释义 |
margentn. 1. margin,border,edge边,畔。 △Mid.2.1.85:“Or inthe beached margent of the sea,”或者在海边的沙滩上。 2. margin of a page书页边沿的空白。 △L.L.L.2.1.244(246): “His face's own margent did cote such ama-zes”,他自己的脸上(像书边一样)写满了这样的惊奇。 △Rom.1.3.85:“And what obscured in this fair volume liesFind written in the margent of his eves.”i. e. whatcannot be found in his face will appear in his eyes. 这本好书如有晦涩之处,在他眼边有写明的小注。(梁实秋译文) 3. explanatory notes written in the margin of an oldbook书边空白,(写在古书边上的)注解。 △Ham.5.2.162(155): “I knew you must be edified by the margentere you had done.” i.e. you could not understandwhat he is trying to say without the help of explana-tions. 我知道你得读读注解才能明白。 |