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lookn. 1. power to see视力。 △L.L.L.1.1.76:“Doth falselyblind the eyesight of his look.”背信弃义地弄瞎了他的眼睛。 2. casting or settling of the eye on a certain object,sight看见,瞥见。 △Ham.4.7.11:“The Queen hismother / Lives almost by his looks,” i.e. Lives almoston the sight of him. 他的母后几乎是一看不见他便活不成。3. expression of the eye and countenance,appear-ance,aspect神情,外貌,外表。 △1H.VI.4.1.139: “Ifthey perceive dissension in our looks,/ And thatwithin ourselves we disagree,”如果他们从我们的外表看出了不和的迹象,知道在我们自己中间有分歧。 good looks: friendly appearance,favour友好的外貌,恩宠。 △R.III.3.4.97 (98):“Who builds his hope in airof your good looks”,i.e. he who builds his hope onthe airy foundation of the friendly appearance or the favour of a king. 一个人要是把他的全部希望都建筑在你那友好外貌的空虚基础之上。
lookvt. 1.look for,seek for,search寻找,搜寻。 △As.2.5.32:“He hath been all this day to look you.”他已经找了您整整一天了。 △Wiv.4.2.84 (80): “Mistress Page and Iwill look some linen for your head.”裴琪太太和我再给你找一块包头的布。 △Lr.3.3.15 (14): “I will look himand privily relieve him.”我要去找他,暗中救济他。 2. expect预期,期待,指望。 △Rom.1.2.24:“look tobehold”,i.e. expect to see. 预期会看到。 △Lr.1.1.299(296):“then must we look from his age to receive notalone the imperfections of long-ingraffed condition.”我们只好指望着不仅要接受他那根深蒂固的脾性中本来就有的缺点。 △Mac.5.3.26:“I must not look to have;”我都没有希望得到了。 △2H.IV.1.2.47(43): “I looked 'ashould have sent me two and twenty yards of satin,asI am a true knight,”凭着我是一位真正的骑士,我盼他给我送来二十二码缎子。 △1H.IV.5.4.145 (142):“I look to be either earl or duke,I can assure you.”我告诉你们,我盼着不当个伯爵就当个公爵。 △2H.IV.4.2.117(116):“Butfor you rebels,look to taste the due / Meet for rebel-lion and such acts as yours.”但是对于你们这些叛徒来说,就等待着去尝一尝叛乱和你们其他行为所应得的处分吧。 △H.V.4.1.101 (97): “Even as men wracked upon a sand.that look to be washed off the next tide.”恰如一群人乘船失事,困在沙滩上,只有等着下次潮水来了把他们卷走。 △1H.VI.1.1.37: “Gloucester,whate'er we like.thou art Protector,/ And lookest to command thePrince and realm.”葛罗斯特,无论我们喜欢什么,你总是护国公,而且可望控制着太子和国王的。 △R.III.2.3.9:“Then,masters,look to see a troublous world.”那么,先生们,等着瞧吧,天下太平不了。 △R.III.3.1.198: “And look tohave it yielded with all kindness.”你就等着吧,这一切会诚心诚意赏给你的。 △H.VIII.5.1.118 (117):“My lord,Ilooked / You would have given me your petition.that / I should have ta'en (= taken) some pains tobring together / Yourself and your accusers.” 大人,我原想你会向我提出请求,要我把你和控诉你的那些人聚会在一起 ~ vi. 1. appear,have a particular air显得,露出特有的神气。 △1H.IV.5.2.12:“Look how we can,”不管我们流露出怎样的神气。 2. look to it,take care,see to it,be on guard留心,当心,注意,提防。 △Rom.4.1.91:“To-morrow night lookthat thou lie alone.” i.e.see to it that you sleep a-lone. 明天晚上你想法要一人独睡。 △2H.VI.2.1.187(184): “Gloucester,see here the tainture of thynest,/ And look thyself be faultless,thou wert best.”(thou wert best: you'd be well advised.) 葛罗斯特,还是看看你窠里的肮脏东西吧,你自己也要当心别出什么毛病,这样对你才稳妥。 △3H.VI.2.6.94: “For though they cannot greatly sting to hurt,/ Yet look to have them buzz to offend thine ears.”因为尽管他们的小小刺蜇不会造成大的伤害,但也须提防他们散布流言飞语骚扰清听。 △3H.VI.3.374:“Look therefore,Lewis,that by this league and marriage / Thou draw not on thy danger and dishonour;”所以,路易王,要注意呀,切不可因为这项联盟和婚姻给你自己带来危险和耻辱。 △R.III.3.7.46 (47): “And look you get a prayer-book in your hand. / And stand between two churchmen,good my lord;” 你注意手里要拿一本祈祷书,站在两位教士中间,好大人。 △R.III.4.4.496(495):“Look your heart be firm.”注意,你的心可要坚定。 △H.VIII.2.1.66: “Yet let 'em (= them) look they glory not in mischief,”但是他们也要注意,切不可因为干了坏事而感到得意。 3. see to it that注意,务必。 △Rom. 3. 3. 147 (148):“But look thou stay not till the watch be set.”但是注意你不要待到守夜的人都上了岗。 △H.V.2.4.48:“Think we King Harry strong;/And,princes,look you strongly arm to meet him.”让我们还是假定哈利王是强大的吧;诸位王公贵族们,你们务必要坚强地武装起来迎击他。 Phrases & Expressions: look about: ❶be watchful注意,提防。 △Rom.3.540:“The day is broke,be wary,look about.”天亮了,要小心,要注意。 ❷be on guard,be on the watch警戒,戒备。 △Lr.4.7.92 (91):“'Tis time to look about,the powers of the kingdom approach apace.”现在应该好好戒备,英国的军队已经迅速逼近了。 ❸go about your duties, get busy照管你的事去吧,忙你的吧。 △2H.IV.5.1.59(52):“Look about,Davy.”i.e.look after the guests.照顾客人去吧,大卫。 look after: look for,seek,demand寻找,追求,要求。 △Oth.2.1.252(246): “and hath all those requisites in him that folly and green minds look after.”具备了无知的青春少女所追求的一切条件。 look against: look at directly直接面对。 △Wiv.2.2258 (244):“she is too bright to be looked against.” 她光亮照人,使人不敢正视。 look back: look over one's shoulder扭回头看。 △R.III3.5.5: “Tut,I can counterfeit the deep tragedian,/Speak and look back,and pry on every side.”咄,我会扮演熟练的悲剧角色,说一句话就回头看一下,向四方窥视。 look beyond: misconstrue,misjudge,misunderstand误解,错误地判断,误会。 △2H.IV.4.4.67:“My gracious lord,you look beyond him quite.”贤明的主上,你把他完全误解了。 look for: wish for. expect指望,期待。 △Tw.3.2.26(23): “This was looked for at your hand,”i.e.expected of you,这原是她期待你做的。 △Lr.2.4.235 (232):“I looked not for you yet.”我想也没想到你要来. △R.III1.3.237 (236): “Why,so I did,but looked for no reply.”嗯,我骂的就是你,但并不想听你的回嘴。 △R.III.2.334: “When the sun sets,who doth not look for night?”太阳一落山,谁不想着天要黑了? △ R.III.3.2.62:“’Tis a vile thing to die,my gracious lord,/ When men are unprepared and look not for it.”好大人,人在无准备和想不到时就死去,那是一件很不好的事。 look how: just as正像。 △R.III.1.2.204 (203):“Lookhow my ring encompasseth thy finger. / Even so thybreast encloseth my poor heart.”正像(又译:看…怎样…)我的戒指环绕着你的手指,同样你的胸腔也围住了我这可怜的心。 look into: inspect,examine 检查,审查。 △1H.IV.2.1.79 (71):“if matters should be looked into,”万一事情受到查问。 look on: ❶ look at,face,meet 看,面对,会见。 △1H.IV.2.4. 496 (445):“Henceforth ne'er (= nev-er) look on me.”从今以后永远不要再来见我。 ❷be a wit-ness to,witness 做…的目击者,目睹。 △ H.VIII.1.1.205:“to look on / The business present.”亲自目睹现在的这件事情。 ❸regard对待。 △As.3.5.77: “Shepherdess, look on him better. / And be not proud;”牧女,待他好一点儿,不要骄傲。 ❹respect,regard,heed尊敬,尊重,注意。 △3H.VI.5.7.22:“I am not looked on in the world.”我在世上是不受尊重的。 look that: take care that,see to it that注意使,务必使。 △R.III.3.4.77 (78): “Lovel and Ratcllff,look that it be done.”罗弗尔和拉特克里夫,负责去办这件事。 look through: become visible,be revealed,be detected显露出来,被透露,被发觉。 △Ham.4.7.151:“And that our drift look through our bad performance.”万一我们做得不好,露出马脚。 △2H.IV. 4. 4. 120:“life looks through and will break out.”生命暴露在外而且就要突围而出了。 look to (unto): ❶look at察看。 △1H.IV.3.3.192(171):“look to thy servants,”看好你的仆人。 △R.III.3.5.15:“Look to the drawbridge there!”看那边的吊桥! △Oth.1.3. 294(292): “Look to her. Moor. if thou hast eyes to see:” 看着她,摩尔人,你若是有眼睛的话 △Oth.3.3.197: “Look to your wife,observe her well with Cassio:”注意你的夫人,好好观察她怎样和凯西奥相处。 ❷look after,take care of关心,照料。 △Rom.1.5.8 (7):“look to the plate.” 小心银器。 △Oth.2.3.117(112):“Gentlemen. let’s look to our business.”先生们,我们去照管公事吧。 △1H.VI.2.1.61:“That,being captain of the watch to-night. Did look no better to that weighty charge.”你,身为晚夜的警卫队队长,没有好好留心照管这个重大的责任。 △2H.IV.2.4.161 (150):“therefore captains had need look to ’t.”i.e.look after it. 所以那些队长们对这一点还是关心一下才好。 △ 2H.IV.5. 1. 67 (61):“Bardolph,look to our horses.”巴道夫,照料我们的马匹去。 ❸attend to照顾。 △Mac.2.3.126(119):“Look to the lady.”去照顾夫人。 △Tw.3.4.68(60):“Good Maria,let this fellow be looked to.”好玛利娅,叫他们好好看护这个人。 △Tw.3.4. 73 (64): “No worse man than Sir Toby to look to me!”要叫托比爵士那样身份的人来看护我呢! ❹take care of,be attentive to提防,注意。 △R.III.4.2. 86 (87): “Stanley (i.e. Richmond),he is your wife's son.Well.look to it.”斯坦莱,他可是你妻子的儿子。哼,这件事你要当心。(按:里士满为白金汉夫人的前夫之子。) ❺guard,watch看守,监视。 △Mer.3.3.1: “Gaoler,look to him,tell not me of mercy. ”牢头,看住他,别对我讲什么慈悲的话。 ❻ take charge of负责。 △Oth.2.3.1: “Good Michael,look you to the guard to-night.”好迈克尔,请你今夜负责警卫。 look to it: ❶ take heed,take care 注意,留心。 △1H.VI.2.4.103:“Look to it well. and say you are well warned.”好好留心吧,我已经警告过你了。 ❷give serious attention,be on your guard严密注意,警惕。 △As.1.1. 155(147): “And thou wert best look to’ t;” i.e.you had better give serious attention. 你最好是留神一点。 △2H.VI.1.1.157 (156): “Look to it,lords,let nothis smoothing words / Bewitch your hearts.”要小心呀,诸位,不要让他那些花言巧语迷住你们的心。 look to like: ❶expect to like 指望可以喜欢。 ❷visuallyexamine with a view to liking 看看再喜欢。 △Rom.1.3. 97:“I’ll look to like,if looking liking move;”i. e.I’ll look to see if I can like him,to see if lookingmoves me to be attracted by him. 我想看看再说,看他是否能够把我感动。 look to their eyes: take care not to injure their eyeswith weeping 当心别把他们的眼睛哭坏了。 △Mid.1.2.28(26):“If I do it,let the audience look to their eyes.”要是咱演起来,叫观众们可要留心别把眼睛哭坏了。 look up: cheer up,take heart,take courage 打起精神,振作起来,鼓起勇气。 △2H.IV.4.4.113: “My sovereignlord,cheer up yourself,look up.”我的主上,你要打起精神来,鼓起勇气。 △Ado.4.1.121 (119):“Dost thou lookup?”你还在振作精神吗? (又译:你眼睛又睁开了吗?) look upon:❶look at看。 △ 2H.VI.3.3.13:“I’ll givea thousand pound to look upon him.”我愿意拿出1000镑,只要能看看他。 ❷look on 观看。 △R.III.3.2.58:“That they which brought me in my master's hate,/ Ilive to look upon their tragedy.”i.e. that I will liveto see the fatal end of those who brought me out offavour with Kin g Edward IV. 那些使得我遭受我的主上嫌恶的人,我能亲眼观看他们的悲惨下场。 ❸take notice of 注意。 △2H.IV.4.4.70:“‘Tis needful that the most im-modest word/Be looked upon and learnt.”哪怕最不雅驯的词儿也是需要注意学习的。 look what: whatever 无论什么,凡是…的事物。 △R.III.1.3.114 (113):“Look what I have said,/ I will a-vouch ’t in presence of the King.” 凡我讲过的话,我还要在国王面前大胆坚持。 △R.III.4.4.292 (291): “Lookwhat is done cannot be now amended.” 凡是做过的事情现在都无可挽回了。 look when: when.whenever.as soon as 当. 一当 △ 1H.IV.1.3.253: “Look when his infant fortunecame to age”,一当他的幼嫩的命运长成气候。 △R.III.1.3.289 (288): “O Buckingham,take heed of yonderdog! / Look when he fawns,he bites:“啊,白金汉,对那边的那条狗要小心,它一向人摇尾巴,就要咬人。 △R.III.3.1.194: “And look when I am king,claim thou of meThe earldom of Hereford,and all the moveablesWhere of the King my brother was possessed.”我一做了国王,你就可以向我要求得到赫里福德的伯爵爵位,以及我的国王哥哥所拥有的一切动产。 look you pray: take care to pray,see that you pray,be sure to pray 注意要祈祷,你们务必要祈祷,一定要祈祷。 △ 2H.IV.1.2.236 (207): “But look you pray,all youthat kiss my Lady Peace at home,that our armies joinnot in a hot day!”但是你们所有这些躲在家里跟和平夫人接吻的人可一定要祈祷,千万不要让我们的军队在大热天交战! look[luk]v.看,注视,看起来,朝向,面向n.外表,表情,相貌,风格 ◇ by (from) the look of看样子,由外表现象来判断 have (take) a look看一下 look a gift horse in the mouth对礼品吹毛求疵 look about (around,round)四处寻找,环顾,考虑 look after照看(顾,料)/look ahead考虑到将来,为未来作准备 look at看,查看,着眼于,考虑 look at the surface only只看外表 look at with reverence瞻仰 look attractive令人神往 look back回顾,倒退,停止不前 look bad (for sb.)可能失败,大祸临头 Look before you leap. 三思而后行。/look black怒目而视 look daggers at sb.怒目而视某人 look down俯视,往下看 look down on看不起,轻视 look down one’s nose at瞧不起 look for找,寻找,期待 look for and wide纵览 look for trouble =ask for trouble自找麻烦,自讨苦吃 look forward to盼望,期待 look in顺便看望 look into浏览,观察,调查 look into the distance骋目 look into the mirror照镜子 look like像…,外表特征是 look on(upon)观看,面向,旁观,看待 look one in the face直观某人 look one way and row another声东击西 look oneself看上去健康(正常),不改常态 look on with对…抱…态度 look out on (over) = look on to面向,朝向 look over从…上面看过去,察看,原谅 look over one’s shoulder管理,指挥,控制,负责 look prim and proper道貌岸然 look sb. in the eye =look sb. in the face无愧于人,(无所畏惧地)正视某人 look sb.up and down不屑一顾地仔细打量某人,端详,端量 look sharp注意,赶快 look sideways侧视 look through看穿,仔细查看,审核,浏览,温习 look to=look toward (s)注意指望 look to one’s laurels爱惜荣誉,警惕竞争对手 look up向上看,尊敬,仰望,拜访,好转 look up to尊敬 look upon (on)…as把…看成 look well看上去健康,还可以 never (not) look back一直兴旺,顺利not be much to look at其貌不扬 on the look-out注意,警戒 ‖look and say看图识字 look-and-say method看说教学法 look angle视角 look box观察孔 look-glass-self镜映自我 look guess memory看图猜测法 looking away观察到场地之外,视野广 looking post观察哨 looking room视线空间 lookout man 瞭望员 look-out post观察哨,监视哨 look-out station观察站 lookout tower 瞭望塔 looker n. 观看的人,检查员 looker in电视观众 looker on旁观者 looking-glass adj.颠倒的,悖理的,完全相反的n.镜子 looking-glass world是非颠倒的世界 look-out n.远景,前途,景色,注意,警戒,瞭望哨(者)look-over n.粗略地看一看 look-see n.调查,巡视 look-up n. 检查,查找 |