n. liquid液体。
△H.VIII.1.1.144: “The firethat mounts the liquor till't (= till it) run o'er”,大火把水煮得沸腾以至漫出来。
1. grease. oil 涂油。
△Wiv.4.5.100 (97):“they wouldmelt me out of my fat drop by drop. and liquor fish-er- men's boots with me.”他们会把我这一身肥膘一滴一滴地熔化下来,拿去涂抹渔夫的靴子。
2. ❶grease,bribe用油脂涂,贿赂。
❷make drunk使醉酒。
△1H.IV.2.1.94(85):“She will,she will,justicehath liquored her.” i.e. those who control the lawshave greased her (the boots) with tallow or oil so thatwater will not penetrate; they have bribed her ormade her drunk so that she will afford protection tothe thieves. 不会的,不会的,执法者已经给她涂上油了。
◇be in liquor喝醉
lis alibi pendens (拉丁语)诉讼已在他地进行
‖lis mota诉讼进行中
lis pendens有待法律解决