释义 |
lubbern. 1. overgrown loutish fellow,clumsy stupid fellow,lout,booby 傻大个子,大笨蛋,蠢人,呆子。 △Tw.4.1.14;“I am afraid this great lubber,the world,will prove acockney.” 我恐怕这个大傻瓜,世界,也要变成装腔作势的浮华子弟了。 △Gent.2.5.47 (45): “A notable lubber”,一个大笨蛋。 △ Lr.1.4.100 (90):“If you will measure yourlubber's length again,tarry; but away!”你要是还想量一量你蠢笨的身体,你就呆着;滚开吧! 2. (blunder for) libbard,leopard (误用为)豹。 Lubber's Head:i.e. Leopard's Head,a tavern 豹头酒店。 △2H.IV.2.1.32 (27):“and he is indited to din-ner to the Lubber's Head in Lumbert Street,to Mas-ter Smooth's the silkman.”他受邀到伦巴特街豹头酒店吃饭,是丝绸商斯木兹大爷请的。 lubber[ˈlʌbə]n.笨汉,愚笨的人,没有经验的水手adj.大而笨拙的 ‖lubber line航向标线 lubbery adj& adv.粗笨的 |