释义 |
jointuren. marriage settlement,settlement of proper-ty made upon a woman to support her in widowhood(结婚时对妻子的)财产授予处理(即关于在丈夫死后妻子应得赡养财产的处理)。 △3H.VI.3.3.135: “And now forthwithshall articles be drawn / Touching the jointure thatyour king must make,”现在,关于你们国王对于妻子财产授予必须做出的处理,立刻就起草条款。 △As.4.1.56 (54):“Ay,of a snail; for though he comes slowly,he car-ries his house on his head; a better jointure I thinkthan you make a woman.”对了,一只蜗牛;因为他虽然来得慢,可是却把他的屋子顶在头上;我想,这是一份比你所能给与一个女人的更好的家产。 △Rom.5.3.297: “This is mydaughter's jointure,for no more / Can I demand.”这就是我女儿出嫁应得的产业,我不能再多要什么了。 |