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单词 development
development/dɪ′veləpmənt/ n

(1) 发展(育),成(增)长;显露(现);显影;开发(developing or being developed) [U]:the~of a seed into a plant/a shop into a big business 种子发育成作物/商店发展成大企业;encourage the~of small business 鼓励小型企业的发展;study the~of man/animal life/science/economy/industry/education 研究人类/动物生活/科学/经济/工业/教育的发展;the~of photographic films 胶卷的冲洗;land that is ready for~可开发的土地;be under~在发展中;〖同〗expansion, progress, growth, increase, evolution;

(2) 发展的新阶段,新进展(new stage or event)[C]:the latest (recent)~s in the murder trial/the case/the continuing crisis/the scientific fields/the research/the talk/medicine 凶杀审判/案件/持续危机/科学领域/研究/会谈/医学的最新进展;await further~s 等待进一步的发展;〖同〗event, advance;

(3) 新产品(发明)(sth new which is the result of developing)[C]:The new car is an exciting new~. 这辆新汽车是令人兴奋的新产品。The new rice is a~from a very old kind of rice. 这种水稻新品种是从一古老的品种培育而成。There have been several new~s since this spring/in the search for a cure. 今春以来/一种疗法的探索方面有了好几项新发明。important new~s in the scientific field科学领域新的重要发明;

(4) 开发区(developed piece of land with new buildings on it)[C]:a commercial/new~商业开发区/新开发区;~area开发区;

← de′velop v;

→ de͵velop′mental adj 进化的





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