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meritn. 1. worthiness,excellence高尚,杰出。 △Ham.2.2.563(531): “Use them after your own honour and dignity—the less they deserve,the more merit is in yourbounty.”你要按照你自己的体面和身份去对待他们;他们愈是不配,愈使你的宽厚显得高尚。 △2H.IV.2.4.409 (374):“You see,my good wenches,how men of merit aresought after.”你们看,好姑娘们,杰出人物总是被人找到门上。 2. virtue,good quality美德,优秀品质。 △Oth.2.1.145:“one that in the authority of her merit,”一个只凭她美德的高贵的女人。 3. good works善行。 △1H.IV.1.2.119(107): “O,ifmen were to be saved by merit,what hole in hell were hot enough for him?”啊,人们要是靠行善才能得救,对他这样的人,地狱里哪个火洞才热得够收拾他呢? 4. (abstr,for concr.) worthy people,good men高尚的人,好人。 △Ham.3.1.73 (72):“and the spurns / Thatpatient merit of the unworthy takes,”以及默默忍受的好人从小人那里所受到的欺辱。 5. desert,what one deserves功罪,应得的赏罚。 △Lr.5.3.44 (43): “so to use them / As we shall find theirmerits and our safety / May equally determine. ”好按照他们的应得罪名,也根据我们的安全考虑,来决定如何处治他们。 6. deservedness应得。 △Oth.3.3.187: “Nor frommine own weak merits will I draw / The smallest fearor doubt of her revolt,”我也不会因为自己的不配(得到她的爱)而产生一点点担心,猜疑她会对我不忠。(按: weak merit又译为“缺点”。) 7. character with respect to desert (of good or evil)(招致好坏结果的)性格。 △Lr.3.5.8 (7): “a provokingmerit,”易于激怒的秉性。 8. filial affection (such as a child would be expectedto have for a parent)(子女对父母一般具有的)孝心。 △Lr.1.1.55 (53): “Where nature doth with merit challenge?”看看谁在亲子关系中最有孝心,有权享有(我的恩惠)?9.❶desert,good works功劳,善行。 ❷reward,gratuity报酬,赏金。 △L.L.L.4.1.21:“my beauty will be savedby merit.”只要行了好事,就可保全美貌;(双关)只要给一笔赏金,就可保全美貌。
meritvt. deserve应受,配得。 △2H.VI.5.1.81: “MayIden live to merit such a bounty,/ And never live buttrue unto his liege!”但愿艾敦不负厚恩,有生之日都忠于主上! △Mer.3.5.83 (77):“And if on earth he do notmerit it,”如果他不规规矩矩过日子,不配享这个福气。 merit[ˈmerit]n.才能,价值,功绩,功德,优点v.应得,值得 ◇make a merit of sth.将某事说得好听 on its merits按某事本身的价值,靠实力 ‖indelible merit不可磨灭的功绩 merit and demerit功过 merit-based以监管机构评审为本 merit bonus功绩奖金 merit factor品质因素 merit fund奖学基金 merit index价值指标 merit of the cause事业的价值 merit rating plan考绩制度,考绩计划 merit rating成绩评定,等级税率 merit student“三好”学生 merit system n.考绩制,人才制度,文官录用(提拔)制度 merit trip奖励旅行 Merit Trip Scheme奖励旅行计划 merits and achievements功绩 merits and demerits优缺点,功过 merits and virtues功德 merited player功勋运动员 meritorious[ˈmeriˈtɔriəs]adj. 可奖励的,可称赞的,有功的 meritorious deeds功绩 meritorious service功勋,优良服务 meritoriously adv.meritoriousness n.merit-rating n.考绩,考评 |