1. myself 我自己。
△Ham.3.1.125 (121): “I am myselfindifferent honest,but yet I could accuse me of suchthings that it were better my mother had not borneme.” 我自己算得上一个相当纯洁的人,可是我还能指出我的许多罪名,但愿我的母亲当初不该生我。
△H.V.1.2.275:“WhenI do rouse me in my throne of France.”等我振奋起来,登上法兰西的宝座。
△H.V.2.2.76: “I do confess myfault,/ And do submit me to your Highness’ mercy.”我招认我的罪过,只求陛下仁慈。
2. used in the ethical dative without any separatemeaning,a colloquialism 用于泛指的人称的与格,me本身无意义(一种俚俗用法)。
△Mer.1.3.85 (84): “The skill-ful shepherd pilled me (= pilled) certain wands,” 那乖巧的牧人便削好了几根木棒。
△Mer.2. 2. 118 (108): “giveme (= give) your present to one Master Bassanio,”把你的礼物送给一位巴珊尼欧先生吧。
△Tw.3.2.37 (33):“Why then,build me thy fortunes upon the basis ofvalour,Challenge me the Count’s youth to fight withhim,”好啊,那就以你的勇敢为基础来建筑你的幸运吧。去向公爵差来的少年挑战吧。
△Oth.4.1.136 (134):“ and thither comes the bauble,and,by this hand,falls me thus a-bout my neck.”这个蠢东西又来了,真的,就这样扑过来搂住我的脖子。
△1H.IV.2. 4. 116 (101):“ I am not yet ofPercy’s mind,the Hotspur of the north,he that killsme some six or seven dozen of Scots at a breakfast,washes his hands,and says to his wife,‘Fie upon thisquiet life! I want work.’” i. e. I am not yet of Percy’sopinion,who thinks all the time lost that is not spentin bloodshed and has nothing but the barren talk of abrutal soldier.(The feverish activity of Francis re-minds Hal of a similar nervous activity in Hotspur,and Hal contrasts his own “all humours” i.e.merri-ment,sociability and idleness,with Hotspur’s homici-dal monomania.)我跟波西那位北方的飞将军性情可不一样,他会在一顿早饭的时间杀死六七打苏格兰人,洗洗手,然后对他的夫人说:“嘿,这种生活太安静了! 我需要有事干。”
△1H.IV.4.3.85: “Proceeded further-cut me off the heads / Ofall the favourites that the absent King / In deputationleft behind him here,”于是他更进一步,把国王作为摄政代理人留在国内的所有宠臣都一个个砍了头。
3. for me,at my bidding 为我,按我的吩咐。
△2H.VI.2.1.142 (139):“Now,sirrah,if you mean to save yourself from whipping,leap me over this stool and run a-way.”现在,小子,要是你不想挨鞭子,你就给我跳过这个凳子逃走。
△Ham.2.1.7: “Inquire me first what Danskersare in Paris.” 你先给我打听在巴黎有些什么丹麦人。
△Shr.1.2.8: “knock me”,i.e. knock for me. 替我敲门(Shr. 1. 2. 11-12: “knock me”,“rap me”,用法同。)