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单词 mean


1. a middle place or position in life 中间地位,小康。
△Mer.1.2.7: “It is no mean happiness therefore tobe seated in the mean.”所以处于中间地位倒是幸福不小。2. means between extremes,moderation,limit 中庸之道,适度,限度。
△1H.VI.1.2.121: “Shall we disturbhim,since he keeps no mean?”i.e. observes no mod-eration;is behaving so immoderately. 他既然这样举措失度,我们要不要打断他的兴头?
3. that which is used to effect an object,means,method,way手段,办法,方法,方式。
△Gent.2.7.5: “Tolesson me and tell me some good mean”,请指教我并且告诉我有什么好办法。
△Rom.3.3.44 (45): “suddenmean of death,” 任何立刻致人死命的方法。
△Rom. 5. 3.239: “Then comes she to me,/ And with wild looksbid me devise some mean / To rid her from this second marriage,”于是她来找我,带着极端不安的神色求我想个办法避免这第二次的结婚。
△Oth.3.1.39 (37):“And I'lldevise a mean to draw the Moor / Out of the way.”我还要想法子把那摩尔人拉开。
△1H.VI.3.2. 10: “Oursacks shall be a mean to sack the city,”我们的麻袋正好做了洗劫这个城市的手段。
△2H.VI.4.8.72(68):“Followme,soldiers,we'll devise a mean / To reconcile youall unto the king.”士兵们,跟我来,我们要想一个办法使你们全都得到国王的谅解。
4. agency,go-between,agent,instrument代理,媒介,代理人,工具。
△Gent.4.4.115 (108):“I pray you be mymean”,我请你帮帮我的忙。
△1H.IV.1.3.261: “Andmake the Douglas' son your only mean / For powersin Scotland.”单单留下道格拉斯的儿子,叫他代表你从苏格兰调出一支军队。
△R.III.1.3.90 (89): “You may denythat you were not the mean / Of my Lord Hastings'late imprisonment.”你也可以否认,说你不是海斯丁斯大人最近下狱的主使人。
5. means,i.e. sum of money资财。
△Com.1.2.17:“Many a man would take you at your word,/ And goindeed,having so good a mean.”有这么多的钱好拿,谁都愿意听从你的话一走了之。
6. opportunity机会。
△H.V.III.5.3.144 (5.2.179):“There's some of ye,I see,/ More out of malice than integrity,/ Would try him to the utmost had yemean,/ Which ye shall never have while I live.”(Anallusion to the martyrdom of Cranmer,who,as aProtestant,was to suffer in 1556,in the reign ofHenry's successor Mary.)我看出来了,你们当中有些人是出于恶意而非出于公心,只要一有机会就想把他彻底整垮,但是这种机会,只要我活一天,你们休想得到。
7. the tenor part in music男高音。
△L.L.L.5.2.328(327): “nay,he can sing / A mean most meanly.” 不错,他还会唱歌,男高音唱得高不成、低不就。
8. ❶tenor 男高音。
❷opportunity of access to a person接近机会。
△Gent.1.2.92:“There wan-teth but a mean to fill your song.”你的歌儿里需要一个男高音。(指普洛丢斯,并双关:接近机会,哀叫。)


△2H.VI.3.2.146:“these mean obsequies,”这些普通的丧礼;这些庸俗的哀悼表示。
2. small,slight,insignificant,unworthy 小的,微薄的,微不足道的,无价值的。
△3H.VI.1.3.19: “I am too meana subject for thy wrath;”我太渺小,不配做你愤怒的对象。
△ Mer.1.2.7: “no mean happiness”,不小的幸福。
△L.L.L.2.1.13: “my beauty,though but mean,”我的美貌,尽管微不足道。
3. humble,low-born,of humble rank,low in posi-tion,of low degree 卑微的,出身低下的,身份卑微的,下等的。
△ Com.1.1.54: “A mean woman”,一个贫苦的妇人。
△Shr.1.1.209 (205):“meaner man of Pisa”,i.e. some man of lower class from Pisa. 比萨来的某个穷人。
△Shr.2.1.38s.d:“in the habit of a mean man,”身穿下人装束。
△Lr.4.6.209 (204): “A sight most pitifulin the meanest wretch,”最下贱的可怜虫落到这种地步,也是顶叫人怜悯的了。
△2H.VI.2.1.183 (180): “And,van-quished as I am,I yield to thee,/ Or to the meanestgroom.” 既然我一败涂地了,我只好向你屈服,或者说向最下贱的奴才屈服。
△2H. VI. 5.1.64: “If one so rude and ofso mean condition / May pass into the presence of aking,” 如果一个粗鲁无礼而又身份低贱的人也可以出现在国王的御驾之前。
△3H.VI.3.2.97: “I know I am too meanto be your queen.” 我知道我自己太卑微,不配做你的王后。
△R.III.4.2.53: “Inquire me out some mean poorgentleman,/Whom I will marry straight to Clarence’daughter.”给我找出一个贫穷的下等人,我要马上把克拉仑斯的女儿嫁给他。
△ R.III.5.2.24: “Kings it makes gods,and meaner creatures kings.”它使国王成为神明,使得卑微者成为国王。
4. plebeian,inferior 平民的,低劣的。
△ As.1.3.114(111): “I’ll put myself in poor and mean attire.”我可以穿上破旧的平民服装。
5. modest,plain 简陋的,平常的。
△Com.3.1. 28:“though my cates be mean,” 虽然寒舍饭菜粗陋。
6. undignified,base,contemptible 不体面的,卑劣的,可鄙的。
△Rom.3. 3. 43 (44): “Hadst thou no poisonmixed,no sharp-ground knife,/ No sudden mean ofdeath,though ne’er so mean,/But‘banished’ to killme?” 难道你没有调配好的毒药,没有磨快的刀子,没有任何立刻致人死命的方法,无论它是多么卑鄙,而只能用“放逐”这两个字来杀死我吗?
△1H.VI.4.6. 23: “Mean and right poor.”卑劣而且非常可鄙。
7. ❶wicked,bad坏的。
△Shr.5.2.31:“A very meanmeaning.” 很坏的意思。
❷ungenerous,stingy 小气。
△Shr.5.2. 32: “I am mean indeed,respecting you”i.e. I think very little of you. 对你来说,我是小气的(对你印象不佳)。
❸mild(脾气)温和。上句也可解为: I am mod-erate in temper compared with you. 与你比起来,我的脾气要好一点。
mean and gentle: humble and oflowly and noble birth,both commoners and nobles 出身卑贱的和出身高贵的,出身低贱和出身高贵的人,平民和贵族。
△H.V.4.Cho. 45:“mean and gentle all / Behold,”诸位不分尊卑贵贱,都能同来观赏。
mean time: meantime,intervening time 其间,间隔的时间。
△H.V.5.1. 34 (33): “I will desire you to live inthe mean time,and eat your victuals.”可是在这时候我却要你活着,吃你的东西。


vt. intend,design 想要,打算。
△Lr. 5. 3. 79 (78):“Mean you to enjoy him?” 你想要占有他吗?
△1H.IV.4.4.36: “For if Lord Percy thrive not,ere the King /Dismiss his power he means to visit us,” 因为如果波西爵士失败了,国王在解散他的军队之前一定要来寻找我们。
△1H. VI.5.1.39: “Which by my Lord of Winchesterwe mean / Shall be transported presently to France.”这份文件,我打算让温彻斯特大人立即送到法国。
△2H.VI.3.1. 79: “Who cannot steal a shape that means deceit?”凡是在打算奸谋的人,谁不会偷换一身外衣?
△2H.VI.3.1.267: “Not resolute,except so much were done,/Forthings are often spoke and seldom meant.”这还不算坚决,除非说到办到,因为许多事情常常只是说说,并不打算办的。
1. be minded. be disposed 有心,有意。
△Tw.4.3.22:“If you mean well,” 如果你有诚心。
△Rom.2.2.150:“But if thou meanest not well,”不过你若存心不良。
2. intend to act 打算行动。
△ 1H.VI.2.2.60: “I do,mylord,and mean accordingly.” 我明白,大人,并打算如此行动。
3. moan,complain,lament 悲叹,抱怨,哭诉。
△Mid.5.1.331 (323):“And thus she means,”于是她就要哭诉了。




v.打算,意指,意谓,用意,有意义adj.吝啬的,自私的,邪恶的,普通的,简陋的,平均的n. 中间,平均值 (数) ,中庸
◇ a mean of平均
mean business当真
mean mischief有意弄坏或加害
mean much很重要
mean well处于好心
mean well by sb.对某人抱善良
mean what one’s says说话算数
no mean出色的,相当的
the happy mean中庸之道
‖ mean absolute error绝对平均误差
mean age平均年龄
mean amount of information平均信息量
mean annual rate年平均率
mean arithmetical value算术平均值
mean availability平均有效性
mean chord平均弦长
mean deviation平均差
mean difference parameter平均差参数
mean effective value平均有效值
mean error平均误差
mean fraction平均分数
mean geometrical distance几何平均距离
mean length of life平均寿命
mean length of life平均寿命
mean life time平均寿命
mean method折中方法
mean mischief心怀恶意
mean parameter平均参数
mean price平均价 mean proportional比例中项
mean purpose邪恶意图
mean scale平均比例尺
mean square均方
mean square deviation均方差
mean square value均方值
mean time平均课时mean-value平均值
mean time(比赛)平均时间
mean value均值
mean value theorem均值定理
mean velocity平均速度
mean yield平均产量





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