knownpa. p. 1. perceived,noticed察觉,注意。 △1H.VI.4.5.23:“My worth unknown,no loss is known in me.”我本来是无名之人,死了也微不足道。 2. i.e. known to oneself,conscious(自己)明明知道,意识到。 △Lr.1.1: “Yet better thus,and known to becontemned,” i.e. and being conscious of being de-spised. 明明知道自己受人鄙视,这样还算是好的。 3. recognized认出。 △Lr.4.7.9: “Yet to be knownshortens my made intent,”现在就露出本相会妨害我的既定计划。4. recognized as被认为,被承认为。 △ Ado.1.1.72 (71):“to be known a reasonable creature.”可以被认为是有理性的动物。
knownp. a. 1. recognized,acknowledged被承认的,公认的。 △Tw.1.5.102 (95): “a known discreet man,”i.e.a man ofrecognized judgment. 一个公认为明断的人。 2. in public当众的,公开的。 △H.VIII.3.1.84 (85):“Orbe a known friend,”或者公开做我的朋友。 3. experienced经历过的。 △Lr.4.6.227 (222):“by theart of known and feeling sorrows,” i.e. instructed bythe lessons of experienced and heart-felt sorrows. 由于接受了自己经历并衷心感到的忧患的教训。 |