n. mate,partner in marriage,spouse 伙伴,婚姻伴侣,配偶。
△Lr.4.3.36 (34):“Else one self mate andmake could not beget / Such different issues.”不然的话,同一对夫妻不能生出来这样不同的儿女。
1. do,be doing 做,干。
△L.L.L.4. 3. 190 (188):“What makes treason here?” 叛逆到这里来做什么呢?
△Wiv.2.1.243 (236):“and what they made there,Iknow not.” 他们在那里干些什么,我不知道。
△Wiv.4.2.56 (54):“But what make you here?” i.e.But what areyou doing here? 可是你到这里干什么来了?
△As.1.1.31(29): “what make you here?” i.e.what are you doinghere?你在这里做什么?
△ As.3.2.235 (222): “Whatmakes he here?”i.e.What is he doing here? 他在这儿做什么?
△Rom.5.3. 280:“Sirrah,what made yourmaster in this place?”i. e. what did your master do?what was he doing?小子,你的主人在这个地方做了些什么事?
△Lr.1.4. 209 (189): “How now,daughter? whatmakes that frontlet on?” 怎么了,女儿? 做什么像缠了一条束额带子似的,老皱着眉头?
△Oth.1.2.49: “Ancient,what makes he here?” i. e. what is he doing here?旗手,他在这里做什么?
△R.III.4.4.474 (473):“Then tellme,what makes he upon the seas?”i.e.what is hedoing upon the sea?那么告诉我,他在海上做什么?
2. form,compose,constitute 形成,组成,构成。
△Oth.3.4.27 (26): “and but my noble Moor / Is true ofmind,and made of no such baseness / As jealouscreatures are,it were enough / To put him to ill thinking.”要不是我那高尚的摩尔人心地正直,没有那些爱嫉妒的男人的卑鄙心理,这就足够引起他胡思乱想了。
3. perform,carry out 执行,实现。
△Lr. 2.1.113 (111):“Make your own purpose,” 执行你自己的(捉住他的)计划;照你的意思去办好了。
4. cause to exist,cause 使发生,引起。
△2H.IV.4.1.185(183): “If we can make our peace / Upon such largeterms,”如果我们能在这样慷慨的条件下获得和平。
5. create. produce 创造,生产。
△As.1.1.32 (30):“Nothing.I am not taught to make any thing.” 没做什么。没有人教过我制作什么。(按:奥兰多用make的另一含义来反讥奥利佛。)
6. raise.get together 筹集。
△Oth.1.3.361 (354):“Make all the money thou canst.”尽你的力量把钱筹集起来。
7. assemble,muster集合,集结。
△2H.IV.1.1.168:“Let us make head.”i.e. let us raise an army. 让我们把军队召集起来。
△R.III.4.4.450 (449): “Bid him levy straight /The greatest strength and power that he can make,”叫他把他能集结的最大兵力和军队都立即征召起来。
8. make out凑成。
△2H.IV.2.4.45 (42): “I make them? Gluttony and diseases make them,I make them not. ”我把他们弄胖了? 贪嘴和脏病把他们弄胖的,我才没有把他们弄胖。
9. make up,complete补足,使完满。
△R.III.2.1.43:“There wanteth now our brother Gloucester here / To make the blessed period of this peace.”现在这里缺少的只有我的兄弟葛罗斯特前来补足这个美满和好的结局了。
10. make the fortunes of,enrich使…发财,使富裕。
△1H.IV.2.2.63 (58): “There's enough to make us all.” i.e. to make all our fortunes,to make us all rich. 这足够使我们大家发财。
11. make happy使…幸运。
△Oth.5.1.4: “It makes us,or it mars us,”成功失败,在此一举。
12. bring about,perform导致,演出。
△R.III.2.2.39:“To make an act of tragic violence.”为了演出悲剧性自杀的一幕。
13. produce拿出。
△2H.VI.4.1.10:“Here shall they make their ransom on the sand.”就叫他们在沙滩上拿出他们的赎金。(按: make又解作draw up.“写出”。)
14. prove,make good证明,证实。
△Oth.3.4.10:“Can anything be made of this?”这是什么意思呢?
△Lr.5.3.94 (93): “I'll make it on thy heart. / Ere I taste bread.”i.e.Before I eat any food again. 我决不让面包入口,除非我在你的心口上证实这一点。
15. regard看待。
△2H.IV.1.2.87 (76): “it is worseshame to beg than to be on the worse side,were itworse than the name of rebellion can tell (= know)how to make it. ” i.e. even if that side were worsethan it is; although it is hard to see what could beworse than to side with rebels; even if a worse namethan rebellion could be found for it. 要饭比站在最坏的方面还要可耻,如果叛乱的名声还能找出更可耻的事情的话。
16. consider考虑,认为。
△Shr.3.2.194(191):“Make it no wonder”,i.e. do not be surprised. 不必惊奇。
17. cherish珍爱。
△Lr.3.2.31:“The man that makes his toe / What he his heart should make / Shall of a corn cry woe,/ And turn his sleep to wake.”谁要是把他的脚趾头看得像他的心一样珍贵,他总有一天要喊叫脚鸡眼疼,晚上连觉也睡不成。
18. appoint指定。
△Wiv.3.4.49 (48):“He will make you a hundred and fifty pounds jointure.”他会给你留一百五十镑的赡养金(指:丈夫死后给妻子留下的遗产)。
19. give举行。
△H.VIII.1.3.52:“This night he makes a supper,and a great one,/ To many lords and ladies;”今天晚上他举行晚宴,而且要大张盛筵,邀请许多贵族和贵妇。
20. fasten,shut,close,bar把…关紧,关上,关闭,闩上。
△As. 4.1.168 (161): “Make the doors upon a woman's wit,and it will out at the casement;”假如你把女人的才情关在门里,它会从窗子里出去的。
△Com.3.193:“the doors are made against you.”门关上,不让你进去。
21.❶bring (bill or debt) up to,amount to使(账目或欠债)达到,共计。
❸bring in,can be sold for挣得,可卖到(多少钱)。
△1H.IV.4.1.6:“This bottle makes an angel.”连这瓶酒共花了十先令。(按:巴道夫在此用❶义,下文福斯塔夫用其
~ vi.
1. have to do,act,have business和…来往,行动,做事。
△Ado.3.3.55 (52): “the less you meddle or makewith them,why,the more is for your honesty.”对于这种人,你们越少跟他们来往生事,就越能表示出你们是规矩人。
2. have to do,interfere介入,干预。
△Wiv.1.4.114(109): “I vill (i.e. will) teach a scurvy jack-a-napepriest to meddle or make!”我要教训这下贱的猴儿崽子牧师以后少管闲事。
3. move,go,make one's way移动,走,行进。
△R.III.4.4.468 (467): “Stirred up by Dorset,Buckingham,andMorton,/ He makes for England,here to claim thecrown.”在道赛特、白金汉和莫尔顿的煽动之下,他向英格兰进发,来这里要求王冠。
△Rom.1.1.130 (124):“Towardshim I made,” i.e.I went towards him,我向他走去。
4. come来。
△3H.VI.4.5.10: “That if about thishour he make this way,/ Under the colour of his usu-al game,”只要他拿他平常打猎为借口,在这个时刻到这里来。
△H.VIII.1.4.54: “Th' (= They) have left theirbarge and landed,/ And hither make,as greatambassadors / From foreign princes.”他们已经离开游艇上了岸,往这里来了,像是外国君主的一群大使。
Phrases & Expressions :
make after: go after追赶。
△Oth.1.1.68: “Rousehim,make after him,poison his delight,/ Proclaimhim in the streets;”(“Him” refers to Othello through-out.)把他轰出来,追着他,扫他的兴,在大街上把他宣扬出去。(按:“他”统指奥赛罗。)
make against: ❶go against,offend 违背,违犯。
△H.V.3.2.53 (48): “which makes much against mymanhood.”这可太不符合我的男子汉气概。
△1H.IV.5.1.101: “And,Prince of Wales,so darewe venture thee. / Albeit considerations infinite / Do make against it.”威尔斯亲王,我敢让你去冒这次危险,尽管种种许多顾虑反对这件事。
❸tell against,accuse,provideevidence against谴责,控诉,提出对…不利的证据。
△Rom.5.3.224: “as the time and place / Doth make againstme,”时间和地点都提出了对我不利的证据。
❹be unfavour-able to对…不利。
△3H.VI.2.1.175: “To frustrateboth his oath and what beside / May make against thehouse of Lancaster.”把他的誓言和其他无论什么对于兰开斯特家族不利的一切都宣布无效。
△H.V.1.2. 35: “There is no bar / To make against yourHighness' claim to France”,i.e. to the throne ofFrance. 没有什么障碍能够阻挡陛下对于法国王位的要求。
make a ghost of: kill杀死。
△ Ham.1.4.85: “Byheaven,I'll make a ghost of him that lets me! ”凭着上天发誓,谁要拦阻我,我就叫他变成一个鬼!
make all split: cause great commotion 引起轰动。
△Mid.1.2.32(30): “or a part to tear a cat in,tomake all split.”或者扮演撕碎一只猫的狂暴角色,引起全场轰动。
make a rescue: forcibly remove a person from legalcustody把人(从法律监护下)劫走。
△Com.4.4.112(110):“I am thy prisoner.Wilt thou suffer them / Tomake a rescue?”我是你的囚犯。你容许他们把我劫走吗?
make a shift: manage设法。
△Mac.2. 3. 47 (40):“yet I made a shift to cast him.”但我还是想法子把它摔倒了。
make away: ❶get away 逃脱。
△Oth.5.1.57: “I think that one of them is hereabout,/ And cannot make away. ”我想有一个坏人还在附近,他逃不了。
❷put an end to,destroy 结果掉,消灭。
△As.5.1.59 (52):“I kill thee,make thee away,” 我要杀死你,把你除掉。
△2H.VI.3.1.167:“And all to make away my guiltless life.”全都要消灭我这无罪的生命。
△2H.VI.3.2.67: “It may be judged I made the Duke away,/So shall my name with slander's tongue be wounded.” 可能会有人断定是我把公爵害死的,那么我的名誉就会受到谣诼的伤害。
△R.III.4.4.282 (281): “Tell her thou madest away her uncle Clarence,/ Her uncle Rivers.” 告诉她你消灭了她的叔叔克拉仑斯,她的舅舅里弗斯。
make bold: take the liberty 冒昧打扰。
△Mid.3.1.190(183): “If I cut my finger,I shall make bold with
make bold withal: have my own way with,treat roughly 对…随意处理,不客气地对待。
△ Rom. 3.1.82(77): “nothing but one of your nine lives,that I meanto make bold withal (= with),”i. e. I intend to treatroughly one of your nine lives. 我只要结果你那九条命中的一条命。
make...cuckold: i.e. give ... the horns (the sign of a cuckold)使…做了乌龟。
△1H.IV.2.4.375 (336):“and he of Wales that gave Amamon the bastinado and made Lucifer cuckold”,(The devil,like cuckolded men,wore horns.)还有威尔士那个曾用棍子把阿马蒙揍了一顿,还使路西弗当了王八的人。
make defeat of: persuade …to give up劝诱…放弃。
△ Ado.4.1.47: “And made defeat of her virginity—” 诱使她失去了贞操。
make difference: discriminate 识别,分辨。
△ Wiv.2.1.56: “as long as I have an eye to make difference of men's liking:”只要我有眼睛分辨人的模样。
make forth: go forth,set out,advance 出发,前进。
△H.V.2.4.4: “Therefore the Dukes of Berri and Britaine,/ Of Brabant and of Orleans,shall make forth,”所以,贝利公爵,布列塔尼公爵、勃拉邦公爵和奥尔良公爵,都要出发。
make friends: gather supporters together 聚集拥护者。
△2H.IV.1.1.214: “and make friends with speed;” 赶快把我们的朋友都集合起来。
make from: get out of range of,keep clear of,get out of the way of,avoid离开…的射程,避开,躲开,回避。
△Lr.1.1.145 (143): “The bow is bent and drawn, make from the shaft.”弓已经弯足,引满;快躲开这枝箭。
make good: ❶put into effect,perform; maintain 实行,履行;维持。
△Lr.1.1.175 (172): “Our potency made good,take thy reward.”为了维持君权,你就接受你的报酬(处分)吧。
❷prove,confirm 证明,证实。
△Rom.5.3.286: “This letter doth make good the friar's words.” 这封信证实了这位长老的话。
△Tw.1.5.7:“Make that good.”i.e. Prove it.证实这一点。
△ Mac.3.1.8: “Why,by the verities on thee made good,”那么,对你样样应验都得到了证明。
△ Mac.3.1.79(78):“This I made good to you / In our last conference,” 这点,在我们上次谈话中,我已经向你们证实了。
❸ justify证明…为正当。
△Ado.5.1.149 (145): “You are a villain. I jest not; I will make it good how you dare,with what you dare,and when you dare.” 你是一个坏蛋。我不是跟你开玩笑;不管你敢采取什么方式,使用什么武器,定在什么时候跟我决斗,我都愿意奉陪,来维护我那一句话。
△Mer.1.3.95(94):“Was this inserted to make interest good?”你插进这段故事,是想证明拿利息是公道的吗?
make good view of: look at … closely,examine closely细看,仔细察看。
△Tw.2.2.20(19):“She made good view of me: ”她仔细地打量我。
make havoc of: destroy,ruin 摧毁,毁掉。
△Ado.4.1.197 (195): “Nor fortune made such havoc of my means (= wealth),” 厄运也不曾毁掉我的财富。
make head: raise troops,muster,mount an attack 召集军队,集合,发动进攻。
△ indign and base adversities / Make head against my estimation!” 让一切卑鄙可耻的灾难都来向我的名誉发动进攻!
make it one: strike one o'clock敲响一点钟。
△ Com.1.2.46:“My mistress made it one upon my cheek.”我的女主人朝我脸上敲响了一点钟(打了一下)。
make it strange: pretend to be indifferent 装作无动于衷。
△Gent.1.2.99: “She makes it strange,”她假装出无动于衷的样子。
make love to: court or seek with eagerness 追求,谋求。
△Ham.5.2.57: “they did make love to this employment,”他们本来是自己钻求这件差使的。
make mouths: make faces做鬼脸。
△ Lr.3.2.35:“For there was never yet fair woman but she made mouths in a glass.” 因为从来的漂亮女人总是要对着镜子做鬼脸的。
make mouths at: make faces at,show contempt for, treat scornfully,mock at 向…做鬼脸,向…表示轻蔑,蔑视地对待,嘲笑。
△Ham.4.4.50: “Makes mouths at the invisible event,”蔑视那不能预见的结局。
make one: ❶take one part,join in,be one of the party 参加,算一个。
△L.L.L.5.1.164 (153):“I'll make
one in a dance,or so;”有跳舞什么的,我来一个。
△Wiv.2.3.47 (45):“if I see a sword out,my finger itches to make one.”只要我看见有人拔出剑来,我的手指就发痒,想去参加。
△Tw.1.5.214 (201):“to make one in so skipping a dialogue.”参加这种疯疯癫癫的谈话。
△1H.IV.1.2.112(100):“Zounds,where thou wilt,lad,I'll make one.”他妈的,不管你到哪里,孩子,我都算一个。
❷go along一起去。
△Tw.2.5.230 (207):“I'll make one too.”我也要一起去。
make out: go out,sally forth 走出去,冲出去。
△Tw. 2.5. 66 (59): “make out for him.”出去找他。
make proof of: put to the test,test检验。
△Oth.5.1.26: “I will make proof of thine.” 我要试试你的铠甲如何。 make question of: doubt怀疑。
△Mer.1.1.156 (155):“you do me now more wrong /In making question of
my uttermost”,i. e. you do me great wrong in doubting my willingness to the utmost I can for you. 你现在疑心我不肯尽最大努力帮你的忙,实在对不起我。
make shift: contrive想办法。
△Mer.1.2.96 (90): “I hope I shall make shift to go without him.”我希望我能设法摆脱他。
make strong: become strong,make oneself powerful成为强有力的,使自己强大起来。
△1H.IV.4.4.39: “And'tis but wisdom to make strong against him.”只有加强我们自己的力量去抵抗他才是明智之举。
make the beast with two backs: i.e.copulate 背叠着背干那畜生的勾当,(指)交配。
△Oth. 1.1.116(115): “I am one,sir. that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs.”先生,我是特来给你报信:你的女儿现在正和那个摩尔人背叠着背干那畜生的勾当哩。
make up: ❶forward,advance行进,前进。
△1H.IV.5.4. 58:“Make up to Clifton,I'll to Sir Nicholas Gaw-sey.”快到克利夫顿那里去吧,我就去找尼古拉斯·高塞爵士。
❷advance,go to the front前进,到前线去。
△1H.IV.5.45:“I beseech your Majesty make up,”我请求陛下上前线去。
❸piece together,put together,work out拼合,综合,解决。
△Tw.2.5.136(121):“O ay,make up that.”(Sir Toby echoes two of the letters—O ay has thesame sound as O.I.) 噢,哎,想法儿拼凑 一下吧。
❹get to-gether. collect 召集,收集。
△2H.VI.2.1 39:“Make upno factious numbers for the matter.”不必把你那一方的人都召来参加这事。
❺ compile编制。
△H.VIII.1.1.75:“He makes up the file / Of all the gentry;”他编列了张所有贵族的名单 。
△R.III.1.1.20:“Deformed. unfinished. sent before my time / Intothis breathing world,scarce half made up,”畸形的,未完工的,简直还没有完成一半就被提前送进这个生命的世界。
❼come to a decision,resolve,determine作出决定,下决心,决定。
△Lr.1.1.209 (206):“Election makes not upon such conditions.”在这种情形下很难决定选择。
make wing: fly away 飞去。
△Mac.3.2.50:“Lightthickens,and the crow / Makes wing to the rookywood;”光线暗了,乌鸦都飞回到昏黑的树林。
what makest thou: what are you doing 你 干什么?
△R.III.1.3.164(163): “Foul wrinkled witch. whatmakest thou in my sight?”满脸皱纹的丑巫婆,你来到我面前干什么?
◇ make a bargain成交,达成协议
make a basket投中
make a bid for…以求获得
make a big deal out of就…小题大做
make a body search搜身
make a bolt (break) for it=make a dash for赶快逃走
make about迎风转向
make a break冲刺
make a break of连续得分
make a call提场喊话
make a card以一牌赢一墩
make a career (s)追求个人名利
make a caricature of使滑稽化
make a catalogue编目
make a clamour喧嚣
make a clean breast of和盘托出坦白
make a clean copy of誊清
make a clear distinction between right and wrong明辨是非
make a cleat in削弱,对…产生不利的影响
make a comeback重返舞台
make a comment or criticism指正
make a comprehensive survey综观
make a conquest of征服
make a contribution建树
make a copy for抄送
make a curvet腾跃,跳跃
make a dash of=make a mess of make a heart of oneself贪吃,嘴馋
make a decision决断
make a detailed inquiry追问
make a difference between区别对待
make a din喧嚣
make a display of宣扬
make a diversion声东击西
make a dividend分配股息
make a diving save鱼跃救球
make adjustment in salary grade调级
make adjustments after a relevant model套改
make a draft 拟稿
make a draft of money银行提款
make a duck得零分
make advance预付,垫款,预先付款
make a face做鬼脸
make a faulty return回球失误
make a feature of以…为特色
make a fool of oneself出洋相
make a fool of愚弄
make a fortune发财
make a fraudulent application and claim虚报冒领
make after追逐,跟随
make a fuss about sth.大惊小怪
make a general reference泛指
make a goal投中得分
make a good beginning开门红
make a good fist at (of)把…做得很成功
make a good score得分多
make a good thing of从…中获得很大好处
make a great coup一鸣惊人,大获成功
make a hit击出安(全)打,受欢迎,获得成功
make a hole of 在…中花费一大笔钱
make a home run打好本垒打
make a jump pivot跳起转身
make a killing赚大钱,飞黄腾达
make a living谋生=make one’s living赚足够的钱过活
make a living as a performer卖艺
make a living away from home闯荡
make a long story short简而言之
make a loss亏损
make a market制造旺市
make a market of把…作为赚钱的目的
make a match撮合
make a mess of把…搞得一塌糊涂
make a mistake犯规
make a mountain of a mole hill小题大做
make a much of=make a mess of=make a mush of make a name成名
make amends for one’s faults by good deeds将功补过
make an accommodation融通资金
make an air attack空袭
make an appointment预约
make an attempt on设法创纪录
make an end of=put an end of make an example of sb.杀一儆百,惩罚某人以儆他人
make an entry in入场
make an exception in sb.’s favour通融
make an exception破格
make an excuse托词
make an exhibition of oneself出洋相,当众出丑
make an inventory of books清点图书
make an inventory of stock on hand盘货
make an inventory of warehouses清仓查库
make an investigation trip察访
make an issue of sth.做文章
make a noise吵吵闹闹
make a noise in the world名噪一时
make an order发价
make a note of把…记下来点
make an uproar喧嚷
make a parade of炫耀,显示
make a pass传球
make a pass at sb.对某人非礼
make a pilgrimage to a sacred place朝圣
make a pitch for为…做广告(宣传),为…说好话
make a pledge宣誓
make a point=make one’s point立论,证明观
make a price开价,出价,定价
make a profit instead of suffering a loss扭亏为盈
make a quotation开价
make a racket喧嚷,大声喧闹
make a raise筹款
make a raise of弄到,筹(收)集到
make a revoke犯规另出他牌
make a riffle乞讨要钱
make a rod for one’s own back 自找麻烦,自寻苦吃
make a scene (row)参加
make a scoop走红运,赚大钱
make as if (though)假装,装作
make a score off one’s own bat独立完成
make a secret of秘不告人
make a sentence造句
make a showy display of one’s abilities锋芒毕露
make a show做样子
make a sky at sb.试图获得某物
make a slight bow with hands folded in front作揖
make a spectacle of oneself使自己出洋相
make a speech演讲
make a splash引起一时轰动
make a spoon or spoil the horn不成功使成仁,孤注一掷
make a sprint finish终点冲刺
make a stand全力拥护,站住,立定,对抗
make a stand against反抗,抵抗
make a success of使成功
make at攻击
make a tally in a game在比赛中得分
make a tar塑造、包装一名明星
make a thorough inquiry into sth.穷究
make a touch借款
make a tough play处置难接的球
make a vow宣誓
make away =make off make away with浪费,杀死,除去,携…而逃
make away with oneself自杀
make a wild swing乱挥球杆
make believe虚构,假装
make big飞黄腾达
make clear(plain)表 (说)明
make colours升旗
make common cause with与…联合起来,与…合作
make convenient for people便民服务
make corrections订正,斧正,更正
make decisions arbitrarily个人专断
make do=make it do凑合着用,设法对付
make do and mend修修补补,将就着过去
make do with用…设法应付,凑合着用,将就make effort (s)努力
make ends meet收支相抵,量入为出,靠低收入为生
make every effort竭尽全力
make every endeavour尽一切努力
make extracts摘录
make financial donations to help develop education捐资助学
make for有利于,助于,...走去
make free with擅用,对…放肆
make friendly contacts联络感情
make from由…制造
make full use of all talents广开才路
make fun (sport) of (sb.)取笑(某人)/make funeral arrangements治丧
make game of=make fun of make good赔偿,实现,证实,成功
make good for抵偿
make good on实现,兑现
make hamburger out of把…打得一塌糊涂
make bay out of使对己有利
make hay while the sun shines抓紧时机
make head against迎头击败
make holiday度假
make in干涉,向…进入,加入make inroads on侵害
make into把…制成,使转变为
make it规定时间做到(赶到,成功)make it a condition以…为条件
make it a mere formality“走过场” make it a rule (practice) to总是…,(设法…)/make it worth sb.’s while酬谢某人
make large-scale arrangements大操大办
make like模仿,扮演
make little of不重视
make meat of sb.杀死某人
make much of重视,充分利用,尊重
make no question of承认
make no stranger of公开,不隐瞒
make off with=make away with make one成为一分子,参加,使成为一体
make off逃走,离开
make of了解,明白,对待,处理,重视
make one sit up and take notice引人注目
make one’s appearance登台,出现
make one’s best endeavour尽最大努力
make one’s blood boil令人发指
make one’s bow正式进入,正式引退
make one’s country rich and build up its military power富国强兵
make one’s country rich and the military power strong富国强兵
make one’s day带来满意,幸福
make one’s debut首次出场
make one’s home in寓居
make one’s mark使自己成名
make one’s market出售存货
make one’s money赚钱,富起来
make one’s move走棋
make one’s own way成功,发迹
make one’s peace with=make peace with make one’s pitch定居
make one’s rounds巡查
make one’s way前(行)进,成功,发迹
make oneself at home随便,自由自在,舒适
make oneself useful帮忙
make open replay答辩
make or cause trouble捣乱
make out填写,完成,说(证)明,理解,辨认出,进展,详细勾画出
make out an invoice开票
make out bills算账
make out of用…制造出,理 (了)解
make out one’s case证明自己有理
make over转让,把所有权移交
make peace with与…休战
make peace媾和
make pile发财
make policies more flexibly放宽政策
make polite remarks客套
make popular “走红” / make pottery and smelt metal陶冶
make preparations筹办
make progress进步,进展
make public张扬
make purchases for the enterprise or the unit采购
make quick work of迅速打败
make ready准备好
make representations with sb. on sth. 交涉
make sb. a cadre提干
make sb. free of给某人分享…的权利
make sb. welcome向某人表示欢迎
make sb.’s day使某人的日子过得快活
make sb.’s squeal敲某人竹杠
make shift 尽力 设法去 … make some(no) difference有些 (没有)关系
make something out of nothing无中生有
make sth.of利用…,为…而吵架,把…说得很重要
make sure查明,确信,使确定
make sure of查明,对…加以肯定
make textual criticism考证
make the best of=make the most of make the best of a bad bargain (job,business)尽力把损失减到最低限度
make the best of将就
make the defenders tur n使对方后退回场
make the force封杀
make the grade成功,达到理想标准
make the most of充分利用,极为重视
make the pace起带头作用,树榜样
make the play创作戏剧
make the pot boil糊口,谋生,维持生活
make the queer伪造货币
make the rifle成功,达到某特定目的
make the rounds of the wards查房
make the running开头,带头
make the scene露面,到场,参加
make the shot击球
make the worst of对…作最坏打算make things difficult刁难
make through with完成
make tracks for追踪…/make trouble闹事,捣乱
make unremitting efforts自强不息
make up赔偿,补偿,打扮,和解,虚构,化妆,组成
make up a disturbance喧扰
make up a story捏造事实
make up for 弥补,补救,抵补
make up for a deficiency补足亏空
make up one’s mind下决心,接受,立意
make use of利用
make useful citizens through education造就人才
make vigorous efforts to turn the tide力挽狂澜
make war upon (against)同…开战,对…进行战争
make way前进,进展
make whoopee欢闹,狂欢
make widely known张扬
make with用…做动作,产生,作出
make-believe situation and real situation虚拟情境与真实情境
make book登记赌注
make China powerful and strong振兴中华
make government affairs public政务公开
make hollow back弓身
make it fit柱间投
make one’s own management decisions 自主经营
make overall plans and take all factors into consideration统筹兼顾
make payment结算
make payment before hand提前付款
make profit获利
make public曝光
make real兑现
make satisfaction for a debt偿还欠债
make somebody pay through the nose敲竹杠
make the economy more market-oriented使经济进一步市场化
make the final vote最后投票
make treaty立约,订合同
makes his way round all the bases跑完全部垒
maker n.制造(作)者,工人,厂,公司,空中早期警戒雷达同步器
maker of note期票的出票人
maker of promissory note本票出票人
maker-checker facility “输入与核对分工”功能
makeshift strip临时简易机场
make-up n.组成,结构,成分,性质,接通,补偿,弥补,修理,装配,制作,排版,版面设计,化装
make-up artist化妆师
make-up box化妆盒
make-up class补习班
make-up day清算日,结算日,证券展期结算 日
make-up department化妆部
makeup girl化妆师
makeup gown化妆工作服makeup lotion美容化妆水
make-up man化妆师
make-up of theatre舞台化妆
make-up pencil化妆笔
make-up price交易所股票核定价格,结算日价
make-up room化妆室
make-up table化妆台
make-up work补习作业
◇be made from...由…制成的
be made of...用…制成的
made by imperial order钦定
made in one’s native country国产
made out of whole cloth纯属虚构,凭空捏造
made to order (measure)制定,正适合
made man成功者
made-up copy修补本
made-up story虚构情节
ready made 现成的
made dish n. 拼盘
made-to-order adj. 制定的made-up adj. 虚构的,制成的,虚构的,做作的,化了装的
making n. 制造,形成,生产,加工,制造物(pl.)性质,要素,成功的原因 (手段等)
◇be the making of sb.使某人成功或顺利
have the makings of有 (成为)…条件
in the making形成或发展过程中
making compensation for equal value等价有偿
making false reports and exaggeration虚报浮夸
making safe安全脱险
making the hook变向90°摆体
making things convenient for the customers方便顾客