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knowvt. 1. already know,be informed,learn业已知道,得知,获悉。 △Ham.1.2.17:“Now follows that you know,”现在,如各位谅已知道的。 △Ham.1.2.211: “I knew yourfather,/ These hands are not more like.”i.e. notmore like one another. 我认识你的父亲,我这两只手都不能彼此更像了。 2. find out,inquire,ask查明,打听,询问。 △Lr.5.1.1:“Know of the Duke if his last purpose hold,”去探听公爵最后的决定是否还有效。 △Oth.5.1.116: “Prithee,Emilia,/ Go know of Cassio where he supped to-night.”爱米利娅,请你向凯西奥打听一下他今晚在哪里吃的饭。 △L.L.L.5.2.175:“Know their minds,Boyet.”去问问他们的意图,鲍叶特。 3. come to recognize,come to perceive逐渐认出,逐渐察觉。 △1H.IV. 4. 3. 74: “as greatness knows it self,”i.e. as his power gradually recognizes how great it hasbecome. 等到他意识到自己的权势增大。 4. distinguish,recognize辨认,认出。 △Ham.4.5.23:“How should I your true-love know / From another one?”我将怎样去辨别,谁是你的真情郎? △Oth.5.2.199(201):“I scarce did know you,uncle.”我简直认不出你了,姻叔。(按:葛莱西安诺是苔丝狄蒙娜的叔父。) △Mac.4.3.160:“My countryman; but yet I know him not.”我的本国人;但我还认不出他是谁。 △ 2H.IV.2.4.334 (306):“Yea,and you knew me,as you did when you ran a-way by Gadshill.”是的,你识出了我,正像你从盖兹山逃跑的时候认出了我一样。 5. acknowledge承认。 △Ham.5.2.7:“let us knowOur indiscretion sometimes serves us well”,我们得承认,有时冒失一下对我们倒有好处。 6. fully realize or comprehend,understand clearly充分认清或了解,清楚了解。 △2H.VI.3.2. 346:“So get theegone,that I may know my grief;”那么你去吧,这样我才能充分认清我的悲伤。 △H.VIII.2.2.22 (21):“The Kingwill know him one day.”国王总有 一天会了解他(红衣主教)的。 △H.VIII.2.2.23 (22):“Pray God he (i.e.theKing) do,he (i.e.the King)’ll never know himselfelse.” i.e.otherwise he will never learn to understand himself. 愿上帝让国王了解他吧,要不然国王就不知道怎样了解自己。(按:另 一种解释是“要不然主教就不知道他自己是谁了”。) 7. remember回忆。 △2H.VI.3.1.9: “We know thetime since he was mild and affable,/ And if we didbut glance a far-off look,/ Immediately he was uponhis knee,”我们还记得从前那时候,他和蔼可亲,我们只要远远地看他一眼,他就马上屈膝下跪。 8. have sexual intercourse with与…发生性关系。 △Ado.4.1.48:“If I have known her,/ You will say,she didembrace me as a husband,”要是我已经跟她发生了关系,你就会说她不过是委身于她的丈夫。 Phrases: know for: be aware of知道。 △2H.IV.1.2.4:“hemight have moe diseases than he knew for.”他倒可能害着许多病,他自己还不知道呢。 know of: inquire of,find out from,ascertain from 问一问…,从…查明,从…弄清。 △Mid.1.1.68:“Know of your youth,”想一想你的青春。 △Tw. 3. 4. 281 (254):“asto know of the knight what my offence to his is.”从那位骑士那里问清楚我在哪方面得罪了他。 to know: unknown不知道。 △Oth.1.2.19: “’Tis yetto know —”现在(大家)还不知道。 know[nəu]v. 了解,认识,分辨,知道,熟悉,认出,确信 ◇ all one knows尽全力 be in the know了解情况 be known as以…知名,被认为是…/be known for因…而出名 be known to因…而众所周知 be known to all众所周知come to know发现,得知 in the know知内情的 it is well known that众所周知 know apart区分,辨别 know a thing or two工作能力很强 know a thing or two明白事理 know better (than)懂得 know black from white有判断力 know by heart牢记 know from区别于,能把…与…区别开来 know how to judge and use people知人善任 know of听说过 know one’s subordinates and make use of them知人善任 know one’s distance有自知之明 know one’s goods内行 know one’s stuff精通业务 know oneself有自知之明,认识自我 know only a little略知一二 know sth. about略知一二 know the ropes知道内情 know without a doubt恍然大悟 Know-Nothing Party一无所知党 make known 发表,公布,使…知道 ‖know clearly洞悉 know-how agreement专门知识协议 know-how contract专有技术合同 /' know-how fee 技术指导费 know-how market专门技术市场 Know More About Your Investment 《投资者应知多点》/Know well熟悉 known component已知的组成部分 known condition已知条件 known error已知错误 known group已知数 known liability已知负债 known loss已知损失 known number已知数 known objects被认识的对象 known quantity已知量 known state已知状态 known substance已知物 known value已知价值 knowing activities in science科学中的认知活动 knowability n. 可知性 knowable adj. 可知的,能认识的 knowables and unknowables可知的与不可知的 know-all adj. 自称百事通的人 knower n. 认识者,理解者 know-how n.技能,经验,实际知识,技术诀窍,专门技能 knowing adj.心照不宣的,聪明的,有知识的,博学的 knowingly adv.有意地,心照不宣地 know-it-all adj.无所不知的,万事通的 known adj. 已知的,著名的 know-nothing adj.一无所知的n.不可知论者 know-nothingism n. 不可知论 knowthemselves n. 自知 |