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单词 intend


1. mean打算。
△Ham.2.1.5:“My lord,I did intend it.”老爷,我正打算这样。
△1H.VI.3.1.141:“So help me God! As I intend it not.”i. e. do not intend to dissemble. 上帝保佑我! 我也不打算伪装。
△R.III. 4.4.238:“AsI in tend more good to you and yours (i.e.yourrelations)/ Than ever you or yours by me wereharmed.”因为我打算给你和你的亲属更多的好处,以弥补我过去给你们造成的伤害。
△H.VIII.Pro. 21: “To make thatonly true we now intend,”i.e.To make what we aredesigning to present nothing but the truth.使我们所要表演的只有真情实事。
2. design谋划。
△2H.VI.4.4.36: “All scholars,law-yers,courtiers,gentlemen,/ They call false caterpil-lars,and intend their death.”他们把一切读书人、律师、朝臣、绅士都叫做奸诈的寄生虫,并且计划把他们全都处死。
△R.III.3.1.157 (158): “Thou art sworn as deeply toeffect what we intend”,你曾经真心发誓要执行我们谋划的事。
3. mean,design to express,signify by one’s words意指,打算表示,话中意味着。
△Lr.5.1.7:“You know thegoodness I intend upon you.”你知道我对你怀着的好意
△Lr.5.1.65:“As for the mercy,which he intendsto Lear and to Cordelia,/ The battle done,and theywithin our power,/ Shall (=They shall) never seehis pardon.”至于他对李尔和对考狄利娅所表示的顾怜,等战争结束,他们落在我们手里,他们休想得到他的赦免。
4. imply,direct暗含,指示。
△2H.IV.4.1.166 (164):“That is intended in the general’s name.”他既有主将的名义,这一点自然是不言而喻的。
5. direct,purpose making把…指向,打算进行。
△ Wiv.2.1.187 (181):“If he should intend this voyage towards my wife.”如果他真有意对我的老婆进行勾搭。
6. offer提出。
△ Mid.3.2.333:“if thou dost intendNever so little show of love to her,”如果你胆敢对她表示那么一丁点儿的爱情。
7. pretend,simulate,affect假装,冒充,佯装。
△Ado.2.2.35: “intend a kind of zeal both to the Prince andClaudio”,假装作对亲王和克劳狄欧两个都很热心的样子。
△ Shr.4.1.206 (203): “I intend / That all is done inreverend care of her,”我假装说这样做全都是为了爱护她。
△ R.III.3.7.44 (45):“Intend some fear;/Be notyou spoke (=spoken) with but by mighty suit;”要装出一副凛然不可侵犯的样子;不经过他们迫切恳求,你不要接见他们。
△R.III.3.5.8:“Intending deep suspicion,ghastlylooks / Are at my service,like enforced smiles;”我可以随意装出深切的猜疑、可怕的脸相,就像装出勉强的微笑一样方便。
8. hear,understand听见,懂得。
△Wiv.1.4.47(46):“Do intend vat I speak?”听懂我的话了吗?
~ vi.
1.incline,tend,be apt (to cause) 倾向,趋向,易于(引起)。
△2H.IV.1.2.7:“The brain of this foolish-com-pounded clay,man,is not able to invent any thingthat intends to laughter more than I invent or is in-vented on me.”愚蠢的泥块——人类的头脑想不出什么引人发笑的东西,除非是我所想出来的以及别人因我才想出来的笑料
2. intend to come,be on the point of setting out打算来,正要出发。
△1H.IV.4.1.91: “The King himself inperson is set forth,/ Or hither wards intended speedi-ly,”国王已经亲自出马,或者说很快就要向这里进发。


◇intend for打算给…,打算作…用途
‖ intended consequence想要后果
intended duration of stay居留期限
intended family size想要子女数
intended grouping所要组合
intended impact area预定弹着区
intended interpretation所要的解释
intended landing area预定着陆场
intended side effect预期副作用
intended target指定目标
intended target area预定空袭目标区
intended track预定航线
intendance n.监管,乐队队长,指挥
intendancy n.监管人员,监管范围
intendant n.监管者,经理
Intendant of Finance财政监察官
Office of Intendant总监
intendment n.intent n.企图,打算,计划,创作意图,构思,意图,目的,含义,正当的解释
◇ be intent on (upon)专心致志于…决定,做…/ of intent有心地,故意地,有意识地
to all intents and purposes实际上,实质上
intendment of law法律含义
intention n.企图,动机,目的,含义,创作意图,构思,概念
◇by intention存心,故意
have no intention of无意于…/without intention无意地
with the intention of打算,企图做…/ agreement of intention意向协议
contract of intention合同意向
declaration of intention意向宣言
good intentions善意
intention agreement意向协定
intention movement意向运动
intention of attack进攻企图
intention of testator嘱人的意图
intention to pass传球意图
intention visible可见的意图
letter of intention意向书
intentional adj.有意图的,故意的
intentional abortion故意流产
intentional act故意行为,意向活动
intentional base on balls有意让垒
intentional behaviour意向行为
intentional concept意向性概念
intentional context意向关系域
intentional delay of the game故意拖延比赛(时间)/intentional entity意向实体
intentional fallacy意向性的谬误
intentional foul故意犯规
intentional imitation有意的模仿
intentional inexistence意向的非存在
intentional jamming人为干扰
intentional learning有目的的学习
intentional object表象的客体
intentional offense 故意犯罪
intentional off-side有意造成的越位
intentional pass投手故意送击球员上垒
intentional response故意反应
intentional slice定向曲线球
intentional slice定向曲线球
intentional state意向形态
intentional theory of meaning意义的意向性理论
intentional tort故意侵权行为
intentional tripping有意绊脚
intentionalism n.意向论
intentionalist n.意向论者
intentionalistic adj. 意向论的
intentionalistic explanation意向论说明
intentionalitat n.意向性
intentionality n. 故意性,意向性
intently adv.专心致志地





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