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单词 division
division/dɪ′vɪ ʒn/ n

(1) 1) 分(dividing or being divided) [U]:the~of labour/responsibility 劳动/责任的分配;the~of wealth/interests/the harvest/the stolen goods/a family farm 财富/利益/收成/窃得的货物/家庭农场的分割;the~of time into days/the money into six equal amounts 时间分成一天一天/钱分成六等份;〖同〗separation, dividing, sharing;2) 分的结果(result of dividing) [U a~](常有形容词修饰):make a~of the profits 分割利润;This, I think, is a fair~. 我看这样分是公平的。a fair/unfair~of money 钱的公平/不公平分配;There is a~of the course into 30 lessons. 整个课程分为30课。〖同〗separation;

(2) 1) 部分,段(one of the parts into which a whole is divided) [C]:separate/group sth into some~s or classes 把……分成几个部分或几个类别;2) 部(门),科,处,师(major unit or section of a governmental business or educational organization) [C](缩写Div):the sales/electrical goods~销售部/电器部;the African Affairs D~非洲事务部;the heavy weight~in boxing 拳击重量级组;play in the second~of the football league 参加足球联赛乙组赛;the parachute/infantry/cavalry~空降师/步兵师/骑兵师;a~of the army 陆军师;〖同〗part, branch, department, section;

(3) 分界(线),划分物(sth that separates or comes between (two people or things)) [C]:The river forms the~between the old and new parts of the city. 那河成了新旧城区之间的分界。The hedge forms the~between her land and mine. 篱笆成了她的地和我的地之间的分界。put up a~between houses/between kitchen and dinette 把几座房子/橱房和小餐厅隔开;the~between various classes of society社会各阶层之间的分界;〖同〗divider, boundary;

(4) 分歧,不和((instance of) disagreement of difference in sth; disunity)[C U]:~s between members of the committee 委员们的分歧;the deep/widening~s in society today 当今社会中深刻/不断扩大的分歧;stir up~s in society 在社会上激起不和;a sharp~of opinion 尖锐的意见分歧;foster~增大分歧;〖同〗difference, disagreement;〖反〗agreement;

(5) 除(法)(dividing one number by another) [U]:be good at~除法不错;learn~学会除法;the~of 8 by2 8 除以 2; 8 divided by 2(8÷2) is simple~. 8 除以 2 是简单的除法题。~sign 除号;

(6)(议会)分组表决((in Parliament) act of voting) [C](尤BrE):force a~on the motion 对该动议强行表决;read a bill without a~未经表决就宣读一议案;~lobby/bell(英议会)投票厅/通知议员参加表决的铃声;

← di′vide vt;

→ di′visional adj 师的;di′visive adj 造成不和(分歧)的;di′visively adv 造成不和(分歧)地;indi′visive adj 不造成不和(分歧)的





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