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单词 difficult
difficult/′dɪfɪkəlt/ adj

(1) 困难的(not easy; hard to do make solve understand etc) [A+to-inf]:a~problem to solve/language to learn/question to answer (a problem~to solve/a language~to learn/a question~to answer) 难解决的问题/难学的语言/难回答的问题;The theory is~to explain. 这一理论很难解释。The matter is~to deal with. 这件事很难处理。The task is~to perform. 这项任务很难完成。We find it (is)~to convince her/to decide between the two. 我们发现很难说服她/在两者中取舍。a problem~of solution 难以解决的问题;a task~of accomplishment 难以完成的任务;an aim~of achievement 难以达到的目的;〖同〗hard;〖反〗easy, simple;

(2) 难以取悦(满足,对付,合作)的((of people)hard to please satisfy deal with or co-operate with):a~child/customer/person 一个难对付的小孩/顾客/人;Don't be~—please give it back to me. 痛快点,把它还给我吧。

(3) 艰难的(having producing many problems troubles etc):A~period lies ahead. 艰难时期即将来临。Times were~during the Depression. 经济大萧条时期很艰难。〖同〗hard, rough;〖反〗easy;

→′difficulty n;

【辨异】difficulthard 都用于描写抗拒人的努力与忍耐的事物。hard(难的,不容易的)是通常用语,如:hard times(艰难时代);difficult尤用于描写需要特殊努力和技能的事物,如:a difficult task(困难的任务)。





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