释义 |
jealousyn. 1. suspicion,suspicious caution,mistrust猜疑,疑心,疑惑。 △Ado.2.2.50 (49):“jealousy shall be called as-surance,”猜疑被当做了实在。 △ Mid.4.1. 150 (144):“That hatred is so far from jealousy,”仇恨当中竟无一点猜疑。 △Ham. 2. 1. 113 (110):“but beshrew my jeal-ousy!”但是我的疑心病真该死! △Oth.3.3.147:“and oftmy jealousy / Shapes faults that are not,”我的猜疑常常会无中生有设想出人家的差错。 △Mac.4.3.29: “Let notmy jealousies be your dishonours,” 不要让我的猜疑成为你的耻辱。 △2H.IV. Ind. 15:“Rumour is a pipe / Blownby surmises,jealousies,conjectures,” 谣言是由揣测、怀疑、猜想所吹响的一支笛子。 △ H.V.2.2.126: “O,howhast thou with jealousy infected / The sweetness ofaffiance!”啊,你使得怀疑玷污了信任的美德! 2. anxiety,worry,apprehension 焦虑,担心,疑虑。 △Tw.3.3.8: “But jealousy what might befall yourtravel,”i.e.worry as to what might befall your trav-el.担心你在旅途中会发生什么意外。 △Ham.4.5.19:“Sofull of artless jealousy is guilt,”犯罪人多的是愚蠢的疑虑。 |