knowledgen. what one knows所知道的事。 △Mac.1.2.6:“Say to the King the knowledge of the broil / Asthou didst leave it.”i.e. Tell the King what you knowas to the state of the battle when you were forced to eave it. 你把你离开战场时所知道的战况报告给国王听。 Phrases: good knowledge: (misused for) of good knowledge有学问。 △H.V.4.7.157(149): “Gower is a good cap-tain,and is good knowledge”,高厄是一个好上尉,很有学问。 have knowledge: be informed得到通知。 △H.VIII.5.3.4 (5.2.39):“Has he had knowledge of it?”他得到通知了吗? (又译:他知道了吗?) knowledge and assurance: assured knowledge确实的了解。 △Lr.3.1.41:“And from some knowledge and as-surance,offer / This office to you. ”凭我对你的确实可靠的了解(又译:因为得到的消息确实可靠),才把这个任务交给你。out of one's knowledge: ❶ unconsciously,senselessly不知不觉地,无知地。 ❷beyond one's ken,beyond one'sfamiliar bearings超出(某人的)知识范围之外,超出(某人的)熟悉方位之外。 △H.V.3.7.147(132):“What a wretch-ed and peevish fellow is this King of England,tomope with his fat-brained followers so far out of hisknowledge!”这个英格兰国王是一个多么可怜而愚蠢的人,大老远地带着他那些傻乎乎的手下们到这里胡里胡涂乱闯! knowledge[ˈnɔlidӠ]n.知识,学识,学问,认识,理解,学力 ◇as for as our knowledge goes就我们所知 come to the knowledge of=come to sb.’s knowledge被某人知道 have no knowledge of 不理解,不认识,不知 to my knowledge我知道…to the best of sb.’s knowledge据某人所知 without the knowledge of不告诉,不通知 ‖ knowledge acquisition知识收集 knowledge at hand现成知识 knowledge base知识库 knowledge-based economy 知识经济 knowledge based on experience以经验为基础的知识 knowledge based on individual percepts以个人知觉为基础的知识 knowledge by acquaintance知觉知识 knowledge by demonstration论证的知识 knowledge by description间接知识 knowledge by intuition直觉知识 knowledge capital知识资本 knowledge concentrated industry知识密集型产业 knowledge-constitution interest对知识构成的兴趣 knowledge economics知识经济 knowledge economy知识经济 knowledge engineering知识工程 knowledge expanse知识膨胀 knowledge explosion知识爆炸 knowledge factory学校 knowledge framework知识框架 knowledge hierarchies知识层次 knowledge industry 知识产业,知识界 Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP)知识创新工程 Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。/ knowledge level知识水平 Knowledge management (KM)知识管理 knowledge occupation知识型职业 knowledge of intelligible forms知性形式的知识 knowledge of matters of facts对事实情况的认识 knowledge of particular facts个别事实的认识 knowledge of results知道结果 knowledge of the market行情 knowledge on national defense国防知识 knowledge overlap知识重叠 knowledge rating scale知识评定量表 knowledge representation知识的表达 knowledge situation 知识状况 knowledge society知识社会 knowledge structure知识结构 knowledge system知识系统 knowledge worker知识工人 knowledgeability n.知识丰富 knowledgeable adj.有学问的,博学的 knowledgeable society知识型社会 knowledgeable sources消息灵通人士 knowledgeably adv. 有知识地 knowledge-intensive adj. 知识密集型的,技术集约型的 knowledgeization n. 知识化 knowledgeware n.智能软件 |