n. note to help the memory备忘便条。
△1H.IV.3.3.177(158):“tavern-reckonings,memo-randums of bawdy-houses,”酒店的账单,妓院的便条。
exchange of memorandum互换备忘录
explanatory memorandum解释性备忘录
memorandum account备查账户
Memorandum and Articles of Association《组织大纲及章程》/ memorandum book备忘账
memorandum buying委托销售
memorandum check预填日期用以到时偿还债务的支票
memorandum clause备忘录条款,附加条款
memorandum copy of bill of lading提单副本
memorandum in writing书面备忘录
memorandum joint venture account短期合营备忘账
memorandum ledger备忘分类账
memorandum of appeal上诉摘要
memorandum of association公司章程,组织大纲
memorandum of balance sheet audit资产负债表审计备忘录
memorandum of deposit抵押品存放单,存款单
memorandum of exchange兑换水单
memorandum of general agreement一般交易条件协议书
Memorandum of Intention意向书
Memorandum of Regulatory Cooperation (MORC) 《监管合作备忘录》 /memorandum of satisfaction赔偿或还债备忘录
memorandum of understanding (MOU)谅解备忘录
memorandum on conditions of service服务条件说明书
memorandum report备忘录报告
memorandum sale试销
memorandum trade备忘录贸易
memorandum value非正式定价