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单词 labour


1. exertion,effort尽力,努力。
△Mac.5.7.37 (5.8.8):“Thou losest labour.”你白费力气。
△ 3H.VI.1.4.19: “We budged again,as I have seen a swan / Withbootless labour swim against the tide”,我们还是又退了,就像我见过的一只天鹅逆着潮水拼命泅水、毫无结果。
△H.VIII.1.1.25: “that their very labour / Was to them as apainting.”把她们累得满脸通红,好像搽了胭脂。
2. pains taken辛苦。
△Tw.3.1.74 (66): “As full oflabour as a wise man’s art;”就像聪明人的技巧一样是百般辛苦的。
△Oth.4.1.38:“To confess,and be hangedfor his labour”,先招供,再把他绞死,作为对他的酬劳。
△H.V.3.6.170 (158): “There’s for thy labour,Montjoy.”(At this point Henry hands him a gift ofmoney for his services.) 这个酬劳你的辛苦,蒙乔。
△3H.VI. 3.1.31:“If this news be true,/ Poor queenand son,your labour is but lost;”如果这个消息属实,可怜的王后和王子,你们的辛苦就白费了。
△ H.VIII.2.1.3: “I’llsave you / That labour,sir.”我可以让你省去这一趟辛苦,先生。
3. painful exertion,toil辛劳,劳累。
△1H.IV.4.3.23:“Their courage with hard labour tame and dull,”由于劳累,他们的勇气也消沉而迟钝了。
△2H.VI.1.1.96 (95):“And shall these labours and these honours die?”难道这一切辛劳和这一切光荣都要化为乌有吗?
4. pain,trouble痛苦,烦恼。
△Gent.1.1.33:“If lost,why then a grievous labour won”,如果失败了,更是极大的痛苦。
△Mac.1.4.44:“The rest is labour,which isnot used for you.”i.e.The leisure that is not employed in your service is pain; it is irksome,not enjoy-able. 不为陛下效劳,闲暇就成了苦役。
△2H.IV.4.4.118:“The incessant care and labour of his mind”,他内心里不断的忧虑和烦恼。
5. pangs of childbirth分娩的阵痛。
△H.VIII. 5. 1. 18:“The Queen’s in labour.”王后正在临产的阵痛之中。
6. feat业绩。
△R.III. 2.1.52 (53):“A blessed labour,my most sovereign lord.”这是神圣的业绩,我的至高无上的君主。
double labour: double toil or trouble双倍的辛苦,双倍的麻烦。
△1H.IV.3.3.200 (179): “O,I do not like thatpaying back,’tis a double labour.”啊,我不喜欢这样还钱,这是双倍的麻烦。
full of labours: very serviceable,most industrious非常有用的,极其辛勤的。
△Lr.1.4.6: “So may it come,thy master,whom thou lovest,/ Shall find thee fullof labours.”早晚会有这么一天,你所爱戴的主人会发现你大大有用的。


1. work for,endeavour to bring about为…而工作,努力导致。
△R.III.1.4.255 (245): “And hugged me in hisarms,and swore with sobs / That he would labour mydelivery.”他把我拥抱在怀里,并且呜咽着发誓说他要尽力使我获得释放。
2. work out,bring forth做出,产生。
△Ado.5.1.295(282): “if your love / Can labour aught in sad inven-tion,”如果你的爱情还能够使你诌出几句悲悼的诗歌。
~ vi.
1. work,take pains出力,费心。
△Com.3.2. 37:“whylabour you / To make it wander in an unknownfield?”你为什么一定要把它引到一个陌生地方去游历?
2. endeavour,strive尽力,竭力。
△As.1.1.148 (140):“and have by underhand means laboured to dissuadehim from it;”也曾在私下里竭力劝他不要做这件事。
△ Lr.3.1.16:“None but the Fool,who labours to outjest /His heart-strook (= heart-struck) injuries.”只有那个傻子,他竭力说笑话来排解他内心的伤痛。
△ Mac. 1.3.114:“He laboured in his country’s wrack,” i.e. He workedto wreck the vessel of his state; he strove to ruin hiscountry.他力图颠覆自己的国家。
△ Mac. 1. 4. 28:“I havebegun to plant thee,and will labour / To make theefull of growing.”我已经开始栽培你了,并将尽力使你充分成长。
△1H.VI.2.5.80: “They laboured to plant therightful heir,”他们努力拥戴合法继承人就位。
△2H.VI.1.1.181 (180): “Pride went before,Ambition followshim,/While these do labour for their ownpreferment。/ Behooves it us to labour for therealm.”( Pride:i.e.the.Cardinal; Ambition;Buckingham and Somerset. )骄傲前面走,野心后边跟。这些人为他们自己升官晋级而努力,我们却应该为国家而努力。
△2H.VI.3.1.239:“The King will labour still to savehis life;”国王定要不断努力救他的性命。
△2H.VI.3.2.137:“My thoughts that labour to persuade my soul /Some violent hands were laid on Humphrey's life!”我这些思想竭力使自己内心相信有什么强暴的手害了亨弗雷的性命!
△H.VIII.3.2.191 (190): “I do profess,. That foryour Highness’ good I ever laboured More thanmine own:”我大胆启奏,我为了陛下的利益而尽心竭力,远远超过我个人的利益。
3. work hard.toil,make painful effort 艰苦工作,苦干.进行辛苦的努力。
△Lr.4.6.2: “You do climb up itnow. Look how we labour.”你现在正在往山上爬。看我们多么吃力。
△2H.IV.2.2.32(28):“How ill it follows,after you have laboured so hard,you should talk so i-dlely!”(laboured so hard:referring to the prince's ex-ertions at the Battle of Shrewsbury.) 在你出力打仗(又译:辛苦工作)之后,竟说出这样无聊的话来,真是太不好了!
4.❶endeavour,work hard努力,艰苦工作。
❷sufferthe pains of childbirth,travail 经受产前阵痛,临产。
△Oth.2.1.127: “But my Muse labours,And thusshe is delivered. ”但是我的诗神已在努力工作(双关:已经临产),现在可以说出来了(双关:现在这样生出来了)。


指妊娠28周以后,胎儿及其附属物(胎盘、胎膜 、脐带、羊水等)由子宫内排出的过程。正常分娩过程分为3个阶段,即从临产到子宫颈口开全,到胎儿娩出,再到排出附属物,称为3个产程。全过程对初产妇约为13小时,对经产妇约为6~7小时。





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