释义 |
meaningn. intention,purpose,action intended 意图,目的,行动打算。 △Mer.1.2.33 (30): “whereof whochooses his meaning chooses you,” i.e.among whichchests he who chooses your father’s intended one will choose you,在这三个匣子当中,谁选中你父亲中意的那一个,就算选中了你。 △Lr.1.2.195 (172): “I am no honestman if there be any good meaning toward you.” 要是他对你有什么好意,我就不是老实人。 △Lr.5.3.3: “We arenot the first / Who with the best meaning have in-curred the worst.”好心反而遭到恶报,我们并不是第一个。 △H.V.1.2.240: “The Dolphin’s meaning and ourembassy?” 太子的意图和我们的使命。 △3H.VI.4.5.22:“Well guessed,believe me,for that was my mean-ing.” 猜对了,那正是我的意图。 △R.III.1.4.93: “I willnot reason what is meant hereby,/ Because I will be guiltless from the meaning,” 我不想查问其中的用意,因为我不想牵涉到这种用意里去。 △R.III.3.5.54 (55):“Some-thing against our meanings.”i.e.somewhat contraryto our intention.多多少少违背了我们的本意。 |