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单词 dive
dive/daɪv/ vi [-d/d/, AmE also dove/doʊv/,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n

vi (1) 跳水(jump head first into water) [II+prep(from/off)(into),I+adv(off/in)]:~from a bridge (to rescue a drowning child) 从桥上跳入河中(去救一落水儿童);~into the lake/the river/the water 跳入湖/河/水中;~into the sea from the rocks 从崖礁上跳入海中;The boy ran to the side of the swimming-pool and~d off. 男孩跑到游泳池边,纵身跳入水中。He~d in first. 他第一个跳入水中。〖同〗plunge;

(2)(使)潜水((cause to) go underwater) [II+adv(down),I+prep(for),I+adv(down)+prep(for),T+n]:The whale/submarine/diver~d. 鲸鱼/潜水艇/潜水员潜水而行。No one had ever~d there before. 从未有人潜到那里去过。~for pearls/gold/crabs 潜水采珍珠/找黄金/摸蟹;defy orders not to~the submarine 抗拒命令不让潜艇下潜;

(3) 俯冲(go downwards steeply and swiftly) [II+adv(down),I+prep(from)]:The aircraft~d steeply.飞机陡直地俯冲下来。(man)~from the tenth floor(人)从10层楼跳下;(parachutist)~from the plane(跳伞员)从飞机上跳下;The eagle~d on its victim. 鹰向猎物俯冲下去。The acrobats~d into nets. 杂技演员跳进网中。

(4) 奔,跑,猛冲,跳(rush headlong quickly in a specified direction) [I+prep(into/under)]:(rabbit)~into a hole/a bush(兔子)迅速钻进一个洞/灌木丛;(person)~into a shop/a crowd(人)迅速奔进商店/人群;~under the bed 飞快地钻到床下;The thief~d down a back street and disappeared. 小偷沿后街逃得没了踪影。~from the fifth floor in a suicide attempt 从五楼跳下企图自杀;~for cover/a gun/the phone 跑去躲雨/抓枪/抓电话;

dive in(to) 1)(把手)迅速伸(插)入:~into a bag/a purse/one's pocket/one's suitcase 把手迅速伸入包/钱包/衣兜/手提箱里;2) 潜心于:~into a new project/one's new duties 潜心研究一新方案/埋头履行自己的新职责;

→′diver n 潜水员;′diving n 潜水(运动);′dive-bomb v 俯冲轰炸;′dive-bomber n 俯冲轰炸机;′diving-bell n 钟形潜水器;′diving-board n 跳水板;′diving-suit n 潜水服;

n(1) 跳水;潜水;俯冲;猛冲(act of diving) [C]:(swimmer) make/do a~into the pool(游泳者)跳入水池;(submarine) make/do a~for the bottom(潜水艇)潜向海底;(thief) make/do a~for the doorway(小偷)奔向门口;(policeman) make/do a~for the dropped weapon(警察)奔过去抓住掉下的枪;(goalkeeper) make spectacular/beautiful~to save the goal(足球守门员)来了一个惊人/漂亮的鱼跃去救门球;〖同〗jump,leap,plunge,dash;

(2) 低级餐室,下流场所(cheap dirty place for eating or amusement usu not respectable and often underground) [C](infml):have a few drinks in a low~near the harbour 在港口附近一家下等餐馆中喝几杯





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