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issuen. 1. outcome,result,consequence 结果,效果,后果。 △Wiv.3.1.112(109): “let burnt sack be the issue.”喝杯热热的白葡萄酒,就收场了事吧。 △Ado.2.2.30 (29):“Look you for any other issue?”你还希望有别的结果吗? △Ham.1.4.89:“To what issue will this come?”这不知要闹出什么结果? △Lr.1.4.2:“my good intent / Maycarry through itself to that full issue”,我这番苦心也许可以达到完满的结果。 △Oth.2.3.375 (366):“and I thinkthe issue will be,I shall have so much experience formy pains;”我想结果大概是:我费尽辛苦就得到这么一点经验。 △Mac.5.4.21 (20): “But certain issue strokes must arbitrate.”明确的结果还是决定于打仗。 △1H.IV.1.1.61:“Uncertain of the issue any way.”还不能肯定结果如何。 △H.V.5.2.12:“So happy be the issue,brother Eng-land (i.e.the King of England). / Of this good dayand of this gracious meeting,”今天这个美好日子的欢乐聚会,英格兰兄弟,结果一定非常美满。 △R.III.3.7.51 (52):“and if you plead as well for them / As I can say nayto thee for myself,/ No doubt we bring it to a happyissue.”只要你代表他们讲话,也像我代表自己说“不”一样高明,我们就一定能把事情办出一个美满的结果。 △H.VIII.1.1.86:“communication of / A most poor issue”,一场收效甚微的会谈。 △H.VIII.1.2.90:“Things done without exam-ple,in their issue / Are to be feared.”如果办的是没有前例的事,后果怎样,倒值得担心。 △H.VIII.5.1.178 (176):“While ’tis hot,I’ll put it to the issue.”趁热打铁,我非得闹出个结果不可。 2. outcome,conclusion,solution 结果,结局,解决。 △Rom.4.1.65: “Could to no issue of true honourbring.”i.e.Could not bring to an honourable solutionor conclusion. 不能找来一个光荣解决的办法。 △Oth.3. 3.218: “I am to pray you not to strain my speech / Togrosser issues”,我得求你不要把我的话引申到更明显的结论。 △Oth.1.3.369 (362):“Wilt thou be fast to myhopes,if I depend on the issue?”假如我指望着这种结局,你真能帮我到底吗? 3. fortune,luck; outcome命运,运气;结果。 △Ado.5.3.32;“And Hymen now with luckier issue speed’s”,愿婚姻之神赐给我们较好的运气(又译:结果)。 4. point,end 中心意思,目的。 △ 1H.IV.2.4.103 (91):“Come,what’s the issue?”i.e. what’s the point of itall?来,说一说其中的用意? 5. offspring,descendants后代,后裔。 △Mac.4.1.87:“That rises like the issue of a king,”像国王的后嗣一样升起来。 △Mac.4.3.106:“the truest issue of thythrone”,你的王位的真正继承人。 △H.V.5.2.376 (348):“Take her,fair son,and from her blood raise up /Is-sue to me,”把她拿去吧,贤婿,从她的血肉中给我生养后代。 △1H.VI.5.5.70:“Her valiant courage and undaunt-ed spirit,/ More than in women commonly is seen,/Will answer our hope in issue of a king.”她那在女人们身上很少看见的勇敢性格和无畏精神也符合我们对于国王子嗣的希望。 △2H.VI.2.2.31:“For Richard,the first son’sheir,being dead,/ The issue of the next son shouldhave reigned.”因为长子的继承人理查既然死了,次子的后代就应该即位。 △R.III.4.4.56:“that this carnal cur / Preyson the issue of his mother’s body!”这条嗜血的恶狗竟然捕食他自己母亲所生的后嗣。 6. offspring,children后代,儿女,子孙。 △Mid.5.2. 35(5.1.405):“And the issue,there create,/ Ever shallbe fortunate.”那床上生出的子孙,会永远得到幸运。 △ Lr.1.1.68 (66): “To thine and Albany’s issue/Be this perpetual.”这让你和奥本尼的子孙永远享有。 △Lr. 4. 3. 36(34): “Else one self mate and make could not beget / Such different issues.”不然的话,同一对夫妻不能生出来这样不同的儿女。 △3H.VI.2.2. 21 : “He but a duke,would have his son a king / And raise his issue like aloving sire;”他不过是一个公爵,却想使他的儿子做国王,并且像一个慈爱的父亲那样竭力提高子孙的身份。 7. offspring,i.e. child or children后代,孩子。 △Ado.4.1.133 (131):“Why had I not with charitable hand /Took up a beggar’s issue at my gates …?”为什么我没有在门口伸出慈善的手来收养一个乞丐的孩子呢? 8. offspring,i.c.sons后代,(指)儿子们。 △ 2H.IV.5.2.14: “Here come the heavy issue of dead Harry.”i.e.the sorrowful sons of the late king Henry. 已故亨利王的悲伤的儿子们来了。 9.❶outcome结果。 ❷offspring产物,后代。 △Lr. 1.1.17:“I cannot wish the fault undone.the issue of it being so proper.”我却不能愿意你不犯那过错,既然它产生的结果是这么漂亮。
issuevi. 1.pass out,go out,get out出去。 △Wiv.4.2.54 (52):“none shall issue out;”谁也出不去。 2. flow,i.e. shed tears,weep流出,(指)流泪,哭泣。 △H.V. 4.6.33: “For hearing this,I must perforcecompound / With mistful eyes,or they will issuetoo.”因为听了这番话,我也不得不跟我的泪水迷蒙的眼睛尽量妥协,否则它们也要泪如雨下了。 3. get out,sally forth出去,冲出。 △3H.VI 1.2.69:“Let’s set our men in order,/ And issue forth and bidthem battle straight.”让我们整顿好人马,立刻冲出去对他们应战。 △3H.VI.5.1.62:“Stand we in good array,forthey no doubt / Will issue out again and bid us bat-tle;”我们还是摆好阵势,因为他们一定还要冲出来跟我们作战的。 issue out: get out,sally forth出去,冲出。 △1H.VI.4.2.19: “For I protest we are well fortified / Andstrong enough to issue out and fight.”因为我断言我们防御坚固而且兵力强大,可以冲出去与你作战。 issue[ˈisju:]n.发行,颁布,出版,报刊的期,号,问题,论点,结局/ v.颁布,发行,出版,发布,颁发,分发,下达 ◇at issue在争论中,不和 in issue在争论中 in the issue结束,到头 issue in full全部换发 issue in kind实物分发 mediate the issue调解纠纷 take issue with sb. on sth.就某事与某人讨论 ‖ back issue过期刊物 issue above par按面额发行 issue a circular order发布通令 issue advertising观点广告 issue a receipt开收据 issue at a discount按折扣发行 issue at face value按高出面值价格发行 issue at market price以市场价格发行 issue at par按面额发行 issue at the market price 按市价发行 issue a warrant出票,发出认股书 issue bank发行银行 issue below par按低于面额发行 issue bonds发行债券 issue broker发行经纪人 issue by current price时价发行 issue by denominations按面价发行 issue by tender竞价发行,招标发行债券 issue cost发行成本 issue date发行日 issue debenture发行债券 issue department发行部 issue diplomas recklessly滥发文凭 issue discount shopping coupons to promote sales发优惠券以促销 issue equity theory发行份额理论 issue market证券发行市场 issue money货币投放 issue number期号 issue of bank notes钞票发行 issue of bill of exchange签发汇票 issue of bonds at a premium溢价发行债券 issue of check开支票 issue of debentures发行公司债券 issue of fact事实上的争论点 issue of law法律上的争论点 issue of letter of credit开出信用证 issue of loan发行公债 issue of policy开出保险单 issue of public loan发行公债 issue of securities证券发行 issue of shares发行股票 issue order分发通知 issue paper money发行纸币 issue price发行价(格)/ issue share发行股票 issue shares and bonds发行股票 issue slip物资调拨单 issue stock发行股票 issue tax发行税 issue term发行条件 issue to shareholder按股分配 issue value发行价值 issue volume发行量 issue volume 发行量 issue voucher发货单 latest issue最新版 issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers“三农”问题 issues of sociology社会学专题讲座 issues orientation议题取向 issued at par平价发行 issued at premium溢价发行 issued capital已发行股本 issued capital stock已发行的股份 issued equity share capital已发行权益股本 issued for immediate use发货供即时使用 issued price发行价 issued share capital已发行股本 issued stock已发行的股票 issuing account发行账户 issuing agency出版发行机构 issuing authority发证机关 issuing bank开证银行,发行银行 issuing bay发货仓 issuing company发行公司 issuing corporation代筹发行证券的公司 issuing counter发货处 issuing credit开立信用证 issuing date开证日期,发行日期 issuing department签发部门,供应部门 issuing estoppel讼争论点不容推翻 issuing house承销公司 issuing office售票室 issuing order of commendation通令嘉奖 issuing point物资分发站 issuing point acceptance credit发行地点承兑信用证 issuing station售票站 issuing too many documents and holding too may meetings文山会海 issuable adj.可争论的,可发行的,可能发生的 issuance n.发行,颁布 issuance between interest dates为付息而发行债券 issuance of a note签发票据 issuance of bill of letter开出提单 issuance of currency货币发行 issuance of letter of credit开出信用证 issuance of new equity shares发行新股票 issuance of paper money发行纸币 issuance of preferred stock发行优先股 issuance of share above par股票超过票面金额的发行,溢价发行 issuance price证券发行价格 issueless adj.无可争辩的,无子女的,无结果的 issuer n. 出票人,发行人,发行公司 issuer electronic filing system发行人电子存盘系统 issuer of bond债券发行人 issuer register发行人登记册 issuers and professional advisers survey 《发行人及专业顾问意见调查》 issuer’s cash option发行人可选择支付现金,发行人现金选择权 |