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单词 invention


1. mental activity,power of devising智力活动,谋划能力。
△Ado.4.1.196(194):“Nor age so eat up my in-vention.”年纪还没有吞掉我的神志(又译:智慧)。
2. thoughts,notions,ideas 思想,想法,念头。
△ As.4.3.35 (34):“such giant-rude invention.” 这种粗暴无比的念头。
3. faculty of thinking and discovering something敏悟能力。
△Oth.4.1.199(189):“Of so high and plente-ous wit and invention!”这样聪明出众、敏悟过人!
4. imagination,imaginative faculty 想像,想像力。
△Ado.5.1.286 (273): “what penance your invention / Can lay upon my sin;”凡你所能想得出的惩治我的罪恶的刑罚。
5. premeditated design or plan,previous search forsubject matter预谋的计划,事先找好的题目。
△1H.VI.3.1.5:“Do it without invention,suddenly;”你就当场说出来,不要有什么预谋。
6. contrivance,device 设计,手段。
△ Wiv.3.5.88 (85):“in her invention,and Ford's wife's distraction,they conveyed me into a buck-basket.”她心生一计,福德的老婆也慌了神儿,她们就把我装进一只脏衣服篓子里。
7. plan,scheme,stratagem 计划,方案,计策。
△Shr.11.194 (190): “Both our inventions meet and jump inone.”i.e.Our schemes meet and agree with each oth-er. 我们两个人的打算不谋而合。
△Lr.1.2.20: “And myinvention thrive.” 我的计划顺利。
△3H.VI.4.1.34:“What if both Lewis and Warwick be appeased / Bysuch invention as I can devise?” 只要能用我设计的方案把路易和沃里克抚慰一下,又会怎么样呢?
8. stratagem,trickery 计策,诡计。
△Tw.5.1.355(343): “the most notorious geck and gull / That e'erinvention played on?”被人圈套所愚弄的最大傻瓜。
9. fabrication,fiction,invented story捏造,虚构,编造的故事。
△Mac.3.1.32 (31 ): “filling their hearersWith strange invention. ”i.e. filling the ears of their hearers with strange and untrue stories. 向人传播离奇的谎话。
△As.4.3.30 (29): “This is a man’s inventionand his hand.”这是一个男人编造出来的东西,而且还是男人的笔迹。
10. inventive faculty,imagination 创造才能,想像力。
△As.2.5. 46:“I’ll give you a verse to this note,thatI made yesterday in despite of my invention.”i.e.inspite of my lack of imagination. 我虽然思路迟钝,昨天按这个调子也填了一节词,我要念给你听。
△Tw.3.2.48 (43): “It is nomatter how witty,so it be eloquent and full of inven-tion.”无须说俏皮话,只要流畅而独创就成。
12. poetic creation or imagination诗歌创作,诗意想像。
△H.V.1.Prol.1:“O,for a Muse of fire,that wouldascend/The brightest heaven of invention!”i.e.O. for powerful inspiration that would rise to the mostbrilliant heights of imagination! 啊,但愿能如火焰般升腾的缪斯女神,带领我们登上光辉灿烂的天堂!
13. artistic or literary faculty; literary composition (文艺)创作能力;文学作品。
△Ado.5.1.296 (283):“aught insad invention,”i.e.funeral poem. 悲悼的诗歌,哀诗。
△Tw.5.1.345 (333):“Or say ’tis not your seal,noryour invention.”或是说那不是你的印,那不是你的大作。





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