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单词 difference
difference/′dɪfrəns/ n [-s/ ɪz/]

(1) 差别(异),不同(what makes one person or thing unlike another or different from what he or it was) [C][N(between), N(in/of)]:What's the~between A and B? A与B的差别是什么? tell the~between two things 区别两事物;see/note the~between two things 看出/注意到两事物的差异; There is a great~between them. 他们之间差异很大。There is no~between the twins except in height. 这双胞胎之间除了高矮不同,没什么差别。~in value/colour 价值/颜色的差异;notice a~in sb/sb's behaviour/temperature 注意到某人/某人行为/气温的变化;a~of approach 方法的差异;〖同〗unlikeness, distinction;〖反〗likeness, resemblance, similarity;

(2) 差额(距)(amount or degree in which two things are different or sth has changed) [C U][N(in)(between),N(of)]:There's not much~in price between the two. 两者的价格差不多。What's the~in temperature/weight/ages? 温差/重量差/年龄差距是多少? a~of 10 degrees/3 years/2 feet 差10度/三岁/两英尺;I'll give you $10 now and make up the difference later. 我现在给你10美元,差额回头补齐。

(3) 分歧,争吵(disagreement often involving a quarrel) [C, 常pl][N(between)(over)]:They had a~of opinion over who is right. 在谁对的问题上他们有分歧。settle/iron out~s 消除/消除分歧;mediate~s 调解争吵;They haven't spoken since their~last year. 自去年争吵以来他们没有说过话。have a serious~with one's boss about working methods 与老板就工作方法问题大吵了一架;〖同〗disagreement, argument;〖反〗agreement, harmony;

make a/some/much/no/little difference(to sb) 1) 有/有一些/有很大/没有/几乎没有影响:The sea air has made a great~to her health. 海边的空气对她的健康产生了巨大影响。2) 重要,有关系:It doesn't make much/any/the least/a bit of~to me who you are. 你是谁这对我关系不大/无关紧要/毫无关系/一点关系也没有。What~does it make? 这有什么关系? Does that make any~? —Yes, it makes all that~. 那重要吗?——对,关系重大。

←′differ vi;

→in′difference n 冷淡(漠)





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