里这星期有什么事? There's nothing~ing in this block at night/in a small village like this. 在这街区夜里/在这样一个小村子里什么事情也不会发生。〖同〗happen;
 anything doing?/nothing doing (sl) 行吗?/不行:I'll give you £200 for that old car of yours. Anything~ing? 我给你200镑买你那辆旧车,行吗? “Will you lend me £20? ” “Nothing~ing.”“能借我20英镑吗? ”“不行。”
 do good 1) 做好事:Those who~good will find peace/have their reward. 做好事的人享安宁/有好报。~a lot of good among the poor 在穷人中广为施善;2)(对……)有好处:The meeting would~/will~/~es no good. 这个会不会有/不会有/没有什么益处。Does it~any good talking about it? 谈论这件事有益处吗? The medicine/sunshine will~you (a great deal of/a lot of) good. 这药/阳光对你会有(很大的/很多)益处。A day in the country/Crying won't~you (a great deal of/a lot of) good. 在乡下待一天/哭对你不会有(很大的/很多)益处。
 do harm 有害处:This would~more good than harm. 这益处大于害处。It/The sunshine wont~(you) any harm. 这/阳光不会对你有害处。That must have done him harm. 那一定对他造成了损害。No harm will be done.不会有害处。
 do sb a favour/a kindness 请帮个忙:Would/Will you~me a kindness/a favour? 请您帮个忙好吗? You did me a kindness in asking me to dinner. 你真好,请我来参加宴会。
 do sb the honour 赏光,给……带来荣誉:I hope you will~me the honour to pay/of paying me a visit. 敬请光临敝舍。Would/Will you~me the honour to dine/of dining with me? 请您赏光与我一起进餐好吗?
 do sb justice/an injustice 公道地对待/冤枉:That picture/photograph does not~her justice. 那张相片/相片不如她本人漂亮。To~her justice, she was never malicious. 说句公道话,她从没有恶意。You~me an injustice if you think I could tell such a lie .你若认为我会撒这样的谎你就冤枉我了。
 do sb credit/an honour 给予荣誉:You've done the school credit. 你给学校带来了荣誉。Your neat appearance~es you credit. 你整洁的外表给你增辉。She did us a great honour by visiting the college. 她来访我们学院使我们感到非常荣幸。
 do one's best/utmost 尽最大努力:I did(will~) my best/utmost for him/to help him in the race. 我为了他/为了帮助他/在赛跑中尽了(将尽)最大努力。It was not his fault. He was~ing his best, his utmost. 这不是他的错。他在尽力而为。
 do one's worst 尽力使坏:I shall take no notice of his threats; let him~his worst. 我不会理睬他的威胁,任他把本事全使出来。
 do right/wrong 做得对/不对:You did right/wrong in behaving like that/to refuse his offer. 你那样做/拒绝他的帮助是对/错的。You must know the wrong you've done .你应该知道你做的错事。
 How do you do? 你好(用于初次见面时打招呼):“John, let me introduce you. This is my wife Marilyn.”“How do you~?” “How do you~? Nice to meet you. ”“约翰,我来介绍一下。这是我妻子玛莉莲。”“你好! ”“你好! 很高兴见到你。”
 do away with (v adv prep) 1) 废除,取消(vt):~away with monarchy/slavery/privi-leges/a custom/a law 废除君主制/奴隶制/特权/一习俗/一法律; 2) 杀死(vt):He's afraid that someone might try to~away with him. 他害怕有人会除掉他。try to~away with oneself 企图自杀;
 do down(v adv)(infml)(BrE) 1) 骗(vt):Don't trust him. He would even~his best friend down if he got the chance. 别相信他,一有机会他连最好的朋友都骗。2) 诽谤,诋毁(vt):He's always~ing other people down. 他总是在背后说别人坏话。
 do for (v prep)(infml) 1) 为……做家务(vt):Mrs Brown comes in twice a week to~for us. 布朗太太每周两次来为我们做家务。2) 杀死(vt):He received a blow on the head. That, I thought, had done for him. 他头上挨了一下,我想这要了他的命。3) 毁掉(vt, 通常 pass):My shoes are about done for.我的鞋差不多完蛋了。 Last night's gale did for my greenhouse. 昨天夜里的大风毁了我的暖房。4)设法得到(vt):How/What did you~for food during flood? 洪水期间你是怎么弄到食物的?
 do in (v adv)(infml) 1) 干掉,杀死(vt):He felt like~ing herself in. 他想要自杀。2) 使累得要死(vt,通常pass):I'm really done in after the long trip. 长途跋涉后我真是累坏了。3) 弄伤(vt):He did his wrist in pushing the car. 他推汽车时弄伤了手腕。
 do out (v adv)(infml) 1) 打扫,清理(vt):~out a cupboard/a drawer 清理碗柜/抽屉;~out a bathroom/a dining-room/a yard 打扫浴室/餐厅/院子;2) 粉刷,裱糊(vt):Please~out two rooms for us 请给我们粉刷两个房间。.
 do sb out of sth(infml) 使不能得到:He was done out of his inheritance/his right/his promotion.他被人搞得失去了遗产/权利/提升机会。The shopkeeper did me out of £1 by overcharging me. 店主多要了我一英镑。
 do over (v adv) 1) 重新装修(vt):We are having the kitchen done over. 我们在让人重新装修厨房。2) 猛击(infml)(vt):be done over by a gang of hooligans/thugs 遭到一群流氓/暴徒的袭击;
 do sth to sb/sth 1) 打(激)动(infml):His speech really~es something to me. 他的讲话确实打动了我。2) 使发生:What have you done to him/your hair/that picture/the television? 你把他/你的头发/那张画/那台电视机怎么的啦?
 do up (v adv) 1) 扣好(vt & vi):~up one's coat/one's dress/one's shoe-lace/one's buttons 系上外衣/裙子/鞋带/扣子;~up one's zip/a knot 拉上拉锁/系上一个结;The blouse~es up at the back. 这女罩衫是在背后系扣子的。2) 把……包(捆)好(vt):~up a parcel/a package/a book 捆上包裹/包裹/书;~up one's purchases/one's hair 包上买的东西/系上头发;3) 修(缮)(vt):~up a house/a room 装修房子/房间;~up an old skirt 修改一条旧裙子; 4) 打扮(vt)(infml):She did herself up for the party. 她打扮好去参加聚会。
 do sth with sb/sth 1)(怎么)处理(置)(用于what引导的疑问句):What have you done/did you~with my luggage? 你把我的行李放哪儿了? What did you~with yourself yesterday? 你昨天是怎么过的? “What have you done with my wife? ” “She is in the kitchen.”“我妻子哪儿去了? ” “她在厨房。”What am I to~/shall I~with this naughty boy? 我拿这个淘气的孩子怎么办? What's to be done with this stuff in the attic? 阁楼上的这些废物怎么处理? 2)(为什么)有(用于what引导的疑问句,用进行体):What are you~ing with that gun/that old car? 你要那枪/旧车子干什么?
 do with (v prep) 1) 需(想)要(与can/could连用)(vt):I could~with a cup of tea/a stiff drink/a bath/a good meal/a week away from work. 我想要一杯茶/一杯烈性酒/洗个澡/好好吃一顿/休假一个星期。The car could~with a polish/a wash. 车子需要擦擦/洗洗了。2)忍受(与can/could 的否定式连用)(vt):I can't/couldn't~with loud music/noise/untidiness/his temper/his silliness. 我无法忍受吵闹的音乐/嘈杂声/脏乱/他的脾气/他的愚蠢。I can't/couldn't~with waiting any longer. 我再也等不下去了。3) 行,可以,凑合(与can连用;见(16))(vt):Can/Could you~with £2/cold meat for dinner?两英镑/吃凉肉你能凑合吗? 4) 用完(与have或be连用)(vt,尤pass):Have/Are you done with the dictionary? 词典你用完了吗?
 do without (v prep) 不用(需),将就(与can/could连用)(vt):We can/could~without luxuries/sleep/a holiday/a secretary.我们没有奢侈品/睡眠/假日/秘书也行。
 to do with (v prep)与……有关系(其前常有something, nothing, anything, everything)(vt):It is nothing/something to~with you.这与你无关/有关。I am interested in anything to~with stamps .我对与邮票有关的事都感兴趣。
 have/be to do with 与……有关系:His job has/is to~with newspapers. 他的工作和报纸有关。 He has to~with all sorts of people. 他得与各种各样的人建立关系。 do with 与……有关系(have后可为something, nothing, anything, a lot等):Don't have anything to~with that dishonest fellow. 不要跟那个不诚实的人有什么瓜葛。He has something to~with her death. 他与她的死有关。This has little/hasn't much to~with what you said. 这与你说的话毫无/没多大关系。.
 →′doer n 实干家;′doings n 所做的事情;活动所需的东西;





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