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单词 lay


n. / song歌曲。
△Ham.4.7.183(182): “Pulled thepoor wretch from her melodious lay / To death.”把这可怜的人儿在曼声歌唱之中拖进泥浆里死了。
△2H.VI.1.3.93 (90):“That she will light to listen totheir lays,”她一定会飞落下来听它们歌唱。


n. 2 wager,stake赌物,赌注。
△2H.VI.5.2.27:“Adreadful lay!”好可怕的赌注!
△Oth.2. 3. 332 (323):“and my fortunes against any lay worth naming。”我敢拿我的财产和任何值得一提的赌注来打赌。


a. secular 世俗的。
△H.VIII.1.4.10: “had theCardinal / But half my lay thoughts in him.” (lay:with a pun on “throw down.”)如果红衣主教有我一半的世俗念头。


vt. (pa.t.& pa.p. laid.)
1. place along,make to lie放下,使躺下。
△L.L.L.5.2.556(556): “And lay my arms before the legs of thissweet lass of France.”在这位可爱的法国姑娘腿前放下我的武器。
△Rom.4.3.31(30):“when I am laid into the tomb,” 当我被放进坟墓之中。
2. put,place放,放置。
△H.VIII.1.1.83: “O,many /Have broke (= broken) their backs with laying man-ors on 'em / for this great journey.”啊,很多人为了这次大巡游,变卖庄园置办行装,把脊梁都压断了。
3. lay low,raze to the ground使倒下,夷平。
△1H.VI4.2.11: “Lean Famine,quartering steel,and climb-ing Fire,/ Who,in a moment,even with the earth /Shall lay your stately and air-braving towers.”赤地千里的饥荒,支解尸体的刀剑,以及熊熊燃烧的烈火,它们,在片刻之间,就能把你们那些堂皇富丽、高耸入云的高楼大厦夷为平地。
4.beat down,turn upside down打倒,推翻。
△3H.VI.3.3.8: “But now mischance hath trod my title down,/ And with dishonour laid me on the ground,”但是现在厄运已经践踏了我的名号,把我打倒在地,使我蒙受耻辱。5. cause to sink,prevent from rising使得沉下,阻止升起。
△Lr.4.6.200 (195):“Why,this would make a man a man of salt / To use his eyes for garden water-pots,/Ay,and laying autumn's dust.”唉,这样会使一个人变成一个泪人儿,用他的眼睛当做灌园的喷水壶,去浇洒秋天的尘土。
6. put in confinement监禁。
△Tw.4.2.34 (29):“they have laid me here in hideous darkness.”他们把我关在这个暗无天日的地方。
7. institute,contrive,plan制定,设计,计划。
△1H.IV.2.1.57 (52):“thou layest the plot how.”计划是你定下的。
△1H.VI.2.1.76:“To gather our soldiers,scattered and dispersed. / And lay new platforms to endamage them.”把我们溃散的士兵再集合起来,并制订新的计划打击他们。
△1H.VI.2.3.4:“The plot is laid.”圈套已经设计好了。
△3H.VI.1.1.152:“Plantagenet,for all the claim thou lay'st,/ Think not that Henry shall be so deposed.”普兰塔琪奈特,不管你提出什么样的权利,休想这样就能使亨利王退位。
△R.III.1.1.32: “Plots have I laid,”我已经设计了一些阴谋。
8.contrive,arrange in order to entrap设计,(为了陷害人而)安排。
△H.VIII.5.1.141 (140): “God and your Majesty / Protect mine innocence,or I fall into / The trap is (= which is) laid for me.”但愿上帝和陛下保护我的清白无辜,否则我只好跌进别人为我设计好的陷阱里了。
△H.VIII.5.2.12(13): “for certain / This is of purpose laid by some that hate me,”这一定是有些恨我的人故意设计好的。
9. set with snares,fill with traps,lie in wait 布置罗网,充满陷阱,设下埋伏。
△2H.VI.4.10.3(2):“These five days have I hid me in these woods and durst not peep out,for all the country is laid for me;”这五天来我一直藏在林子里,不敢往外看,因为全国都给我布下了天罗地网。
10. impute把…转嫁于。
△R.III.1. 3. 325 (324): “The secret mischiefs that I set abroach / I lay unto the grievous charge of others. ”i.e.The evil deeds whichI set on foot in secret I contrive to impute as a serious accusation against others. 我把由我自己暗中挑动起来的坏事设法转嫁成为别人的罪名。
11. bestow,confer把…给予,赋予。
△R.III.3.7.170(171):“On him I lay that (= what) you would lay onme.”你们所要给予我的东西,我要给予他。
12. place,apply放,运用。
△Wiv.2.2.6: “lay mycountenance to pawn.”拿我的名誉作保证。
13. apply使用,敷,搽。
△Ham.3.4.145:“Lay not thatflattering unction to your soul,”请不要在你的心灵上涂抹自慰的药膏。
14. deliver发表。
△Oth.1.3.199:“Let me speak like yourself,and lay a sentence,”让我也像你一样说几句话,说句格言。
15. stake,wager,hazard拿…打赌,押下(赌注),拿…冒风险。
△Tw. 3. 4. 225 (202):“And laid mine honour toounchary on't. ”过于随便地把我的名誉押为赌注。(又译:太鲁莽地拿我的名誉孤注一掷。)
△L.L.L.1.1.306 (308):“I'lllay my head to any good man's hat,”我愿意用我的头去和无论哪一个人的帽子打赌。
△Mer.3.5.86 (80): “And on the wager lay two earthly women,”拿世间的两位美女来做赌注。
△Rom. 1.3.12 (13):“I'll lay fourteen of my teeth”,我可以用我的十四颗牙齿打赌。
△H.V.4.1.245(225):“Indeed the French may lay twenty Frenchcrowns to one they will beat us,”i.e. ❶The Frenchmay wager twenty French gold coins to one on theirvictory;
❷The French soldiers outnumber the Englishtwenty to one. 的确,法国人可以拿二十比一的法国“大头”来打赌,说他们 一定能打败我们。
16.❶put to rest in the grave送入坟墓长眠。
❷flatten by storm (因暴风雨而)使倒伏。
△3H.VI. 5.7.21: “I’ll blast his harvest,if your head were laid ;” 一旦你倒头死去(双关:麦穗头倒伏),我就要把他(小王子)的收获摧毁。
lay aboard: place one’s ship alongside another for an attack,attack at close quarters by laying one’s ship alongside another靠上他的船准备进攻,靠上他的船进行肉搏攻击。
△2H.VI.4.1.25:“I lost mine eye in laying the prize aboard,”(prize: prize vessel.)我在上这艘俘虏船进攻时丢掉了一只眼睛。
lay apart: ❶lay aside把…放在一边。
△H.V.3.7.40(37):“and for the world,familiar to us and unknown, to lay apart their particular functions and wonder at him.”所有的世人,无论是我们所熟识的或陌生的,也都要放下他们各自的活计而对它感到惊奇。
❷put away,renounce抛弃,放弃。
△As.4.3.45 (44): “Why,thy godheadlaid apart,/ Warr’st thou with a woman’s heart?”你为什么抛开神圣的法相,来虐弄一个女人的心肠。
△H.V.2.4.78: “That you divest yourself,and lay apart / Theborrowed glories,”你自行解除并放弃你那些借去的荣衔。lay by: ❶put aside or away把…放在一边,把…收起来。
△Oth.4.3. 48:“Lay by these—”把这些收起来。(按:可能指一些珠宝首饰。)
❷put aside or away把…放在一边,抛弃。
△H.V.1.2.276:“For that I have laid by my maj-esty,”为了这个目的,我过去曾经抛弃了自己的威仪。
❸(highwayman’s cry to the victims) hands up! standand deliver! hand over (your money)! (强盗的叫喊)举起手来! 站住,交出来! 交出(钱)来!
△1H.IV.1.2.40 (35):“got with swearing ‘Lay by’ and spent with crying‘Bring in’;”得来时吆喝一声“交出来”,花掉时喊叫一声“端过来”。
lay by the heels: put …in fetters,put …in the stocks给…戴上脚镣,把…放进脚枷。
△H.VIII. 5.4.84 (53.78): “If the King blame me for ’t(= it),I’ll lay ye all / By the heels,and suddenly;”如果国王为了这事而怪罪我,我就要立刻把你们放进脚枷。
lay down: ❶settle,decide; calculate确定,决定;(又解)计算。
△H.V.1.2.136:“We must not only arm to invade the French,/ But lay down our proportions to defend / Against the Scot,”我们不能只派兵去侵犯法国,还得酌量留一部分兵力防备苏格兰人。
△2H.IV.1.3.34:“it never yet did hurt / To lay down likelihoods and forms of hope.”对于种种可能性和希望中的事物进行一番估计总不见得会有什么害处。
❸formulate,prescribe,describe 构想出,规定,描绘。
△Ado.4.1.237 (235): “in better shape / Than I can
lay it down in likelihood .”比我在猜想之中所能描绘的还要美满。
❹seduce,make pregnant勾引,使怀孕。
△H.VIII.1.3.39:“the sly whoresons / Have got a speeding trick to lay down ladies.”那些婊子养的滑头家伙对于勾引妇女倒真有一套有效本领。
lay forth: lay out for burial摆好(遗体)准备殡葬。
△H.VIII.4.2.171 (170): “Embalm me,/ Then lay me forth.”给我身体涂上香膏,然后出殡。lay home: tax thoroughly痛责。
△Ham.3.4.1:“Hewill come straight,Look you lay home to him.” him thoroughly.你立刻就来。你要好好教训他一顿。lay it to the heart: take it into serious consideration,consider it; think about it in secret对它认真考虑,对它考虑考虑;悄悄对它想想。
△Mac.1.5.15(13):“Lay it tothy heart,and farewell.”把它放在你的心里,再会。
lay knife aboard: board the ship as a pirate,capture by force, one’s claim(像海盗一样)攻上船只,强行俘获,(转义)把要求强加于人。
△Rom.2.4.215 (201):“there is a nobleman in town,one Paris,that would fain lay knife aboard,”i.e.would gladly have her for himself.城里有一位贵族,一位叫帕里斯的,他巴不得把她抢到手。
lay on: ❶apply a coat of (paint)(以颜料)涂染。
△Tw.1.5.259 (239):“whose red and white /Nature’s own sweet and cunning hand laid on.”那红红白白都是造化亲自用可爱的巧手涂染的。
❷attribute …to把…归因于…
△R.III. 1.3.97 (96): “And lay those honours on your high desert.”把那些荣誉归因于你功高应得。
❸bet on以…打赌。
△Shr.5.2.130 (129):“laying on my duty”,拿我的服从来打赌。
❹lay on blows,deal blows给予打击,猛打。
△H.V. 5.2.146 (141): “I could lay on like a butcher,”我能像一个凶残的屠夫那样往死处猛打。
❺come and fight,hit hard来打吧,狠打。
△Mac.5.7. 62 (5.8.33): “Lay on,Macduff,/ And damned be him that first cries,‘Hold,enough!’”来吧,麦克德夫,谁先喊“住手,够了!”就让他下地狱!
lay on with a trowel:(literally) apply a thick coat of plaster,etc. lay too heavy a mass of big words upon a light subject (本义)用泥刀涂抹厚厚的灰泥等;(转义)在小题目上夸大其词,用语堆砌。
△As.1.2.113 (106): “Well said—that was laid on with a trowel.”说得好,极尽堆砌之能事了。
lay open: ❶disclose,display,show透露,显示,说明。
△R.III.3.7.15:“Laid open all your victories in Scotland,”(Richard had commanded the English forces in the Scottish expedition of 1482,and had advanced as far as Edinburgh.)还说明了你在苏格兰的那些胜利。
△1H.IV.2.3.36(31): “and lay open all our proceedings.”把我们进行的事情都揭露出来。
lay out: ❶spend freely,disburse,pay out of your own pocket,i.e. pay for it yourself先拿自己的钱垫着。
❷pay it out of expenses,spend freely从经费中支付,随便花。
△1H.IV.4.2.5: “Lay out,lay out.”你先垫着吧,你先垫着吧。(又译)由公款支付,随便花。
lay to one’s charge: accuse one of doing指控…犯了…罪。
△Ado.5.1.232 (222): “and to conclude,whatyou lay to their charge?”总而言之,你控告他们犯了什么罪? lay up: ❶put away,pack away收起,收藏。ill laid up: carelessly packed away or not properly folded,i.e.full of wrinkles马马虎虎收藏起来(的),没有好好折叠(的),(意即)皱皱巴巴的。
△2H.IV. 5.1.93 (84):“O,youshall see him laugh till his face be like a wet cloak ill


◇lay about向四面八方乱打,努力做…,作准备
lay a finger on触犯
lay a foundation奠基
lay an ambush设伏
lay an egg投弹
lay an embargo on禁运
lay an obligation on sb. 使某人担负义务
lay a reversed role反串
lay aside放置,搁置
lay bare点破,暴露,揭发,展开
lay blame on把责任推到…身上
lay by the heels进监狱
lay claim to要求,主张
lay down放下,使躺下,规定,制定,主张
lay down one’s life捐躯,献身
lay down the law发号施令
lay eyes on看到,望见
lay for等待时机
lay for direction方向瞄准
lay for line水平瞄准,方向瞄准
lay hands on伤害
lay heads together集思广益
lay in for申请
lay it on thick过分责备,拼命恭维
lay it on thick过分责备,拼命恭维
lay low击倒,弄死,隐匿
lay off解雇,临时失业,失业的演员
lay on猛攻,征税,组织
lay one’s cards o the table摊牌
lay one’s finger on =put one’s finger on看出…,正确地找出… /lay oneself open to使自己遭到…/lay oneself out竭尽全力
lay on the colors too thickly过分渲染
lay on the table搁置
lay out摆平,布置,设计,编排,投资
lay out lay siege to包围,围攻
lay over使延期
lay paper开空头支票
lay particular stress on偏重
lay sb. out in lavender打死某人,斥责某人
lay siege to包围,围攻
lay special emphasis on侧重
lay sth. on the line=put on the line坦率地细说
lay sth. to sb.’s charge指控某人犯罪
lay stress on把…重点放在…上
lay the blame on责怪,埋怨
lay the cloth (table)预备开席
lay the scene in以…为背景,取…做场面用…做舞台
lay them in the aisle使(观众)捧腹大笑
lay to把…归于,努力干
lay under contribution强迫…付特别税
lay up the shot 上篮
lay up放置,储备,储蓄,报废,退役,病休
lay waste损毁,蹂躏
‖lay corporation非营利法人
lay days装卸期
lay down all guns全体停止射击
lay-down type delivery水平投弹
lay figure人体活动模型,绘画模特儿
lay forward向前航行
lay-in shot篮下投篮
lay low打败
laid-off women下岗女工
laid-off workers下岗工人
lay one down触击
lay on your oars停止划桨
lay out on the lead leg伸展前腿
lay parallel平行射向
lay reader一般读者
lay referral system非专业转介系统
lay sociology非专业社会学
lay teacher非教派教师
lay the course布置水道
laying an information告发
laying device瞄准机构
laying down iron跳踢踏舞
layabout n.懒汉
lay-aside n.放下,搁置
layback n.身体仰角,后仰攀登法,后仰
layback position后仰姿势
lay-back sit spin蹲踞弓身转
lay-back spin直立弓身转
layboy n.叠制装置
lay-by n.侧路停车处
laydown n. 沉积作用
laydown bombing超低空轰炸
layer lattice type层格型
layer of structure结构层次
layer tinting浮雕着色法
layered structure成层结构
layman[ˈleimən]n. 外行,俗人,门外汉
layoff period过渡期,训练过渡期
layout editor版面编辑
layout of a printed sheet版面
layout pass仰卧传球
layout pass and roll转体仰卧传球
layout position直体姿势,扑倒姿势
layout sheet计划表
layout shot仰卧射门
layout somersault backwards直体后空翻
layout squat vault直体蹲腾越
layout stoop vault屈直体腾越
layout straddle vault直体分腿腾越
layout upstart长振屈伸上
layout with twist直体转体
layouting over the hurdle过栏
layover[ˈleiəuvə]n. 终点,停车处,逗留,津贴
layshaft n.副轴layup n.扭转,接头
lay-up shot篮下单手跳投





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