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单词 jove:


1.i.e. Jupiter,chief god of the Romans周甫,(即)罗马人的主神朱庇特。
△L.L.L. 4. 3. 117 (115): “Thou forwhom e’en Jove would swear / Juno but an Ethiopwere,”周甫见了你之后,也会认为朱诺丑陋。
△Wiv.5.5. 3:“Remember,Jove,thou wast a bull for thy Europa;”周甫,你该记得,你为了你的欧罗巴曾经变作一头公牛。
2. (in place of) God (A statute of 1606 forbade the useof God’s name on the stage.)周甫,(代替)上帝。(1606年英王有令,禁止在舞台上直呼上帝之名。)
△Tw.2.5.190(172):“Jove and my stars be praised!”赞美周甫和我的命星!
△ Tw.2.5.196 (178):“Jove,I thank thee.”周甫,我感谢你。
△Mid.5.1.180 (178): “Jove shield theewell for this!”上天大大保佑你!
Phrases & Expressions:
Jove in a thatched house: a reference to the story(told by Ovid in his“Metamorphoses”) in which thegods Jupiter (Jove) and Mercury visited Phrygia indisguise. The only people that welcomed them andgave them hopitality were a poverty-stricken old cou-ple called Philemon and Baucis,who lived in a humblecottage with a roof made of thatch and reeds.周甫住在草舍中——指奥维德《变形记》中说的一个故事:天神朱庇特与墨丘利一同微服出访弗里吉亚,当地无人接纳,只有一对贫穷的老夫妇菲利门和巴乌希斯在自己茅草屋顶的村舍中热情款待他们。
△As.3.3.10:“O knowledge ill-inhabited worse thanJove in a thatched house!”唉,学问竟装在这么一个人的头脑里,比周甫住在草舍里更坏!
Jove’s dread clamours: i.e. thunder天神的可怕吼叫,(指)雷声。
△Oth.3.3.357 (356):“The immortal Jove’s dread clamours counterfeit,”模仿着上天可怕的雷鸣。
Jove’s spreading tree: i.e.the oak,supreme andpeerless among deciduous trees亭亭如盖的周甫(朱庇特)巨树,(指)橡树(落叶树之王)。
△3H.VI. 5. 2. 14: “Whosetop-branch overpeered Jove’s spreading tree,”它那最高枝曾经俯视着亭亭如盖的周甫巨树。
Jove’s tree: i.e.the oak,being sacred to Jove (Jupi-ter) in Roman mythology周甫的树,指:橡树——在罗马神话中,橡树为周甫(朱庇特)的神树。
△ As.3.2.251 (236):“It may well be called Jove’s tree,when it drops suchfruit.”能落下这样果子的树,真该叫做周甫的神树了。





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