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单词 lead


n. leaden coffin,lining of the coffin,leaden in-ner coffin铅棺,衬棺,内衬铅棺。
△1H.VI.1.1 63:“Speak softly,or the loss of those great towns / Willmake him burst his lead and rise from dcath. ”说话声音轻一点,要不然这些大城的失陷会使他打破铅棺、死而复活的。


1. conduct引导。
△R.III.4.4.312 (311):“Dorset yourson,that with a fearful soul / Leads discontented steps in foreign soil,” i.e. The discontented Dorset,with a heart full of fears,conducts his steps abroad.你的儿子道塞特,对我不满,心怀恐惧地逃奔外国。
2. carry,bear携带,带。
△Tw.1.5.261 (241):“Lady,you are the cruell'st she alive. / If you will lead these graces to the grave / And leave the world no copy.”小姐,假如你一定要把你的千姿百媚都带进坟墓而不给世界留下一个副本,你就是最冷酷无情的女子了。
3.lead to引向。
△R.III.4.3.53: “Delay leads impo-tent and snail-paced beggary.”迟延只能引向软弱无力和蜗牛般缓缓而来的覆灭。
4. dominate,control支配,控制。
△3H.VI.2.6.33:“Some troops pursue the bloody-minded queen,/ Thatled calm Henry,though he were a king,”派一些部队去追赶那个嗜血的王后,她控制着文静的亨利,虽然他才是国王。
5. maintain坚持。
△Mer.4.1.18:“That thou but lea-dest this fashion of thy malice / To the last hour ofact,”你这凶恶的样子已经坚持到最后的时刻了。
lead apes in hell: i.e. the proverbial fate of old maid在地狱里带领一群猴子(当时关于老处女命运的一种传说)。
△Shr.2.1.34: “And for your love to her lead apesin hell.”而且为了你对她的偏爱,(我)就得在地狱里牵着一群猴子。




v. 引导,领先,率领,领导,扮演主角,导致,诱使n.导语,领导,导游,主题,主角,主旋律,提前量 adj.领先的
◇ be in the lead领先
lead a chorus领唱
lead a dog’s life过着受折磨的日子
lead astray=lead away把…引入歧途
lead in引入,入库lead (live) a double life搞两面派
lead off开始,开头
lead off with从…开始
lead on to率领…前进,引诱
lead out开始
lead sb. a dance使某人疲于奔命,使某人招致麻烦
lead sb. by the nose完全支配某人
lead sb. up the garden把某人引入歧途
lead the way带路,示范
lead (up) to导致
play the lead in the film在影片中担任主角
take the lead带头,做榜样,领先
‖ lead a group领队
lead aircraft指挥机,长机
lead amplifier主放大器
lead angle导程角,提前角
lead arm前导臂,前伸臂,领先臂
lead attacker发动进攻者
lead bank牵头银行
lead blow前边手臂打出的拳
lead bombardier领队轰炸员
lead bomber领队轰炸机
lead collision tactics前置截击战术
lead course前置航向
lead course attack前置航向攻击
lead employee资深雇员
lead evidence举证
lead fire前置射击
lead foot领先脚,前脚
lead form会议服务预订表
lead hand and arm前导手和臂
lead headline重要标题
lead in development出子占先
lead lag超前滞后
lead lecture引导课
lead leg前腿,跳跃摆动腿,投掷引导腿,引导腿
lead leg action前导腿的动作
lead manager主要经办人
lead man主力队员,核心队员
lead navigator领队领航员,长机领航员
lead off an attack发起进攻
lead off man打第一棒的击球员,第一号击球员
lead official前裁判
lead out pass第一传
lead pass第一传,领前传球
lead pilot领队驾驶员
lead point提前点
lead record主音部录音
lead sheet剧情纲要
lead runner领头跑垒员,最先上垒者
lead sheath铅套,子弹铅套
lead shoulder前导肩
lead someone with the pass以球领人
lead team领导小组
lead the way领路
lead time生产准备时间,时间提前量
lead underwriter牵头包销商,主承销商,股票包销公司
lead voices主音色
leading action of the hip髋前伸动作
leading actor男主角
Leading Aircraftman二等兵
leading aircraft长机
leading arm摆动臂,入水臂
leading article社论,特价商品
leading batter主力击球员,击球率最高的击球员
leading body领导机关
leading business主角饰演
leading cadres领导干部
leading card首先打出的牌,主要演员
leading case例案
leading character主角
leading cinemactor演主角的电影演员
leading clique领导集团
leading company先头连
leading division先头师
leading echelon先遣梯队
leading economic indicator主要经济指标
leading edge of home plate本垒前沿
leading edge前沿,前缘
leading edge of the bow弓的前缘
leading-edge tracking前沿跟踪
leading effect超前现象
leading element先头部队
leading figure首脑人物
leading fire前置火力
leading foot前脚
leading group领导集体,领先的一组
leading hitter主力击球员,击球率最高的击球员
leading ideas时代的主要观念
leading indicator超前指标,领先指标
leading industry先导工业,主导产业
leading institution领导机构
leading lady饰女主角的演员,女明星,女台柱
leading lifter优秀举重运动员
leading light重要人物,主灯光
leading man饰男主角的演员,男明星,男台柱
leading mark货物识别标志
leading member负责人
leading motive主导动机
leading movie luminary大牌电影明星
leading note导音,主导旋律
leading-off blow开始拳
leading organs首脑机关
leading part重要角色
leading photoplayer演主角的电影演员
leading pitcher主力投手
leading player主力队员
leading point winner得分者,优胜者
leading position领前位置
leading principle主要原则
leading principles of law法学导论
leading publications核心出版物
lead-pursuit attack 前 置 跟 踪 攻 击
lead-pursuit rocket firing前置跟踪火箭射击
leading question诱导性问题
leading rein驾驭马的缰绳
leading role主要角色,主要作用
leading rope驾驭马的缰绳
Leading Seaman一等兵
leading seventh导七和弦
leading side wind侧顺风
leading social indicator领先社会指标
leading tone导音
leading underwriter首席承保人
lead-up trick基本动作
leader for television film电视片头
leader of a team (group)领队
leader of laws执政者
leader of opinion意见领袖
Leader of the House议院领袖leader plane长机
leader succession领袖继承
leader writer社论作者,主笔
leader’s change领先运动员的替换
leadin n.导言,引言,开场白
leading-in n.开场白
leadman n. 工头,工长
leadoff n. 开始,第一回合,第一棒,开球队员
leadership[ˈli:dəʃip]n. 领导
function of leadership领导职能
leadership ability领导能力
leadership arts领导艺术
leadership behaviour领导行为
leadership development领导发展
leadership disposition领导气质
leadership effectiveness领导功绩
leadership efficiency领导效率
leadership function领导功能
leadership group领导班子
leadership pattern领导模式
leadership principle领导原则
leadership psychology领导心理学
leadership quality领导素质
leadership science领导科学
leadership selection选择领导
leadership skill领导技巧
leadership structure领导结构
leadership style领导风格
leadership system领导体制
leadership team领导班子
leadership’s temperament领导性格
responsibility of leadership领导责任
science of leadership领导学
system of leadership领导体制
the core of leadership领导核心
the work style of leadership领导作风
type of leadership领导类型
leadswinger n.逃避工作者
leadswinging n.躲避工作,装病
lead-time n.订货至交货的时间


‖lead bullet铅弹
lead glass铅玻璃
lead pencil石墨铅笔
lead point铅制尖头绘画工具
lead poisoning铅中毒
lead red铅丹
lead silicate硅酸铅陶瓷釉料
lead white铅白色
leaden adj. 铅制的,铅灰色的
leadwork n. 铅制品





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