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单词 intent


1. intention意图。
△Lr.1.1. 40 (38): “our fast in-tent”,i.e. my fixed intention. 我的确定的意图;我的决心。
△Lr.5.3.298 (297): “You lords and noble friends,know our intent.”诸位大人和尊贵的朋友们,请明白我们的意图。
△2H.IV. 3.1.72: “Though then,God knows,Ihad no such intent,”虽然,上帝知道,那时候我并没有这种意图。
△2H.IV.4.1.9: “Their cold intent,tenour,andsubstance thus:” 其中冷淡的意图、含意和内容是这样的。
△1H.VI.4.1.102: “For though he seem with forgedquaint conceit / To set a gloss upon his bold intent.”因为,虽然他好像要用虚伪的花言巧语来掩饰他那狂妄的意图。
△1H.VI.5.5.19: “She is content to be at yourcommand; / Command,I mean,of virtuous chasteintents,”她愿意听从你的指挥——我的意思是说,听从贤德而贞洁的意图的指挥。
△R.III.3.5.68 (69): “Which,sinceyou come too late of our intent,/ Yet witness whatyou hear we did intend.”这件事嘛,就我们的本意而言,你来晚了一步,不过你还是可以根据你所听到的话为我们的意图作证。
2. intention,import意图,含意。
△ 1H.VI.5.1.3: “Ihave,my lord,and their intent is this. ”我读过了,陛下,信里的大意是这样。
3. inclination,desire,wish倾向,愿望,希望。
△Ado.1.1.202(193):“But I hope you have no intent to turnhusband,have you?”不过我希望你不是想要做起丈夫来了吧?
△2H.IV.5.5.104 (98):“He hath intent his wont-ed followers / Shall all be very well provided for.” 他的意思是希望他平时的那些伙伴们都能得到很好的安排。
4. purpose,object目的,目标。
△1H.IV.5.2.87: “thearms are fair / When the intent of bearing them isjust.”只要我们拿起武器的目的是正义的,这武器就是光荣的。
△ 2H.VI.3.2.251: “Free from a stubboin oppositeintent,”完全没有什么桀骜不驯的敌对目的。
5. plan计划。
△Rom.5.3.154: “Hath thwarted ourintents.” i.e. Has frustrated our plans. 已经打乱了我们的计划。
△R.III.1.1.148 (149): “And if I fail not inmy deep intent,/ Clarence hath not another day tolive.”只要我的阴险计划得逞,克拉仑斯就不能再活一天。
△2H.VI.3.1.355:“And,for a minister of my in-tent ,”为了给我的计划找一个代理人。
6. design图谋。
△Lr.2.1.66 (64):“When I dissuadedhim from his intent,”当我劝他放弃他那种图谋。
△Mac.1.7.25: “I have no spur / To prick the sides of myintent,” (Macbeth speaks as if his purpose were ahorse and he a rider.)我没有马刺来激励我自己的图谋。
close intent: secret design,concealed purpose秘密计划,隐蔽目的。
△R.III.1.1.156 (157): “The which willI,not all so much for love / As for another secretclose intent,/ By marrying her which I must reachunto.”我要这么做,不完全是为了什么爱,而是为了另外一个秘密计划,只有娶了她才能办成。





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